Declaration of use Policy
When purchasing our products you MUST agree to the terms and conditions of this policy.
You, the buyer of the products, can confirm that you are over the age of 18 years old and you will take all reasonable steps to ensure the products are used responsibly and are not supplied to anyone under the age of 18. Cream Canisters reserves the right to serve anyone who is under the age of 18.
You understand it is your responsibility to follow the guidelines of use correctly and that the misuse of Nitrous Oxide carries a risk of serious health consequences if inhaled. These risks are; narcosis, asphyxiation, and potentially death. Cream Canisters will not accept responsibility for the incorrect use of our products.
You will take all reasonable precautions if you intend on re-selling this product, to ensure that your buyers are aware of the correct usage of the products and have no intention of misuse.
You confirm you are aware of the hazardous nature of Nitrous Oxide and will take all necessary precautions in regards to the transportation, storage and disposal of products containing compressed gases.
You understand and will ensure that canisters of compressed Nitrous Oxide should NEVER be put on board an aircraft, heated in anyway, or pierced by anything other than a cream whipper dispenser.
You will ensure that any signage, labelling or information you produce which may relate to the products we have supplied to you, clearly explains its catering use and does not suggest any other use.
Any damages or shortage in delivery from your orders with Cream Canisters must be reported