Hey y’all! The Luna Crew has been BUSY and I feel like I finally have a moment to pop back in and say hi 💖 I wanted show my gratitude for all of our supporters and clients out there.
When I was starting this passion project (yes, it started from passion but quickly became so much more) back in 2020 I had a dream to make espresso accessible anywhere fun times are being had. Each week leading up to starting my business, I listened to a podcast about the people behind some of the biggest companies and brands of today. I quickly realized at some point of their journey they too didn’t know one single thing about owning a business and therefore was wondering what was stopping myself. So I said to heck with it, let’s do the damn thing ☕️ Which kind of (a complete understatement) backfired with the pandemic happening one month into business.
Fast forward to 2023 and not only has my business seen immense growth but I myself have grown through the up, downs, anxiety, uncertainty, endless concerns/questions and sleepless nights.
I’m giving myself space as a first generation high school and college graduate, q***r, Latinx woman and entrepreneur. I trust this process (and more importantly myself and my vision) and am incredibly grateful for all of you booking, supporting and championing our coffee cart.
I will continue to nurture and grow this lil business of mine and hope you stay on this adventure with us. This is just the start. We have so many exciting things to share with you. Thank you for supporting and sipping with us.