if you don't participate in the 10/31 Consortium's Halloweentown or Parade. You are missing out. The leadership team of this organization goes all out to create great events. Pub Crawls, Balls, Parades, Scavenger hunts and more. The Acadian Circus Circus Louisiana had a great time participating today. Pics/vids are coming! We performed off an on for 3 hours at Halloweentown, then we took a much needed Heat Break before the parade. Which Went awesomely! Jeff Hummel(driver), Michelle Miller Hummel the creator of awesome puppets! Michelle Landry Cameron Guillory, Micah Picou NotDavid Rumfellow, Jacob, Connor Hummel, Zeb Tate, August J Tassin III, Jack Gabel on stilts, Brooke Gabel and Kim Harger For Walking Art and Tyler Patrick Hales(as the Sugarskull Madam. Puppet) and his daughter Addie for poi. There were others there that helped us succeed and they are appreciated!