Kaua’i is home to hundreds of talented artists, soulful musicians and culinary magicians!
Twice a month, anywhere from 30-40+ of them come together to showcase their #kauaimade work and invite the public to enjoy the festivities of a #kauainightmarket 🌟🌙
🗓 Mark your calendars for these upcoming markets featuring local Kaua’i makers!
North Shore Kaua’i:
Every 2nd Sunday at 4-8pm in @princevillecenter for @princevillenightmarket
Last 3 of 2022: OCT 9th, NOV 13th, DEC 11th
South Shore Kaua’i:
Every 3rd Saturday at 4-8pm in @oldkoloa for @oldkoloatownmarket
Last 3 of 2022: OCT 15th, NOV 19th, DEC 17th
This is a small glimpse of some of the talent and food vendors at these markets:
@jocksphotos @northshorekoa @kickshaws808 @pookelasausageco @abeskauaiphoto @cheyjewels
@flux_ceramics @willmcdono
#supportlocalkauai #princevillenightmarket #princevillekauai #oldkoloatownmarket #koloanightmarket #southsidekauai #poipubeach #oldkoloatown #visitkauai #thingstodokauai #kauai #handmadejewelry #hawaiiphotography #travelkauai #shoplocal #supportartists #livemusickauai #kauaifood
Old Kōloa Town is looking forward to welcoming 35 local Kaua’i artisans, food booths, and live music THIS SATURDAY, Sept 17th @oldkoloatownmarket from 4-8pm.
This market only happens ONCE a month! Don’t miss it!
Say, “Aloha” to their vendors (lots of new ones at this market!) stretched out from the Waikomo Courtyard, near @thefreshshave and @crazyshirtskoloa under the monkeypod tree, to the lawn behind @koloadancehouse and the new boutique, @orchidmoonboutique.
👀 Look for all the white tents at the corner of Kōloa Rd. and Po’ipū Rd. near the Texaco Gas Station.
See you there!
Sept 17th | 4-8pm
#kauaihawaii #kauaimusic #whattodokauai
#kauaimadeproducts #southshorekauai
#southsidekauai #vacationkauai #kauaievents
#kauaifoodtruck #kauaimade
#southsidesaturdays #kauai #outdoormarket #oldkoloatown #koloavillage
#poipu #kauainightmarket #koloanightmarket
#kauaievents #shopkauai
#poipubeach #familyevent #supportlocalartists