Toughest, longest running, and highest paying Wekly Tournament in South Louisiana! It's time for THE weekly 8 Ball Tournament! Today continues with week 12 of the 16 week qualifiers. You only need 5 plays to qualify for the $1,000 added finale!
The calcutta starts for 4:00. You must be signed up before the calcutta starts. If you're running late that's fine, just message me or call the bar before 4:00 to let me know you're on the way. If you are not on the list, you are not playing. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Shootout Qualified Players
Brandon Grace
Bubba Brock
Don O'Connor
Hector R
Jamie Farrell
Joe Aguzin Jr
Joey A
Oscar H
Robbie Casse
Ruben Villagran
Tiffany Benoit
The 10 Ball Break+Run Pot starts at $4,470 before ticket sales. We have now paid out over $50,000 in winnings, you could be next! Tickets are $2 a piece, receive a free one with every five purchased.
10 Ball Break+Run Challenge Hall of Fame
-Current Record Holder: Roger Rush Jr $2,000
1.) Josh Murphy $63
2.) Jamie Camardelle $324
3.) Jared Malbrough $351
4.) Robbie Casse $408
5.) Robbie Casse $500
6.) Dustin Ballard $1,000
7.) K-Bob $67
8.) DJ Clark $156
9.) Marco Montes $500
10.) Michael Gore $500
11.) Jose Rodriguez $402
12.) Lil D $369
13.) Lil D $1,000
14.) Diego $1,000
15.) Eddie Brown $1,000
16.) Richard Lienhop $500
17.) Lil D $500
18.) Chris Brown $250
19.) Eddie Brown $239
20.) Paul Headrick $945
21.) Austin Ford $1,000
22.) Cody Morgan $1,256
23.) Glenn Robin $500
24.) Zach Marquardt $125
25.) Roger Rush Jr. $2,000
26.) Josh Murphy $500
27.) Ricky Louviere $500
28.) Jimmy Maradiaga $1,000
29.) Diego $268
30.) Jose Rodriguez $84
31.) Chris Brown $500
32.) Donnie Miller $1,000
33.) Happy Fry $362
34.) Richie Rich $700
35.) Robbie Casse $1,000
36.) Roger Rush Jr. $1,500
37.) Blair Richardson $308
38.) Gerald Mendez $1,000
39.) Robbie Casse $504
40.) Keith Robinson $500
41.) Don O'Connor $133
42.) Neil Bobal $272
43.) Robbie Casse $293
44.) Satur $1,500
45.) Paul Headrick $144
46.) Satur $500
47.) James Daw $1,500
48.) Drew Jordan $1,000
49.) Jeremy Figaro $146
50.) Glenn Robin $164
51.) Rueben Villagran $500
52.) Jamie Camardelle $500
53.) Don O'Connor $500
54.) Jimmy Maradiaga $500
55.) Devin Arnoult $250
56.) Francisco $500
57.) Joey A $403
58.) Robbie Casse $429
59.) Diego $448
60.) Francisco $500
61.) Diego $1,242
62.) Joey A $376
63.) Jimmy Maradiaga $1,000
64.) Robbie Casse $1,000
65.) Jimmy Maradiaga $914
66.) Richie Richeson $1,000
67.) Diego $1,500
68.) Richard Lienhop $1,000
69.) Francisco Diaz $187
70.) Jimmy Maradiaga $500
71.) Robbie Casse $500
72). Jimmy Maradiaga $149
73.) Elton $106
74.) Jeremy Marcello $1,000
75.) Joey A. $1,000
76.) Hector $190
77.) Jimmy Maradiaga $500
78.) David Strawn $500
79.) Brandon Loupe $1,000
80.) Robbie Casse $424
81.) Ruben Villagran $420
82.) Marco Montes $500
83.) Zach Marquardt $116
84.) Diego $500
85.) Francisco $136
86.) Eddie Brown $531
87.) Ramone $500
88.) Jimmy Maradiaga $1,000
89.) Don O'Connor $63
90.) Zach Marquardt $500
91.) Joey A $500
92.) Mayo $455
93.) Painter Ludwig $440
94.) Robbie Casse $918
Break+Run eligibility rules as of 8/25/19
All players must play AND purchase tickets in their name for a minimum of five tournaments since 3/31/19 to be eligible for all of the money. Players with under five plays will only be eligible for 50% of the pot. This gives the players who have put their money in the pot week after week a chance at bigger money. Every $5,000 starts a new pot. If the overflow is under $500, we will hold the extra until it reaches that amount. That way players can break for at least $50 a ball in the overflow pots. You CANNOT be pulled more than once. We guarantee multiple people will be pulled with multiple pots. No pros allowed to participate in the 10 Ball Break+Run.