Dziś wieczorem, kiedy wybrzmią ostatnie dźwięki w ramach Połamana Lekkość Bitu w Radio Afera hostowanej przez 'the one & only' Alegria uprzejmie zapraszam do swoich czterech ścian wypełnionych smakiem czarnego wosku z odrobiną kurzu delikatnie wykończonego czerwonym winem.
Bardzo szanuję podejście do tematu i kontekst jaki przyświeca panom stojącym za inicjatywą Evening Selection więc możliwość nagrania tego guest mixu była dla mnie sporym wyróżnieniem! Poza tym to po prostu spoko goście - to ten typ, który muzykę ma zwyczajnie w domu 🙌
To, tylko to i aż to, dziś po 22.00 na falach Radio Kapitał 🌊
No i zapomniałbym - wytrawnym raverom polecam zdjąć trampki bo całość to 'evening' nie tylko z nazwy 😜
Another 4 weeks are behind us all. Given the incessant news cycle we live in, those 28 days may have brought:
- the end of the world;
- the beginning of time;
- a bunch of other, absolutely huge and mindblowing events.
Everything nowadays needs to be of absolute proportions.
Music genres are prone to exactly the same overblown nonsense - just look at jungle and drum&bass; two genres that were pretty much buried countless times...only to magically reappear pretty much the following day. However, as things stand, that boom&bust cycle doesn't concern good jungle and drum&bass music, which is the only type of jungle and drum&bass music we concern ourselves with.
So yeah, we at Evening Selection HQ try not to give in to that binary way of judging music genres. We know for a fact that STC - who joins us tonight for yet another show @ Radio Kapitał - holds exactly the same views. He is one of the select few DJs we know who reaches for the oldschool tunes and makes them sound as relevant as they were all those years back. Great music needs time to fluorish and some space to breath.
In exactly the same spirit we look back on some of our favourite cuts from back in the day, going back all the way to mid-90s masterpieces from Blu Mar Ten, SOURCE DIRECT, and Future Engineers / Transference, as well as some more recent offerings from the likes of Breakage and Loxy. Well, 'recent' depends on your perspective, as in our book that meant going back to 2006.
That long and quasi-philosophical intro means only thing - tune in to the November radioshow @ www.radiokapital.pl tonight at 10PM CET w/ special guest - STC.