DJ Ozzy

DJ Ozzy DJ


DJ Ozzy's Occasional Rant:

I can't call this my weekly rant really but here it is.

This rant is about Tim Martin, Owner of Weatherspoons.

Tim Martin has just been given a gong in this year's Honours list.

This is despite him running the worst pub chain ever invented with no entertainment and selling beer that is out of date.

This tosspot also sacked his staff during COVID rather than go to the bother of getting them furlough money that the Government were offering to help people in the hospitality sector.

These people therefore had zero income and many had to go back cap in hand when the lockdown ended begging for their jobs back so they could survive.

How the Government can give him an MBE is beyond me!

I will never DJ at any Weatherspoons pub - ever!


2023 has been another year of highs and lows:

Highs -

Both of our main venues have continued to support us (and we have supported them by bringing in extra customers).

We played at a new venue - the Solihull Sports & Social Club.

Penny has expanded her Punk and Alt-Rock set and it is establishing itself as a firm favourite down at Fletchers Bar.

Lows -

As many other DJs and Entertainers will attest we have had the occassional last minute cancellation during the year.

We are still trying to find new Venues for our show but this is proving very difficult as these are uncertain times and people don't want to risk spending money on an untested format.

We also lost a good friend and fellow DJ, Dawn Joyce, in October - RIP Dawn - keep spinning those Rush records up there!

December 2023 Glam Rock Night at Fletchers Bar ...

December 2023 Glam Rock Night at Fletchers Bar ...


DJ Ozzy's RANT

All is well in DJ Ozzy's world at the moment so there is no rant - only warm wishes for a Happy New Year! 😀



DJ Ozzy's RANT

This rant is all about CONTACTLESS PAYMENTS.

I have just looked through my bank statement and I am spending far more money than normal without realising it because of CONTACTLESS PAYMENTS.

I am busy having a great time whilst I am out and about and thinking nothing of it until I get my bank statement and realise I've been buying far more booze or food than I thought!

I am going to go back to cash so I know how much I have spent.



DJ Ozzy's RANT

The hardest part of being in the entertainment industry is getting gigs.

This is made a lot harder by venues either not bothering to reply or venues that say they are interested when they are not and leave you stringing along hoping that you will get a gig when they really have no intention at all of doing so.



DJ Ozzy’s Rant:

I have been to the Rewind Festival 3 times and I think it’s lost it’s shine.

I didn’t go this year but from what I read everything has got a lot more expensive, the acts are not so good and they need more security because tent thefts during the night is still a problem.

I do hope that the parties at the tents in the campsite are still happening as this was the best bit.

It’s such a shame as I have had such a good time there in the past.

Rant over


DJ Ozzy's Rant:

When creating an event in Facebook it is much better if people put "Going" rather than "Interested" as my experience is those who put "Interested" never come to my events.

Try actually "Going" to an event - who knows, you might actually enjoy yourself!

Rant over


DJ Ozzy's Rant:

Haven't really had much to rant about recently but I am wondering who the hell is going to pay for all this COVID stuff when this is all over. I think we are heading for the mother of all recessions folks, mark my words!

Rant Over


DJ Ozzy’s Rant:

To my friends in their 50s who are saying they don’t think they will have the Covid Jab as they don’t think they need it and think Covid either doesn’t exist or it’s like the flu...get real you lot.

People die from this virus and there is a vaccination available - it’s a no-brainer so just go and get the jab.

Rant Over


Ozzy’s Rant:

I saw the video that’s gone viral about the online Council Meeting where Jackie Weaver was trying to politely keep some sort of order.

If ever there was an example of the type of people who should not be in charge of anything then this is it.

Well done to Jackie for keeping calm and booting the “Chairman” off the call - he was truly appalling.

Rant over


DJ Ozzy's Weekly Rant:

This week's weekly rant is about "entitled" people.

I saw a post from The Cowshed at Hucknall where the manager responded to a post left on their page by a customer complaining about the attitude of the staff and saying that her party spent a lot of money there.

Initially I thought that the lady had a valid point until I read the response from the Manager of the Cowshed where she pointed out that the lady (Jo Armstrong) had wildly exaggerated how much money her party had spend and also pointed out the appalling behavior that the staff had to endure all afternoon from this 50th birthday group.

Jo Armstrong was playing the victim but from what I read I agree with the Cowshed in that she is an entitled belligerent toddler of a person who thinks the world revolves around her and any other customers should take second place.

Good for the Cowshed in barring this person.

Rant Over !


DJ Ozzy's Weekly Rant:

This week's weekly rant is all about ..... Leaf Blowers!!

Firstly let me deal with the environmental aspect of these things - a good springbok rake and yard broom would easily be able to deal with getting these up without needing to use a petrol leaf blower or even an electric one.

Secondly people using leaf blowers who just blow their leaves off their property onto someone else's property or even onto the pavement - this is flytipping my friend and you are a flytipping chav.

So long as it's not on your land that's OK is it - someone else will clean it up will they??

Why should they - I'm tempted to buy an even more powerful leaf blower and blow them all back onto your driveway!

Rant Over!

DJ Ozzy likes all the sciences....😃🦇😂🦇

DJ Ozzy likes all the sciences....😃🦇😂🦇


DJ Ozzy's Weekly Rant:

This week's rant is all about confusing COVID instructions.

I now carry a face mask everywhere I go because I don't know when I am supposed to wear it and when I'm not.

I'll be glad when all this is over and I can get back to normal.

Rant Over!


DJ Ozzy's Weekly Rant:

This week's rant is all about Facebook.

Multi-billionaire Mark Zuckerberg cuts LiveStreams about every 30 minutes if you put a LiveStream DJ night on Facebook.

At the moment everyone is in need of cheering up and DJ Ozzy tries to do his bit by putting on these LiveStream events.

I am all for copyrite and Artists/Bands getting paid but at this moment some DJs are putting on events at no charge to try and entertain people - I do think a temporary suspension of the copyrite would be in order.

Rant Over !


DJ Ozzy's Weekly Rant:

This week's rant is all about the love of my life - P !

Why rant about her you may ask - well she is trying to kill me off with these Power Walks.

Now I'm not known for my speedwalking prowess as I am inherently lazy and slow at walking.

She has never learnt to drive and walks everywhere (fast).

So to my darling wife - if you continue to try and kill me off with all this speedwalking I will have no choice but to drug your tea to try and slow you down a bit!

Rant Over !


DJ Ozzy's Weekly Rant:

This week's rant is about sticking together.

Royal Mail have just announced they need to save money and have decided that 2,000 Managers need to go.

When you then look on the Union's page there are a lot of scathing comments about Managers in Royal Mail from the Postmen and Women and also quite a few joyful comments along the lines of good riddance.

To me this is quite shocking and in very poor taste as some Managers have got where they are through a lot of hard work and long service to the organisation and for people to take delight in the fact that they face uncertain times and potential financial hardship is pretty upsetting.

It serves to show that not everyone thinks we are all playing for the same team here.

I only hope they don't find themselves in this situation.

Rant Over


DJ Ozzy's Weekly Rant:

This week's rant is all about litter.

We are in difficult times what with this lockdown and not being able to go about our business as before.

What this seems to mean is that some people decide to meet up in local parks and have a few drinks and possibly something to eat - no problem with that.

Then they pick up their picnic blanket and say goodbye to their friends and head off home - leaving behind empty bottles, food wrappers and all manner of other rubbish.

So someone else has to clean this up for them!!!

Why the hell should they - it's your rubbish, you can put it in the bin at the edge of the park or if there isn't one or it's full TAKE IT HOME and put it in your own bin!!!

Rant Over!


DJ Ozzy's Weekly Rant:

This week's rant is about Virgin Media - I pay a small fortune to this company and they keep sending me emails telling me how great they are and what fantastic broadband speed I get in my area.
So when I go to check this on it is nowhere near what they tell me I am getting.

Absolute charlatens they are.

By the way - I am attempting to do my weekly rants without resorting to using swear words.

Rant over!


DJ Ozzy's Weekly Rant:

So predictably there have now been demonstrations from people wanting to keep the Statues that the BLM demonstrators want pulling down.

I haven't got any problem with people peacefully demonstrating to make their point.

However some morons have decided to use the opportunity to attack the Police who would rather have been home with their families.

In particular the man in the green T shirt (check out Dan Walker's facebook for video footage) is to be singled out as a vile cowardly individual who decided to attack the Police and make a name for himself.

The name you have made for yourself due to the fact that you tried to attack the smallest female Police officer as well as the fact that you were there just to cause trouble is THUG. I was going to use another word but I don't like that word however it's a very close call between THUG and the other word I have in mind.

Rant Over!


Ozzys Weekly Rant: Racism is totally wrong. What is also very wrong is people taking the opportunity during BLM protests to go looting or to attack the Police who are trying to keep order.

Case in point is that moron who threw a bike at a Police Horse near to the Cenotaph - not only was this extremely stupid it was extremely dangerous for the Police Officer, the Police Horse and the general public in the area who could have been injured if the Officer had not managed to keep the Horse under control (kudos to that Officer by the way - remarkable horsemanship).

Rant Over




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