🎃🕸️Halloween Week!🎃🕸️
I feel like these two will be running the business someday! 😆 They are definitely learning the ropes of setting up and taking down sleepover tents!
#austinsleepoverparty #austintents #austinsleepovertentrental #sleepover #birthdaysleepovertents #teepeetentforkids #teepeetentrentals #teepeerentalaustin #southaustinsleepovertents #austinbirthdaysleepovertents #austinslumberparties #slumberparty #sleepovertentrentalaustin #sleepovertentrental #tentrentalsaustin #tentsleepoverparty #austintentrental #tentsleepoverpartyaustin #southaustintentrental #halloweentents #halloweensleepoverparty #halloweententrental #tentrentalaustintx #austinslumberpartycompany #birthdaytentsaustin #tentrentalaustin #austinbirthdaytentparty #slumberpartycompany #thebirthdayconcierge
Does anyone else use the new year as a time to clean out and organize their home?
I recently read about several January Cleaning Challenges and home purges that people are doing. I always feel like the new year is a time to re-set and get organized.
I recently cleaned out my pantry. I should have taken a before picture because you could barely even step inside! To say it had gotten a little out of control is an understatement!
It felt a little overwhelming at first, but I just started with the top shelf and worked my way down. For the items on the top two shelves, if we hadn't used them in 2 years, they went to the donate pile! I found we had 2 salad spinners...that's how crazy this pantry was.
When I got to the actual food and seasonings shelves, it was just a matter of checking for expiration dates. I'm not proud of this, but I found something that expired in 2016 in our pantry! What's the oldest expired item you've found?
#thebirthdayconcierge #januarycleanout #pantrycleanout #homegoals #sofreshandsoclean #pantryorganization #januarypurge #organizedhome #pantryorganization #pantry #sofreshandsocleanclean #2024organization #2024cleanout