It’s almost Valentine’s Day get your orders in now!! So excited for this year and all the new options I have! Message me to order💕
But of course with all success you have to have something to back fire….. this order for 60 some shirts I got screwed over! You think people are nice and they mean well, but instead I had someone take advantage of me and keep 175 from this order. They was suppose to be $11 a shirt (bulk order) but then some people wanted to size up thats no biggie but I already made them so I’d have to charge $13 instead and the woman helping me gather the order decided she was going to keep the extra $2 per shirt……so by then end I worked my ass off for two weeks just to get shorted and blocked……I was very excited to work with the football team, cheer team and coach’s but it really ended up a mess and this is why you can’t trust people now a days! I worked hard to earn that money and it hurts to know someone who just took the order kept so much and done it saying “if I buy something from Walmart I can sell it for more” well this is a small business and if that’s how you feel your low!  so with that being said if you ordered one of these shirts the woman that took your size and name charged $2 more just to pocket the money!
What’s poppin took over Waffle House with these shirts and I’m obsessed with how they turned out I’m so glad I got to work with them to make these happen!