creative practices for 2025
holistic artistic 🌱🌲🎶
“The human brain and nervous system
are hard-wired to distinguish music from noise and to respond to rhythm and repetition,
tones, and tunes…”*
For me, guitar & uke playing have been
spiritual moments of quieting
myself & listening in between playing,
whether under the evergreens 🌲 or
on mossy velvet ☺️.
Taking just 15-30 minutes to
tell my body, “you belong in this
space of tranquility…take this
moment of calm into your day”,
has provided tranquility for my visual creative mind.
From this refilling, healing well, I can step into & pour out that creativity. I’m getting
a little better each week at this intentional practice. In this new year, I’ve decided to add it to my calendar
as if it were an appointment.
“Meditation, particularly mindfulness
meditation, which is focusing on one
activity with full sensory engagement
in the present moment is a mental
health activity with many benefits
such as improved mood, lower stress
and anxiety, reduced negative thoughts,
and more positive emotions. Practicing
the guitar is a deep sensory activity
that occupies attention in the
present moment, so by definition[10],
it is a mindfulness meditation activity.”*
(1. health.harvard.edu 2. psyguitar.com)
My hope is that the above encourages
you to invite your body to calm spaces,
however brief or long, whatever that
practice is for your wellbeing
😌…and if you can find a spot surrounded by plants, trees, or any form
of nature nature…even better!