Book for 2025 in the month of January and double your Friends of Bouncers booking points.
What does this mean? When you go to our website and join Friends of Bouncers you receive 25 points. If you book, you receive 50 points. If you book from now until January 31st, you receive an additional 50 points (the booking points are only good if you follow through with the booking, they go away if the booking is cancelled). If you have rented from us before you also receive 15 points for recommending Nam & Pops to a new renter whom then rents. Just make sure they know to let us know who recommended us. When your balance reaches 200 points, your next rental receives a $150.00 credit.
In only 2 years we have 2 friends of bouncers that have reached the 200 points and will receive their $150.00 credit on their next rental and we are very close for some others.
So, get those reservations made, we will fill quickly.