MIVENUE.com 綾宇集樂

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MIVENUE.com 綾宇集樂 Weekly 5 Minutes
Education x Charity x Percussion

🗾少年楊肇嘉,啟程前往日本留學...在這場  #線上音樂會 中,伴著鐵琴、鐘琴與風鈴的🇯🇵日本風格主旋律,觀眾看到了故事演進。究竟楊肇嘉在日本學校的見聞,帶給他與家人什麼影響?最後竟改變了楊肇嘉往後的人生觀?《楊肇嘉傳記》第二集《日本留學》...


在這場 #線上音樂會 中,伴著鐵琴、鐘琴與風鈴的🇯🇵日本風格主旋律,觀眾看到了故事演進。究竟楊肇嘉在日本學校的見聞,帶給他與家人什麼影響?最後竟改變了楊肇嘉往後的人生觀?

《楊肇嘉傳記》第二集《日本留學》,由台灣全方位劇場人 徐灝翔 扮演少年時代的楊肇嘉,與打擊樂團 玎酉擊樂 同台演出。 #綾宇集樂 全新第五季 #樂團合作 節目,透過每集的故事與音樂,帶領觀眾認識百年前⏳,🇹🇼台灣自治啟蒙者「楊肇嘉」的一生。

🎓馬上欣賞 👉 mive.co/drb 👈 徐灝翔 x #玎酉擊樂 《日本留學》🗾 #全球首播!

≡ 本集線上音樂會由【 #月城南廣告 Lumos Ads. Co.,Ltd.】贊助製作 ≡

月城南廣告 Lumos Ads.,致力 Podcast、YouTube、影視作品…等,內容產業的業務代理公司

▮ 服務項目
PODCAST 節目製作、廣告投放

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▮ 歡迎聯繫

🎧 本集線上音樂會由綾宇集樂頻道製作,不代表「月城南廣告」立場

🗾On a journey to study in Japan, young Chao-Chia Yang sets out to begin a new chapter of his life...

In this , accompanied by the 🇯🇵Japanese style melody on xylophone, glockenspiel, vibraphone and chimes, audiences will witness the unfolding of the story. What experiences did Chao-Chia Yang encounter at his school in Japan? How did they affect him and his family? And how did these experiences ultimately reshape his perspective on life?

«Study in Japan,» the episode 2 of "The Story of Chao-Chia Yang," features versatile Taiwanese theater artist as a young Chao-Chia Yang, performing alongside the percussion ensemble . Through story and music, 's all-new Season 5 of the series takes audiences back in time⏳ to discover the life of Chao-Chia Yang, a pioneer in 🇹🇼Taiwan's self-governance movement from over a century ago.

🎓 Watch now 👉 mive.co/drb 👈, «Study in Japan»🗾 by x

≡ 【 . Co., Ltd.】sponsors this episode of OnlineConcert ≡

Lumos Ads. Co., Ltd. specializes in content industry services, including Podcast production, YouTube, and media projects.

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🎧 This Online Concert is produced by MIVENUE and does not represent the position of LumosAds. Co., Ltd.



#綾宇集樂 全新 #樂團合作 節目,透過說書音樂會,介紹🇹🇼台灣自治的啟蒙者「楊肇嘉」。


本季 #樂團合作 節目,由台灣全方位演員 徐灝翔 擔任說書人,與台灣知名打擊樂團 玎酉擊樂 共同合作,帶領觀眾回到百年前,認識🇹🇼台灣歷史上,自治精神的重要啟蒙者——楊肇嘉。

https://mive.co/drb ⬅️⬅️敬請期待本週 #線上音樂會 #楊肇嘉傳記 第二集《日本留學》🗾

≡ 本集線上音樂會由【月城南廣告 Lumos Ads. Co.,Ltd.】贊助製作 ≡

#月城南廣告,致力 Podcast、YouTube、影視作品…等,內容產業的業務代理公司

▮ 服務項目
PODCAST 節目製作、廣告投放

▮ 服務特色

▮ 歡迎聯繫

"A storytelling concert," do you know what it is?

In our all-new series, presents a storytelling concert to introduce Chao-Chia Yang, an early advocate for 🇹🇼Taiwanese self-governance.

A "storytelling concert" is a performance format that combines "storytelling" with a "concert." While music is performed, a 🗣️storyteller or an 🎭actor narrates the storyline, allowing the audience to enjoy the music while becoming immersed in the unfolding story. Since audiences can 🙈see or 🙉listen to the story behind the music, storytelling concerts are particularly popular with families and newcomers to a concert.

This season's program features the versatile Taiwanese actor as the storyteller, in collaboration with the renowned Taiwanese percussion group . Together, they transport the audience back 100 years, offering a closer look at Chao-Chia Yang, a key figure in 🇹🇼Taiwan's history and an important advocate for the spirit of self-governance.

https://mive.co/drb ⬅️⬅️Stay tuned for this week's , «The Story of Chao-Chia Yang,» Episode 2: "Study in Japan"🗾

≡ 【Lumos Ads. Co., Ltd.】sponsors this episode of OnlineConcert ≡

. Co., Ltd. specializes in content industry services, including Podcast production, YouTube, and media projects.

▮ Our Services
Podcast production and advertising placement
Advertise in various activities and media projects

▮ Our Expertise
Customized proposals with diverse advertising opportunities
Highly responsive, service-oriented team

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仔細聽!這些不在樂譜上的音符,是  #那娜擊樂 想述說的故事...全新第五季  #名家舞台 節目,由聞名世界的雙人組合  #那娜擊樂二重奏 演奏一系列作品。這些由  #張育瑛 與  #鄭雅心 兩位演奏家所精心挑選,古典至現代的每一首作品,對...

仔細聽!這些不在樂譜上的音符,是 #那娜擊樂 想述說的故事...

全新第五季 #名家舞台 節目,由聞名世界的雙人組合 #那娜擊樂二重奏 演奏一系列作品。這些由 #張育瑛 與 #鄭雅心 兩位演奏家所精心挑選,古典至現代的每一首作品,對於 #那娜擊樂 而言,都有其特殊意義。

以《巴哈第2號法國組曲》做為開幕獻禮, #那娜擊樂二重奏 在訪談中提到,這首作品是從小就演奏的曲目,也是他們演奏之路的起點。期待把這20多年的淬鍊,完整呈現在 #綾宇集樂 的 #線上音樂會。

在這場音樂會裡,白衣演奏家 #鄭雅心 仔細鋪排的裝飾音,在樂譜記載的音符之外,注入了 #那娜擊樂 的生命故事。

https://mive.co/pzg ⬅️⬅️敬請欣賞 #那娜擊樂二重奏 #名家舞台 #線上音樂會:巴哈《第2號法國組曲》第1,2樂章

本集 #線上音樂會,在 #綾宇集樂「 #匯流空間」錄製,您有練習打擊樂器的需求嗎?綾宇集樂的「匯流空間」提供您盡情練習的機會!

馬上點擊連結👉 https://bit.ly/MYVENUE 來了解各種方案吧!

Listen closely! The notes beyond the score reveal the story seeks to tell...

The all-new Season 5️⃣ features the world-renowned percussion duo, NanaFormosa , performing a selection of compositions. Each piece, carefully chosen by Yu-Ying Chang and Ya-Hsin Cheng , spans from classical to contemporary and holds a special meaning for .

Opening with Bach's «French Suite No.2» the duo shared in our interview that this piece has been with them since childhood, marking the beginning of their musical journey. They look forward to showcasing the refinement of over 20 years of performance in this on .

In this performance, Ya-Hsin Cheng, dressed in white, delicately layers ornamental notes, infusing the music with 's life story beyond the notes written on the score.

https://mive.co/pzg ⬅️⬅️Don't miss the , Bach's «French Suite No.2» by Percussion Duo!

🎧 This OnlineConcert is produced at "My Venue" of , located in Taichung, Taiwan
\\\ "My Venue" is now available for rent! ///
Click 👉 https://bit.ly/MYVENUE to discover various rental options!
(The language of the website content is Mandarin.)


全新第五季 #名家舞台 邀請到國際知名雙人組合「 #那娜擊樂 二重奏」擔綱演出!

那娜擊樂二重奏 NanaFormosa,由打擊樂演奏家 張育瑛 與 鄭雅心,從2009年在歐洲獲獎後,歷年來於世界各地演出。他們的演出,不僅涵蓋了由巴洛克至現代、西方與東方的作品,還包含了親自作曲的作品。

那娜擊樂二重奏 除了演奏常見的 馬林巴木琴、鐵琴以外,不常見的打擊樂器,如波斯手鼓 (Persian Zarbs),甚至手邊的水盆🛁、剎車碟片🛞,那娜擊樂都能轉瞬化為樂音,簡直是台灣全方位的打擊樂雙人組合!

🥁 mive.co/pzg 🪇
⬆️⬆️ 敬請期待雙人組合 #那娜擊樂二重奏 開幕獻禮:巴哈《第2號法國組曲》第1,2樂章

本集 #線上音樂會,在 #綾宇集樂「 #匯流空間」錄製,您有練習打擊樂器的需求嗎?綾宇集樂的「匯流空間」提供您盡情練習的機會!

馬上點擊連結👉 https://bit.ly/MYVENUE 來了解各種方案吧!

The all-new Season 5 of features the internationally acclaimed Percussion Duo!

Formed by percussionists Yu-Ying Chang and Ya-Hsin Cheng, the NanaFormosa Percussion Duo has performed worldwide since their award-winning debut in Europe in 2009. Their performances span a diverse repertoire, from Baroque to contemporary, and from Western to Eastern compositions, even including their own original works.

In addition to playing traditional percussion instruments like the marimba and vibraphone, NanaFormosa incorporates unique percussion instruments such as Persian zarbs, and even unconventional objects like water basins🛁 and brake discs🛞, transforming them into musical elements. This versatility makes them one of Taiwan's most dynamic percussion duos!

🥁 mive.co/pzg 🪇
⬆️⬆️ Stay tuned for the opening performance, the first part of Bach's «French Suite No.2» by Percussion Duo!

🎧 This OnlineConcert is produced at "My Venue" of , located in Taichung, Taiwan
\\\ "My Venue" is now available for rent! ///
Click 👉 https://bit.ly/MYVENUE to discover various rental options!
(The language of the website content is Mandarin.)

短短三分鐘半的「練習曲」,竟然是新星演奏家的難題?本週擊樂新星  #沈沛穎 Hsia TzuYeh 帶來作曲家 張鈞量 (Pius Cheung) 的《E小調練習曲》。沛穎在訪談中提到,參與本季  #新星培育 節目裡的3️⃣場演出裡,這首「...


本週擊樂新星 #沈沛穎 Hsia TzuYeh 帶來作曲家 張鈞量 (Pius Cheung) 的《E小調練習曲》。沛穎在訪談中提到,參與本季 #新星培育 節目裡的3️⃣場演出裡,這首「練習曲」是最困難的作品。還記得本季第六集節目中,這首《E小調練習曲》也讓新星 #葉立偉 認為是一大挑戰。

私底下的沛穎,是一位十分熱心、樂於助人的女孩,也經常能在新星演奏家的音樂會中,看到沛穎協奏的身影。沛穎連續參與了3️⃣季 #綾宇集樂 的 #新星培育 節目,其最受觀眾歡迎的作品,是第二季中的《輕微波動》,共超過 2,500 位觀眾前來欣賞。

https://mive.co/efa ⬅️⬅️敬請欣賞 #沈沛穎 #線上音樂會:張鈞量 的《E小調練習曲》~
🎧 本集線上音樂會由「簡訊設計」贊助製播
「 #簡訊設計」是一間行銷設計公司,專注資訊設計與內容行銷,以產生優質內容為品牌核心,持續在數位領域建立多樣的商業模式。
🤝 如有業務需求,請聯繫: [email protected]


Could a brief 3.5 minute "etude" be a challenge for an emerging performer?

This week, our percussion talent presents Pius Cheung's «Etude in E Minor.» In our interview, Pei-Ying mentioned that among the 3️⃣ performances she participated in for this season's program, this "etude" was the most difficult. This challenging piece was also highlighted in Episode 6 of this season, where emerging performer Li-Wei Yeh shared similar sentiments about its complexity.

Outside of her performances, Pei-Ying is known as a warm and helpful individual, often seen collaborating in concerts featuring fellow emerging musicians. She has participated in series for 3️⃣ consecutive seasons, with her most popular performance being «Gently Swelling» from Season 2, which attracted over 2,500 viewers.

https://mive.co/efa ⬅️⬅️Watch the of Pius Cheung's «Etude in E Minor» by Pei-Ying Shen!

🎧 This online concert is sponsored by https://simpleinfo.cc
SimpleInfo is a marketing design firm specializing in information design and content marketing. Quality content production is at the heart of our brand. We continue to establish diverse business models in the digital realm.
🤝 For business inquiries, please contact: [email protected]

This concert is produced by MIVENUE and does not represent the position of SimpleInfo.




👣🩴 不宜穿拖鞋或夾腳拖鞋
🥶🥵 整潔大方;保暖、但不流汗的服裝
👡👖 露趾涼鞋與牛仔褲也OK!


#綾宇集樂 每週五,都提供了高品質的 #線上音樂會,如同擁有自己的音樂廳一般,以最舒服的穿搭,不受干擾地或坐或臥,能隨時隨地欣賞音樂會!


👒 mive.co/efa 👔
⬆️⬆️敬請期待本週 #綾宇集樂 #新星培育 #線上音樂會,由 #沈沛穎 演奏,張鈞量 (Pius Cheung) 的《E小調練習曲》!

志祺七七的【 #架構性思考】線上課程熱賣中!
🔗 https://bit.ly/mi_shashadaily

🎧 本集線上音樂會由「簡訊設計」贊助製播

What should you wear to attend a concert? What if you don’t have the right clothes?

While concerts are generally considered formal events, there’s no need to dress up extravagantly to attend. Just keep these 3️⃣ simple guidelines in mind:
👣🩴 No flip-flops or slippers
🥶🥵 Neat, decent attire that keeps warm but not sweat
👡👖 Open-toed sandals and jeans are fine

To avoid disturbing other audience and ensure comfort while sitting for extended periods, the key is to dress in a way that is comfortable for both you and others. But what if you’re unable to find suitable attire and still want to enjoy the concert?

Every Friday, YouTube channel offers a high-quality , providing you with your own personal concert hall experience. In the comfort of your preferred attire—whether sitting or lying down—you can enjoy uninterrupted performances anytime, anywhere!

Isn't attending a concert easier than you thought? Check out the latest performance schedule and dive in!

Stay tuned for this week's , P. Cheung: «Etude in E Minor» featuring !

🎧 This online concert is sponsored by SimpleInfo.
This concert is produced by MIVENUE and does not represent the position of SimpleInfo.


「🦗你們聽!讓我們一起,順著蟬聲,穿越時空,回到1892年... #綾宇集樂 全新第五季  #樂團合作 節目《楊肇嘉傳記》,將由知名台灣劇場人 徐灝翔 擔任🎬導演及說書人,還有深耕中台灣的 玎酉擊樂 共同合作。藉由每一集的故事與音樂,帶領觀...


#綾宇集樂 全新第五季 #樂團合作 節目《楊肇嘉傳記》,將由知名台灣劇場人 徐灝翔 擔任🎬導演及說書人,還有深耕中台灣的 玎酉擊樂 共同合作。藉由每一集的故事與音樂,帶領觀眾認識100年前,🇹🇼台灣自治啟蒙者「楊肇嘉」的一生。

第一集《牛罵頭的囡仔》 #線上音樂會,以打擊樂「蟬聲🦗竹林🎋」為起點,楊肇嘉的故鄉、1892年的台灣夏夜⛺,在觀眾身邊倏然展開!

🦗馬上欣賞 👉 mive.co/dem 👈 #徐灝翔 x #玎酉擊樂 演奏《牛罵頭的囡仔》🎋 #全球首播!

≡ 本集線上音樂會由【 #月城南廣告 Lumos Ads. Co.,Ltd.】贊助製作 ≡

月城南廣告 Lumos Ads. ,致力 Podcast、YouTube、影視作品…等,內容產業的業務代理公司

▮ 服務項目
PODCAST 節目製作、廣告投放

▮ 服務特色

▮ 歡迎聯繫

🦗 "Listen! Let us follow the sound of cicadas and journey through time, back to 1892...

proudly presents the all-new Season 5, featuring «The Story of Chao-Chia Yang.» This series is directed and narrated by renowned Taiwanese theater artist🎬 , in collaboration with , a group deeply rooted in central Taiwan. Through each episode's storytelling and music, the audience will explore the life of Chao-Chia Yang, a pioneer in 🇹🇼Taiwan's self-governance movement, over a century ago.

Episode 1 , «The Kid from Niumatou,» begins with the percussive sounds of "cicadas 🦗 and bamboo groves 🎋," transporting audiance to Chao-Chia Yang's hometown and the summer nights of 1892 Taiwan⛺, which come alive around them.

🦗 Watch now 👉 mive.co/dem 👈, «The Kid from Niumatou» by x 🎋

≡ 【 . Co., Ltd.】sponsors this episode of OnlineConcert ≡

Lumos Ads. Co., Ltd. specializes in content industry services, including Podcast production, YouTube, and media projects.

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Podcast production and advertising placement
Advertise in various activities and media projects

▮ Our Expertise
Customized proposals with diverse advertising opportunities
Highly responsive, service-oriented team

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全新第五季 #樂團合作 節目,隆重登場!

#綾宇集樂 本季 #樂團合作 節目,將以說書音樂會形式,介紹台灣自治的啟蒙者「楊肇嘉」。

由台灣全方位演員 徐灝翔 擔任說書人,與中台灣知名打擊樂團 玎酉擊樂 共同合作,帶領觀眾回到100年前的台灣,認識這位台灣史上的重要、卻被歷史課本忽略的人物——楊肇嘉。

敬請期待本週 #線上音樂會 #楊肇嘉傳記 第一集《牛罵頭的囡仔》

≡ 本集線上音樂會由【 月城南廣告 Lumos Ads. Co.,Ltd.】贊助製作 ≡

#月城南廣告,致力 Podcast、YouTube、影視作品…等,內容產業的業務代理公司

▮ 服務項目
PODCAST 節目製作、廣告投放

▮ 服務特色

▮ 歡迎聯繫

The all-new Season 5 series, «The Story of Chao-Chia Yang,» is now live!

In this season , presents storytelling concerts to introduce the life of Chao-Chia Yang, a pioneer in Taiwan's self-governance movement.

The series features Ming Hsu, a versatile Taiwanese actor, as the storyteller, alongside the renowned central Taiwan percussion group, . Together, they transport the audience back 100 years, shedding light on Chao-Chia Yang, a significant figure in Taiwan's history who has often been overlooked in traditional history textbooks.

Stay tuned for this week's , «The Story of Chao-Chia Yang,» Episode 1: "The Kid from Niumatou"

≡ 【 . Co., Ltd.】sponsors this episode of OnlineConcert ≡

Lumos Ads. Co., Ltd. specializes in content industry services, including Podcast production, YouTube, and media projects.

▮ Our Services
Podcast production and advertising placement
Advertise in various activities and media projects

▮ Our Expertise
Customized proposals with diverse advertising opportunities
Highly responsive, service-oriented team

▮ Contact Us


 #名家舞台 第四季 劇終謝幕《末代恐龍之舞》🦕第四季  #名家舞台 節目,除了演奏的影像之外,更希望觀眾能用耳朵「聽到」👂畫面。因此這次  #綾宇集樂 邀請了關懷環境的2️⃣ 位音樂家:孫佳鈴 與 陳薏如,來詮釋這些描繪動植物生態,包括叢...

#名家舞台 第四季 劇終謝幕《末代恐龍之舞》🦕

第四季 #名家舞台 節目,除了演奏的影像之外,更希望觀眾能用耳朵「聽到」👂畫面。因此這次 #綾宇集樂 邀請了關懷環境的2️⃣ 位音樂家:孫佳鈴 與 陳薏如,來詮釋這些描繪動植物生態,包括叢林🐅、河流🏞️、鳥鳴🕊️、蛇行🐍等作品。在音樂會 2:55 處,打擊樂演奏家 陳薏如,利用小提琴的琴弓摩擦木琴琴鍵,來產生連綿悠揚的長音➿,是本集節目的亮點。

本季謝幕 #線上音樂會《末代恐龍之舞》,描繪了最後一隻恐龍🦕醒來,在地表緩慢地踱步,尋找食物、水源,以及其他同伴的過程。
美國作曲家 大衛·吉林漢 (David Gillingham) 以最後一隻恐龍為名,卻隱含其他生命重生的意義。這首作品作為第四季 名家舞台 的終曲,也提示了第五季的節目即將發表,敬請期待!

https://mive.co/psv ⬅️⬅️敬請欣賞 陳薏如 x 孫佳鈴 #名家舞台 #線上音樂會《末代恐龍之舞》!

本集 #線上音樂會,在 #綾宇集樂「 #匯流空間」錄製,您有練習打擊樂器的需求嗎?綾宇集樂的「匯流空間」提供您盡情練習的機會!

馬上點擊連結👉 https://bit.ly/MYVENUE 來了解各種方案吧!

The grand finale: «Slow Dance of the Last Living Dinosaur» 🦕

Beyond just the visuals of the performances, the Season 4 series aims to offer audiences an immersive auditory experience, allowing them to "hear"👂 the vivid imagery through the music. For this purpose, invited 2️⃣ environmentally-conscious musicians, and , to interpret pieces that evoke scenes of flora and fauna, including jungles🐅, rivers🏞️, birdsong🕊, and slithering serpents🐍. A highlight of this episode occurs at the 2:55 mark when percussionist I-Ju Chen uses a violin bow to draw out sustained tones from the marimba keys, creating a continuous➿ and resonant sound.

This season's closing , «Slow Dance of the Last Living Dinosaur,» portrays the last remaining dinosaur🦕 slowly awakening, wandering the earth in search of food, water, and other companions. While American🇺🇸 composer David Gillingham named this piece after the last living dinosaur, it also subtly conveys a theme of renewal and the resurgence of life. As the concluding piece of Season 4, it hints at the exciting arrival of Season 5️⃣, so please stay tuned!

https://mive.co/psv ⬅️⬅️Don't miss the «Slow Dance of the Last Living Dinosaur» by I-Ju Chen & Chia-Ling Sun!
🎧 This OnlineConcert is produced at "My Venue" of , located in Taichung, Taiwan
\\\ "My Venue" is now available for rent! ///
Click 👉 https://bit.ly/MYVENUE to discover various rental options!
(The language of the website content is Mandarin.)


第四季 #名家舞台 壓軸演出《末代恐龍之舞》🦕

打擊樂🥁與長笛🪈二重奏,是不算常見的室內樂組合,因此 #綾宇集樂 如同博物館,用 #線上音樂會 的方式來保存。除了此刻能欣賞以外,也能讓下一代觀眾🤰👶🧒,用全新的角度看待這些作品。

綾宇集樂 在第四季 #名家舞台 節目中,特地請來跨界搭檔: Taipei Symphony Orchestra 北市交 擊樂演奏家 陳薏如 、 法曼長笛室內樂團Fluteman Chamber Orchestra 長笛演奏家 孫佳鈴,共同演出。這9️⃣場 #線上音樂會 裡,由綜合打擊樂器🥁、搭配各音域的長笛🪈,演出栩栩如生的野外⛺情景,有如現代的「動物狂歡節」。

🦖 mive.co/psv 🦕
⬆️⬆️ 敬請期待演奏家 陳薏如 x 孫佳鈴 本週 #名家舞台 #線上音樂會《末代恐龍之舞》

本集 #線上音樂會,在 #綾宇集樂「 #匯流空間」錄製,您有練習打擊樂器的需求嗎?綾宇集樂的「匯流空間」提供您盡情練習的機會!

馬上點擊連結👉 https://bit.ly/MYVENUE 來了解各種方案吧!

Concluding with the grand finale: «Slow Dance of the Last Living Dinosaur» 🦕, Season 4 comes to a close!

The combination of percussion🥁 and flute🪈 in a duet is a rare chamber music ensemble. To preserve this unique musical experience, treats these performances like a museum, using to record them for posterity. Not only can audiences enjoy these performances now, but future generations🤰👶🧒 can also revisit them, offering fresh perspectives on these works.

For the Season 4 series, MIVENUE invited a cross-genre duet: percussionist and flutist . Together, they brought to life vivid outdoor⛺ scenes across 9️⃣ , combining a variety of 🥁percussion instruments with 🪈flutes of different ranges. The performances evoke a sense of a modern-day «Carnival of the Animals,» full of lively and dynamic imagery.

🦖 mive.co/psv 🦕
⬆️⬆️ Don't miss this harmonious «Slow Dance of the Last Living Dinosaur» featuring the prestigious duet, I-Ju Chen x Chia-Ling Sun!

🎧 This OnlineConcert is produced at "My Venue" of , located in Taichung, Taiwan
\\\ "My Venue" is now available for rent! ///
Click 👉 https://bit.ly/MYVENUE to discover various rental options!
(The language of the website content is Mandarin.)

這首曲子,能伴你作個好夢😴本週登場的集樂新星  #陳炳勳,是在第一季  #新星培育 節目中,快速走紅的新星!炳勳兩年前演出的《轉動1》,至今累積觀眾已超過7,000人,而且還在不斷增加中!炳勳曾在訪談中提到,他從來不敢想像自己的演出,能被這...


本週登場的集樂新星 #陳炳勳,是在第一季 #新星培育 節目中,快速走紅的新星!炳勳兩年前演出的《轉動1》,至今累積觀眾已超過7,000人,而且還在不斷增加中!炳勳曾在訪談中提到,他從來不敢想像自己的演出,能被這麼多觀眾看見。

與動感的《轉動1》相較,炳勳本週帶來《莉莉亞的搖籃曲》,是作曲家 羅伯特·奧托莫 (Robert Oetomo)的作品,則充滿了靜謐的氣息。細語似的音樂與輕巧舞動的琴槌,伴你進入甜蜜的夢鄉。

https://mive.co/edx ⬅️⬅️敬請欣賞 #陳炳勳 #線上音樂會:奧托莫的《莉莉亞的搖籃曲》~

This piece will lull you into a peaceful dream 😴.

This week's featured is Chen Pin Shuin , a rising star from series Season 1, who quickly gained popularity! Two years ago, his performance of «Rotation 1» garnered over 7,000 views, and the numbers continue to grow! In our interview, Bing-Syun mentioned that he never imagined his performance would be seen by so many audience.

In contrast to the energetic «Rotation 1,» Bing-Syun's performance this week of «Lilia's Lullaby» by composer Robert Oetomo brings a sense of calm and serenity. The soft, whispered tones and delicate movement of the mallets will guide you into a sweet dream.

https://mive.co/edx ⬅️⬅️Watch the of Robert Oetomo's «Lilia's Lullaby» performed by !






#綾宇集樂 每個星期五,都提供了高品質的 #線上音樂會,讓你擁有自己的音樂廳,沒有他人打擾,並且隨時隨地都能欣賞音樂會!


👼 mive.co/edx 😴
⬆️⬆️敬請期待本週 #綾宇集樂 #新星培育 #線上音樂會,由 #陳炳勳 演奏,羅伯特·奧托莫 (Robert Oetomo) 的《莉莉亞的搖籃曲》!
Why should you arrive half an hour early for a concert? What if you don't have time?

Before the concert begins,
🥂 Some venues offer refreshments and cloakroom services
💺 You'll need time to locate your seat and emergency exits
🛑 Latecomers may be denied entry to avoid disturbing the audience

In addition to these factors, arriving 30 minutes early helps you ease into the concert's atmosphere, allowing you to fully enjoy the performance. However, what if you don't have time to attend in person but still want to experience the concert?

Every Friday, offers a high-quality , providing you with your own personal concert hall experience, free from distractions, and available anytime, anywhere!

Attending a classical concert is simpler than you think! Check out upcoming events and enjoy the experience!

👼 mive.co/edx 😴
⬆️⬆️ Stay tuned for the : Robert Oetomo's «Lilia's Lullaby» performed by !

《眩月》廣受 7,000 觀眾喜愛,作曲家最新作品《酉群》!自  #樂團合作 第三季《眩月》 #全球首播,累積了約 7,000 人次的觀眾。《眩月》作曲家陳廷銓 Ting-Chuan Chen 老師,身兼台灣 NSO國家交響樂團 演奏家、 ...

《眩月》廣受 7,000 觀眾喜愛,作曲家最新作品《酉群》!

自 #樂團合作 第三季《眩月》 #全球首播,累積了約 7,000 人次的觀眾。《眩月》作曲家陳廷銓 Ting-Chuan Chen 老師,身兼台灣 NSO國家交響樂團 演奏家、 台北打擊樂團Taipei Percussion 作曲家。他為老朋友玎酉擊樂所作的全新作品《酉群》,結合了傳統與現代,由國寶級傳統打擊樂家 蘇皇任 Su Huang-Ren 老師領奏,帶領現代打擊樂團,象徵打擊樂繼往開來的精神。

《酉群》是 #綾宇集樂 「樂團合作」系列第三季的壓軸演出。在本季節目中,收錄了台灣🇹🇼當代作曲家的7️⃣首曲目。這些作品前衛創新,提供前所未見的體驗,非常適合以 #線上音樂會 的方式,開拓更多觀眾的視野!

🥁馬上欣賞 👉 mive.co/dbr 👈 #蘇皇任 x #玎酉擊樂 演奏 #陳廷銓《酉群》🪘 #全球首播!

深耕中台灣的藝文團體 #玎酉擊樂,即將邀請重要「加濵」們,共同舉辦年度音樂會 🔥 這次不僅有知名的 #加藤大輝 🏆,還有首次合作的 #濵口大弥 (濱口大彌) 🏅 他們除了作品廣受好評以外🎉日本作曲家的演出也非常稀少,請大家把握機會!

🎙 #玎酉擊樂《玎酉加濵》年度音樂會 🎙
🤵🏻 日本嘉賓 #加藤大輝 #濱口大彌 遠道而來 🗾
🥁 10 / 08 (二) 19:30 臺中國家歌劇院 中劇院 🎹
🎫 票價 600 元起|OPENTIX 購票連結 ➡️ https://bit.ly/3Wr3C09 🎫
🎙 更多演出資訊,就在 @玎酉擊樂 粉絲頁 🎙

«Glare Moon» garners love from about 7,000 viewers—now comes the composer's latest work, «Groupe Unitaire»!

Since its in Season 3 of , «Glare Moon» has attracted an impressive audience of around 7,000 viewers. Composer , who also performs with Taiwan's and composes for the , now brings us his latest creation, «Groupe Unitaire», specially written for the ensemble . This new piece combines traditional and modern elements, featuring , a master of traditional percussion, leading the ensemble to symbolize the spirit of passing on the legacy of percussion music to the next generation.

«Groupe Unitaire» serves as the grand finale for series Season 3, which has featured 7️⃣ innovative works by contemporary Taiwanese🇹🇼 composers. These forward-thinking and avant-garde compositions offer audiences a fresh, unparalleled experience, making the format ideal for broadening the reach of this cutting-edge music to a wider global audience!

🥁 Watch now 👉 mive.co/dbr 👈, Ting-Chuan Chen: «Groupe Unitaire» by x 🪘

The Central-Taiwan-based , is excited to announce their annual concert, featuring prominent guest artists. This year, they are honored to collaborate with the renowned 🏆, as well as first-time collaborator 🏅. Both of these Japanese composers have received widespread acclaim for their work. Performances by Japanese composers are quite rare, so we encourage everyone to take advantage of this unique opportunity!

ℹ️ For the annual concert, please refer to the ➡️ https://bit.ly/3Wr3C09 🎫 for more information. (The website is in Mandarin)



#樂團合作 第三季最後一集,將 #全球首播 NSO國家交響樂團 擊樂家,同時也是 台北打擊樂團Taipei Percussion 作曲家 陳廷銓 Ting-Chuan Chen 的作品《酉群》。由國樂打擊演奏家 蘇皇任 Su Huang-Ren ,以傳統鑼鼓帶領現代打擊樂團 玎酉擊樂 展現各種交錯與堆疊的節奏。

#樂團合作 第三季節目,是 #綾宇集樂 精選台灣當代作曲家,同時是打擊樂與其他樂器,跨界合作的作品。由於這些作品十分前衛,更需要透過 #線上音樂會 的形式,觀眾才得以窺見新一代的音樂!

🥁 mive.co/dbr 🪘
⬆️⬆️敬請期待本週 #樂團合作 蘇皇任 x #玎酉擊樂 壓軸演出 #陳廷銓 作品《酉群》 #全球首播!

深耕中台灣的藝文團體 #玎酉擊樂,即將邀請重要「加濵」們,共同舉辦年度音樂會 🔥 這次不僅有知名的 #加藤大輝 🏆,還有首次合作的 #濵口大弥 (濱口大彌) 🏅 他們除了作品廣受好評以外🎉日本作曲家的演出也非常稀少,請大家把握機會!

🎙 #玎酉擊樂《玎酉加濵》年度音樂會 🎙
🤵🏻 日本嘉賓 #加藤大輝 #濱口大彌 遠道而來 🗾
🥁 10 / 08 (二) 19:30 臺中國家歌劇院 中劇院 🎹
🎫 票價 600 元起|OPENTIX 購票連結 ➡️ https://bit.ly/3Wr3C09 🎫
🎙 更多演出資訊,就在 @玎酉擊樂 粉絲頁 🎙

Traditional and modern percussion, together on one stage!

The final episode of Season 3 of will feature the of «Groupe Unitaire,» a composition by , National Symphony Orchestra, percussionist and composer , who is also affiliated with the . This piece highlights the unique interplay between traditional and modern percussion.

The performance will feature , a traditional percussionist, leading the ensemble with the powerful sounds of gongs and drums, while the contemporary percussion group builds intricate layers of rhythm and texture.

The Season 3 of has focused on showcasing the works of contemporary Taiwanese composers, with cross-genre collaborations between percussion and various instruments. Given the avant-garde nature of these compositions, the format provides audiences with a unique opportunity to discover and appreciate the music of a new generation.

🥁 mive.co/dbr 🪘
⬆️⬆️ Don't miss this week's finale of , featuring Huang-Jen Su x in the of Ting-Chuan Chen's «Groupe Unitaire»!

The Central-Taiwan-based , is excited to announce their annual concert, featuring prominent guest artists. This year, they are honored to collaborate with the renowned 🏆, as well as first-time collaborator 🏅. Both of these Japanese composers have received widespread acclaim for their work. Performances by Japanese composers are quite rare, so we encourage everyone to take advantage of this unique opportunity!

ℹ️ For the annual concert, please refer to the ➡️ https://bit.ly/3Wr3C09 🎫 for more information. (The website is in Mandarin)

 #名家舞台 第四季:🥁打擊樂🤝長笛🪈二重奏! #綾宇集樂 為了將作品完整呈現給觀眾,製作每集  #線上音樂會 時,都秉持不中斷、不重錄的   方式來製作。除此之外,為了保證節目的品質,由第一季開始至今,需具有「20年演奏經驗」的音樂家,才...

#名家舞台 第四季:🥁打擊樂🤝長笛🪈二重奏!

#綾宇集樂 為了將作品完整呈現給觀眾,製作每集 #線上音樂會 時,都秉持不中斷、不重錄的 方式來製作。除此之外,為了保證節目的品質,由第一季開始至今,需具有「20年演奏經驗」的音樂家,才得以在「名家舞台」節目曝光!

本週名家舞台的跨界搭檔, 法曼長笛室內樂團Fluteman Chamber Orchestra 長笛演奏家 孫佳鈴 Chia-Ling Sun、Taipei Symphony Orchestra 北市交 擊樂演奏家 陳薏如 ,帶給我們美國🇺🇸作曲家 大衛·吉林漢 (David Gillingham) 的作品《蛇行對位》,用旋律生動地描繪了蛇類🐍蜿蜒優雅的樣貌。

https://mive.co/pmw ⬅️⬅️敬請欣賞 陳薏如 x 孫佳鈴 #名家舞台 #線上音樂會《蛇行對位》!

本集 #線上音樂會,在 #綾宇集樂「 #匯流空間」錄製,您有練習打擊樂器的需求嗎?綾宇集樂的「匯流空間」提供您盡情練習的機會!

馬上點擊連結👉 https://bit.ly/MYVENUE 來了解各種方案吧!

Season 4: 🥁Percussion🤝Flute🪈 Duet!

At , every is presented to the audience in its entirety, with each performance recorded using a continuous policy—no edits, no retakes. Additionally, to maintain the highest standards of quality, since Season 1, only musicians with "20 years of performance experience" have been featured on the series.

This week, the cross-disciplinary duet, 🪈flutist and 🥁percussionist , will perform the work «Slithering Serpentine Counterpoint» by American🇺🇸 composer David Gillingham. This piece vividly portrays the graceful, winding movements of snakes 🐍 through their harmonic melodies.

https://mive.co/pmw ⬅️⬅️Don't miss the «Slithering Serpentine Counterpoint» by I-Ju Chen & Chia-Ling Sun!

🎧 This OnlineConcert is produced at "My Venue" of , located in Taichung, Taiwan
\\\ "My Venue" is now available for rent! ///
Click 👉 https://bit.ly/MYVENUE to discover various rental options!
(The language of the website content is Mandarin.)




#名家舞台 第四季跨界搭檔,法曼長笛室內樂團Fluteman Chamber Orchestra 孫佳鈴 Chia-Ling Sun、Taipei Symphony Orchestra 北市交 陳薏如 ,在本季《蟒蛇之舞》之中,描繪了叢林裡「蟒蛇即將出擊」的緊張氛圍;這次他們所帶來的《蛇行對位》,同時以馬林巴木琴和長笛,伴隨著曲調的平行與交錯,呈現了兩條蛇「安靜而優雅」的樣貌。

🦂 mive.co/pmw 🐍
⬆️⬆️ 敬請期待演奏家 陳薏如 x 孫佳鈴 本週 #名家舞台 #線上音樂會《蛇行對位》

本集 #線上音樂會,在 #綾宇集樂「 #匯流空間」錄製,您有練習打擊樂器的需求嗎?綾宇集樂的「匯流空間」提供您盡情練習的機會!

馬上點擊連結👉 https://bit.ly/MYVENUE 來了解各種方案吧!

Do you remember the «Python Dance» this year?

Flutes🪈 are often associated with imitating birdsong🕊️, but did you know they can also mimic the graceful movements of snakes🐍? This connection dates back to traditional Indian🇮🇳 snake charming, where performers interact with serpents through flute playing, guiding their movements. As a result, composers frequently use flute-like woodwind instruments to represent serpentine imagery in music.

In Season 4, cross-disciplinary duo flutist and percussionist skillfully captured the tense atmosphere of a python poised to strike in their performance of «Python Dance». Their latest work, «Slithering Serpentine Counterpoint,» features the marimba and flute in a parallel and interwoven melody, portraying the quiet yet graceful interaction of two serpents.

🦂 mive.co/pmw 🐍
⬆️⬆️ Don't miss this graceful «Slithering Serpentine Counterpoint» featuring the harmonious duo, I-Ju Chen x Chia-Ling Sun.

🎧 This OnlineConcert is produced at "My Venue" of , located in Taichung, Taiwan
\\\ "My Venue" is now available for rent! ///
Click 👉 https://bit.ly/MYVENUE to discover various rental options!
(The language of the website content is Mandarin.)



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