Hitty Lark:
A Collaborative (and Impending)Foofaraw
Anyone who knows us is aware that we enjoy the history and fascination of Hitty and indeed all wooden dolls, especially when they are designed to move in such precisely engineered yet elegantly imaginative ways. When we reflect back on all the years of carving and learning with friends and fellow adventurers, that certainly comes straight to mind. But lately, one thing stands out as a common thread, a uniting bond no matter what styles, sizes, or complexity we enjoy in dolls- FUN.
All of us love to play, and imagine worlds that tiny small figments of our imagination populate and inhabit. This draws us together to be inspired and pique our creativity again and again. You either understand, and can relate, or you don’t.
A second factor is that to us, a doll carver must be equal parts creative artiste and engineer. Some of us have strengths that lay more or less to one side or the other, but oh how we love to whittle, eat, talk, and share in communal love for just enough engineering know-how to use the available tools to make artwork, and just enough curiosity to push the dryness and rationality of The Rules!
We cannot underestimate the things we’ve learned from our fellow doll carvers, and for this latest event, we have asked 2 of our favorite doll carver friends and peers to collaborate with us on the project. Most of you are familiar with these two carvers, and if you’re not, you’ll enjoy getting to know them very much. We are privileged to join TC Vollum, who publishes a new episode of dolltales.com every Sunday, and Kjerstin Mackie, who authors the blog Quimper Hittys at quimperhitty.com in a collaboration for a wholly new type of Hitty, Hitty Lark. Our goal and hope is that you will be able to see each one of us in this doll.
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