Dear SAEF Members
Further to our communication dated 26 March 2020 on the allowance for essential services in the equine fraternity, which included the feeding of horses at stable yards off-site, we wish to re-affirm the South African Equestrian Federation’s (SAEF) commitment to the COVID-19 Lockdown Regulations as announced by the SA President on 29 March 2020 and its adherence to the regulations as announced by the Minister on 29 April 2020.
The SAEF has circulated the necessary communications informing our members to remain at home as per the regulations of the lockdown, and whereas the majority of our members stable their horses at home and have access to feed them, the minimum administration of permitting was required, and where there are members who keep their horses off-site, at a stable yard not owned by them and these members have to feed their horses themselves, this was facilitated as an essential service to their horses, under the categorization of animal care.
With the most recent adjustment to the status of Lockdown to Level 4, members of public are permitted to leave their place of residence for purposes of exercise, which include SAEF members and their horses, within the same property where their horses are stabled and/or between 06:00-09:00am outside of premises in public.
This therefore affords the owner the opportunity to exercise his/her horse within the permitted 5 km radius, during the allowed curfew from own premises, alternatively a stable yard subject to essential servicing permits being issued and all documents and identification being at hand. The amendment is welcomed as it addresses a deep concerned for the welfare of our equine athletes and falls within the ambit of animal welfare, which is confirmed and supported n the Covid-19 Guidelines for the Regulation of Veterinary Service.
Take note however that this does not allow for coaching of riders on any level at this stage, and will be subject strict social distancing protocol which needs to be confirmed in a properly documented Regulation 16(6)(b) Workplace Plan, communicated and published by the owner of the relevant stable yard, in advance, as required in terms of the general measures to contain the spread of Covid-19, under the oversight of a duly appointed compliance officer in terms of Regulation 16(6)(a) to be responsible for all clients’ (horse owner) adherence to the standards of social distances, wearing of face masks, hygiene and health protocols as required, and subject to monitoring and recording by a
duly appointed compliance employee as required in terms of Regulation 5(4)(e), being in attendance during the time 06:00-09:00am and documenting access and attendance on a daily basis, with such records being retained and available for inspection by an enforcement officer.
It is important to note that yards must have temperature scanners and COVID-19 compliance registers available. A 2 metre distance is applicable and no more than 10 individuals/riders at a stable yard at the same time.
All yard owners must in be in possession of a CIPC essential services certificate. You can apply online https://www.bizportal.gov.za/essential_service.aspx and you will get your certificate on the same day.
Application for travel permits to travel to the stable yards can be found on the SAEF website:
It is recommended that the formal letter of 26 March 2020 be read together with this communique, and that permits to perform essential services as per Annexure c Form 1 be updated where necessary.
Thank you for your understanding, commitment and co-operation with these indulgences.
Enjoy your riding and stay safe.
Yours sincerely,
Wessel Strauss Secretary General - SAEF
The South African Equestrian Federation (SAEF) is closely monitoring the information regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Our number one priority is the safety and welfare of our members, staff and their families. While the number of current cases in…Read more ›