For companies and organizations that traverse countries, even continents, virtual co-working spaces can be a very effective way to lower collaboration friction and increase connectivity.
Virtual Chair tools enable individuals the flexibility to attend a session/meeting or deprioritize it to finish other time critical tasks. A Virtual Chair co-working space makes it easy for virtual colleagues to be available without it being intrusive.
Talk to us and get your events planned ahead of time!
📧 [email protected]
Virtual Chair applies principles important to academic conferences to help make a virtual event successful at Gather. Every attendee has a seat at the table in our spaces.
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A networking lounge is just what all organizers, panels, guest speakers, and attendees need. Sponsors appreciate being placed in a high traffic area for more exposure. Attendees can do both formal and informal networking or park themselves in a chair to wait an upcoming session.
#VirtualChair 🪑 #virtualconference #virtualevents #virtualspace #onlineconference #events #conference #academia #presentations #webinar
There’s a time and place for every event design. If you're looking to engage with a more flexible team that meets the attendees' needs, Virtual Chair is here to provide support together with Gather.
We provide assistance from before, on, or after the event is held. Furtherly, contributing to new and greater standards to organizers makes an event successful.
#VirtualChair #virtualconference #virtualevents #virtualspace #onlineconference #events #conference #academia #presentations #webinar