It's been a wee while since I've posted on here, 2024 has been nothing short of insane with plenty of awesome opportunities, meeting new people, and many awesome moments that I haven't had time to share!
Coming into 2025, I've hit the 3-year mark working as a freelancer and could not be happier with how the business is tracking along - the imposter syndrome sets in every now and then 😅
I'm very blessed to have such supportive friends and family help me along in this journey, but most importantly I'm also extremely grateful to the people who have taken a chance on me to create the content that they need, from weddings to commercial - it's been amazing!
Recently I had been asked by SIT to be in a Student Profile for their website which then made itself into the Southland Express (link down below) - a pretty surreal moment for me! Being able to represent the place I studied is a huge honour, I'm very appreciative of that.
The first month of this year has already flown by, I'm sure the rest of the year will be the same! 🛫
Bring on 2025, I'm sure it'll be a goodie!