Abide Occasions

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Abide Occasions Event styling & coordinating by Lauren N. Black. Our heart is for beauty & rest. Supporting Adoption

Abide: To preserve the hours in remembrance of the covenant God holds with His people.If there is any prayer in the hear...

Abide: To preserve the hours in remembrance of the covenant God holds with His people.

If there is any prayer in the heart of Abide Occasions, it is this. So while much of the what this business is able to do has changed, and the future of the dream is uncertain, this holds true. We marked such a day, with only 3 dear souls in attendance. Nothing formal, no marketing, ticketing, or extensive planning. Just a few women sitting on the floor in cozy socks, enjoying a milk and honey themed spread (with pearly gates and golden streets popcorn & cookies too!) looking to the Savior in grateful worship, that we might hold fast to His promise to be with us as Emmanuel. We treasured the beginning of advent, and honored our God with our devotion and commitment to Him in this season.

And it was such a gift. Thank you to Ruth Chou Simons of GraceLaced for the inspiration in her , an amazing gala event, and our God for these words —

“If the Lord delight in us, then He will bring us into this land, and give it us; a land which floweth with milk and honey. Only rebel not ye against the Lord, neither fear ye the people of the land; for they are bread for us: their defence is departed from them, and the Lord is with us: fear them not.” Num. 14:8

Gracious venue hosting provided by Caitlin Jane.

Sabbath: DependenceThough perhaps an understated quality, dependence is a genuinely foundational aspect of love. Some ma...

Sabbath: Dependence
Though perhaps an understated quality, dependence is a genuinely foundational aspect of love. Some may call it trust, reliance, or faithfulness. Yet regardless of it’s name, or nuance, to love and be loved, hinges deeply on the ability to completely lean upon the support of the one who holds your heart with pure vulnerability, while remaining the supporting beam, the assuring anchor upon which they can surrender their hopes and yearnings. As two become one, they are sustained by the joy they impart to one another, rooted in the trust they have cultivated that the other will remain when all others fail. Abiding, resting, so much of this love begins with the selfless devotion of simple dependence.

The most beautiful wedding occasions reflect just that. In the countless planning hours the bride & groom spend deciding on traditional or modern vows, colors, flowers, beach or mountain venues, chicken or steak, Tim McGraw or John Legend…to the amazing family, friends, and collaborating crew, be they old friends or new, coming together for just one day to support the couple with generous care and joyous hope for a lifetime of love. One of the most beautiful aspects of a wedding is witnessing just how compelling an impact two people’s love can have upon everyone sharing a part in their wedding day.

It is how the Lord loves us, with an unfailing lovingkindness, ever faithful, drawing us nearer His heart.

“I just want something all my own. Something to follow me and be mine. Something with dependence to it.” • Majorie Kinnnan Rawlings
💗 7.2.22 Allison & Ryan
💒 Brix & Columns Vineyards
🙏 Pastor Anthony & Pastor Mitch
🎼 Megan Young Violinist
🎤 Medi Kay
💐 Twisted Tulip Florist
📸 Taylor Lynn Photography, LLC & Harlie
🎥 Done In Love Films
📸 DJ FIT & Kush
🍇 Dayton Tavern Dayton Catering Co and Event Planning
🧁 Corbin's Confections
⚜️ Wildwood Flower Photography Co.

*all photos enclosed in post taken by Tamara K.

Sabbath: CommunionToday is my parents’ 35th anniversary. I am so grateful, and completely in awe of the love present in ...

Sabbath: Communion
Today is my parents’ 35th anniversary. I am so grateful, and completely in awe of the love present in their marriage. The more I know their story, the longer I journey in my own life, the more I see the beauty & humility of the Gospel alive in their oneness. They celebrated their marriage today, not just their wedding.
So many years later...through sickness (surgery, deafness, heart issues, torn joints, brokenness, loss of loved ones, age) & health (they are beautiful to each other still, more whole together than apart)... through poorer days (job loss, single income) & richer hours (always together in stewarding what they do have, and committing first to our family’s care)...in all this they have held steadfastly to one another. They have loved each other with a resilience which I think will outlast even death, for they have built on the hope of eternity. They have kept their vow, as an abiding covenant, cherishing with a full assurance that they have in each other someone who knows, understands, and searches out their deepest heart. It is a knowing of trust, faith, tenderness, & genuine valuing of the gift of belonging - uniting of souls, confident that no one else could accomplish the same for them. At their starry-eyed beginning, how could they know what life would hold? Yet they choose to love & remain.
"He that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God." - I John 4:16
So often you hear people say they found home for their spirit only in the one they love. It sounds so cliche, so much just a lyric in a song, yet I think it must be true. Because this promise of abiding & remaining, must be rooted in the foundation of peace, refuge, & trust. Who can rest in a place of distrust & discord? Wherever you are in your love story, I hope you are discovering something of that haven Love gives, even if it’s simply dwelling in the gentle arms of our mighty God. In every chapter of the love we know on earth, He is our first home, truest rest, & safest dwelling place.

Photography: Hilary Hyland Photography & White Sails Creative
Venue: Whitehall Estate - Weddings & Events
Communion Service:
Coordinating & Styling:
6.10.18 ❤ Ashley Luehr & Joel

Sabbath: CommunionToday is my parents’ 35th anniversary. I am so grateful, and completely in awe of the love present in ...

Sabbath: Communion
Today is my parents’ 35th anniversary. I am so grateful, and completely in awe of the love present in their marriage. The more I know their story, the longer I journey in my own life, the more I see the beauty & humility of the Gospel alive in their oneness. They celebrated their marriage today, not just their wedding.
So many years later...through sickness (surgery, deafness, heart issues, torn joints, brokenness, loss of loved ones, age) & health (they are beautiful to each other still, more whole together than apart)... through poorer days (job loss, single income) & richer hours (always together in stewarding what they do have, and committing first to our family’s care)...in all this they have held steadfastly to one another. They have loved each other with a resilience which I think will outlast even death, for they have built on the hope of eternity. They have kept their vow, as an abiding covenant, cherishing with a full assurance that they have in each other someone who knows, understands, and searches out their deepest heart. It is a knowing of trust, faith, tenderness, & genuine valuing of the gift of belonging - uniting of souls, confident that no one else could accomplish the same for them. At their starry-eyed beginning, how could they know what life would hold? Yet they chose to love & remain.
"He that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God." - I John 4:16
So often you hear people say they found home for their spirit only in the one they love. It sounds so cliche, so much just a lyric in a song, yet I think it must be true. Because this promise of abiding & remaining, must be rooted in the foundation of peace, refuge, & trust. Who can rest in a place of distrust & discord? Wherever you are in your love story, I hope you are discovering something of that haven Love gives, even if it’s simply dwelling in the gentle arms of our mighty God. In every chapter of the love we know on earth, He is our first home, truest rest, and safest dwelling place.

Photography: &
Communion Service:
Coordinating & Styling:

Sabbath: Place of GloryIn early history, the Hebrews were a nomadic people. Beginning with Abraham, they spent generatio...

Sabbath: Place of Glory
In early history, the Hebrews were a nomadic people. Beginning with Abraham, they spent generations wandering, in a way, homeless, without belonging, awaiting entrance into the Promised Land, their hope & blessing. Yet even in this tiresome journey, there was one constant. The Lord went before them, revealing by His glory, where they might pitch their tents. “At the commandment of the Lord the children of Israel journeyed, and at the commandment of the Lord they pitched: as long as the cloud abode upon the tabernacle they rested in their tents” (Num. 9:18). Abraham often built altars to worship after God led him to a new landmark his inheritance (Gen. 13:18). He would be still, abide, where God revealed Himself, and wait in worship for the next call to obedience. When God designed the tabernacle, before building the temple, that was where He made known His presence, mercy, & glory (Ex. 29:43).
Christ is our High Priest & Refuge. Emmanuel came to dwell with us, fulfilling all which is symbolically illuminated in the tabernacle & temple, and then rending the separation between us and God (Matt. 27:51). By His mercy & forgivenessess, He invites us to be near Him, leaving His Spirit to dwell in us (Heb. 9; 2 Pet. 1; Rev. 21:3). When earthly wandering finishes, and the redeemed are given eternal life, they will abide in the Lord’s presence. “There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High.” (Ps. 46:4)
This Sabbath, I pray you know what it is to be still in His presence; that you are able to rest under His wing (Ps. 61:4). Linger here. There is never cause to regret residing in the place of His glory. Though seemingly just a backdrop, a venue space is the event framework; it is the entire atmospheric context which establishes the foundation for every detail & experience. Abiding in His presence is the same. It is the canvas which absorbs & sets all the vibrancy & color of His glory by which we know and understand our own purpose, place, & belonging.
“O Lord, I love the habitation of Your house and the place where your glory dwells.” Ps. 26:8

📷 Riverfront at Fort Bacon Farm; Captured at Verity Vareé event

This photo tells a beautiful story. It’s a simple detail shot, yet is perhaps one of my favorite images of a truly glori...

This photo tells a beautiful story. It’s a simple detail shot, yet is perhaps one of my favorite images of a truly glorious day. Almost every other part of this wedding could fit inside the frame of this sentiment.
The bride chose by for her processional. She told me I could place this lyric sign anywhere at the venue, yet I knew, this place, at the beginning of the aisle, would mean it was among the first things everyone present would take in from the scene, serving as a quiet testimony of the promise being made.
I think we forget how sacred weddings are. As the bride’s steps gently fell on the soft grass, her heart beat with hope, not just from this song, but from the radiant, deep love of the marriage covenant. In this moment of oneness, we learned something of what it is to be on holy ground. Gabriella walked with a serene, joyous assurance that it was indeed her best friend waiting for her at the altar, and that their unity is abiding, anchored in the Savior.
These two, with every fiber of their being, were committed to a wedding celebration which declared their sheer delight in one another, and the glory of a good & holy God. They have a love which exemplifies both the innocent joy and laughter of childhood friends, and the most incredibly romantic love imaginable.
Wedding day planning began with the vision for a, “simple, formal elegance, with modern flare”. From the reverence of communion & foot-washing in the ceremony, to the charming first look, misty twilight photos, and surprise bridesmaids’ dance, we accomplished just that.
//Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you
-John Legend
Photography: Hilary Hyland Photography & White Sails Creative
Venue: Whitehall Estate - Weddings & Events
Sign: & Paint

Sabbath“Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart; Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art; Thou my best thought, by da...

“Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart; Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art; Thou my best thought, by day or by night;
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.

Be Thou my wisdom, and Thou my true Word; I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord; Thou my great Father and I, Thy true son; Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.

Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise; Thou mine inheritance, now and always; Thou and Thou only, first in my heart; O King of glory, my treasure Thou art.

O King of glory, my victory won;
Rule and reign in me ’til Thy will be done; Heart of my own heart, whatever befall; Still be my vision, O Ruler of all.”
“I can see, and that is why I can be happy, in what you call the dark, but which to me is golden. I can see a God-made world, not a man-made world." - Helen Keller..praying your Sabbath was blessed with the Light of His presence, and that your vision for your life, reaches beyond the golden sky into what is hopeful, true, and good. As this first month of 2020 draws to a close, and perhaps you are beginning to plan a happy occasion, I hope you are able to set your sights on a foundation for your celebration that is something holy & pure; that your day may be a tangible evidence of an abiding love, and abundant life, be it your wedding, a birth, a parting, or a simple gathering. Every day is a possibility for joy. Please message if may be of service in offering any encouragement or planning assistance.

With gratitude for the beautiful every day. - Lauren

Florals: DenbydesignCo.
Photography: Rebekah J. Murray Photography
Venue: Fort Bacon Farm

Happiest 1st Anniversary, to two of the dearest people I know. So grateful for the strength of your faithful dedication,...

Happiest 1st Anniversary, to two of the dearest people I know. So grateful for the strength of your faithful dedication, and unwaveringly selfless love for one another.
1.20.19 ❤ Hallie & Jay
“I have for the first time found what I can truly love - I have found you. You are my sympathy - my better self - my good angel - I am bound to you with a strong attachment. I think you good, gifted, lovely: a fervent, a solemn passion is conceived in my heart; it leans to you, draws you to my centre and spring of life, wraps my existence about you - and, kindling I’m pure, powerful flame, fuses you and me in one.” - Charlotte Bronte

Photography: .d.gillespie

Sabbath: Vision“And it was the sabbath day when Jesus made the clay, and opened His eyes.” John 9Sketching an event, the...

Sabbath: Vision
“And it was the sabbath day when Jesus made the clay, and opened His eyes.” John 9

Sketching an event, there’s usually readily apparent reason for gathering - wedding, birth, death, graduation, fundraiser, holiday. Yet, in each of those, there’s something far more significant being celebrated - marriage, life, legacy, accomplishment, cause or mission, gathering of like-minded community, holy tradition. Without true purpose, it’s just another party. Without genuine sincerity, the additional details consume & mar the joy of the process.

Though just a flickering moment, occasions must be planned with truly visionary intentionality to be conveyed with an abiding, meaningful quality. When I remember couples I’ve served, the beginning of their marriages is marked by unwavering commitment, reverence, incandescent joy, true understanding of forever, enduring hope in happily ever after realized, gentle devotion, and generous sacrifice & tenderness. There are beautiful wedding details, but these are the qualities of impact, which gives me such gratitude. Hosting a dinner for I researched cuisines & traditions, not so much for flair, but to give welcome, belonging, & community to all gathered, as the missionary shared her firsthand stories of rescuing children, placing them in forever homes.

Beginning event plans, I consider what are the 3 most important elements. Then, the discussion leads to what the day will say - how it will reflect those giving the celebration, and what is most anticipated for memory. It’s a vision which begins with hope; the composition of ‘dreams come true’.

Following the gift of restored sight for the blind man, “Jesus became the most important person in existence. All he knew of Jesus at first was His name, and under that name was the whole horizon of his vision...Jesus was exceedingly great, for He had opened his eyes” (Spurgeon). When Christ opens your eyes, the first thing, sometimes the only thing, you recognize, is Him. My prayer, whether you are event planning or just catching hold of Monday, is you would see & know Christ first (Luke 24), & the beauty of your days rooted in this gladness.

“In making even horizontal and clear inspections we colour and mould according to the wants within us whatever our eyes ...

“In making even horizontal and clear inspections we colour and mould according to the wants within us whatever our eyes bring in.” - Thomas Hardy

I love that thought - the idea that, as humans, we risk seeing, not what is so, but what we hope will be, can be either a great gift of faith, or a dire gullibility. There is also something of the notion that your own soul may find itself suddenly a new creature in the cocoon developed by its’ own longings and perspective. As one of my favorite authors, says in her book, - “We become what we behold.”

As a company, and in my personal life, this month’s prayer and focus has been on catching a clear, true -vision- for what it is to Abide. In a practical sense, that’s been sketching a business plan, prepping for events & catching a dream for all that will be. In my life, it’s meant striving to preserve rest for what matters, especially time with my Savior.

So for I hope this gave you a glimpse of my heart for this service, as I simply want to encourage you today to invest in a pure & right vantage point for your own life. And to begin your own occasion plans not so much with concern over whether to choose buffet or plated, ombré bridesmaids or uniform, guest book or photo booth, but rather, a joyful commitment & sure vision what you desire the soul of your day to be. Each of the elements is valuable (and just the kind of thing we’d walk thru with you in planning), yet they will distort if not first fashioned by a vibrant, radiantly purposed vision. Your event will “become” a reflection & description of part of who you are.

Thank you for stopping by here today. I’m so looking forward to getting to know you more, and sharing many lovely days with you. Have a splendid weekend!

{pictured: decor pieces from a gift wrap pop-up planned, hosted by }

“For there is no friend like a sisterIn calm or stormy weather; To cheer one on the tedious way, To fetch one if one goe...

“For there is no friend like a sister
In calm or stormy weather;
To cheer one on the tedious way,
To fetch one if one goes astray,
To lift one if one totters down,
To strengthen whilst one stands”
-Christina Rossetti
Today is my sister’s birthday. She’s the unsung heroine of - always journeying beside me, whether at the heights or in the trenches (often in her leather jacket, ready for anything). She’s the soul who tells me to dream a little bigger, with greater courage, and then keeps my feet rooted in truth and practicality when my hopes out run my reason. All the while, she’s making dreams become realities. She’s the most empathetic, wise, compassionate, artistic heart I know, with the best taste in tea, music, and poetry. It is our deep joy to celebrate the occasion of her life today.
Follow Tamara’s nature photography & the adventures of her toy poodle
Photo Credit: Paula Bartosiewicz Photography

SabbathWhat does it mean to abide? What do you hope remains forever, as part of your always lasting?  {...be part of the...

What does it mean to abide? What do you hope remains forever, as part of your always lasting?

{...be part of the extended conversation on our instagram, or share your thoughts below. Praying you each have a glorious Sabbath rest in our Savior.}

"The greatest victory of my life has been to be able to live with myself, to accept my shortcomings and those of others....

"The greatest victory of my life has been to be able to live with myself, to accept my shortcomings and those of others. I'm a long way from being the human being I'd like to be. But I've decided I'm not so bad after all."
- Audrey Hepburn
Hello Friends,
Thank you kindly for stopping by here today. I so appreciate your friendship, interest, and support in this chapter of my life and new endeavors. There’s always the question of ‘who is behind the company’, or, ‘how much of my face and story should I really tell’? So here’s a small piece of my heart, which I’m honored to share with you. Abide Occasions is about celebrating the ‘extraordinary ordinary’ moments of both your everydays, and your best days (have you seen About Time?! If so, you’ll know what I mean). I could tell you it’s a team of one, just me, but the truth is, I have an incredible family standing beside me, and the dearest of friends and clients who have patiently and generously journeyed beside me. In a favorite film about Bobby Jones, they say, ‘to be an amateur is to love the game’. That’s very much at the root of the vision I have for this little business & co. I’ve been serving, working, & volunteering for non-profits, beautiful friends with amazing companies, a local wedding venue, and incredible friends who trusted me to plan their events, for several years now. As each occasion takes place, I’ve gleaned more skill and ability, and an ever increasing yearning to cultivate & preserve this idea of abiding, lasting memories of joy, beauty, and love. Yet I never want to become so “professional” passion is lost, or genuine connection is missing - for our time together to be anything less than a peaceful, delightful, serendipitous experience for you and yours. That’s just not who I am, and not what this is meant to be. So if that means slow growth, surrendered to what the Lord gives, and striving to be among the truest, purest “amateurs”, rather than the greatest of the greats, I am content, and so very grateful to celebrate your day with you. If you have any questions regarding event planning, or stories to share of your own happiest days, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

In His grace,


Sabbath“Thou hast made us for thyself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in thee.”- Augustine of...

“Thou hast made us for thyself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in thee.”
- Augustine of Hippo
My mind and heart have been lingering here for a few days. One of the many reasons began, was due to the yearning I have in my own life to cultivate and preserve restful time & space to dwell in the Lord’s Spirit with Him.
Last autumn was our first retreat, on just such a Sunday, set apart for joyous communion with dear friends, old & newly found.
So whether it’s a wedding day purposed to celebrate abiding love, a gathering of friends to experience abiding encouragement, or just you in your home with a cup of tea and your Bible, I pray you find that happy rest. Make it the very best daily occasion of your beautiful life.
“Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee.”
Psalm 116:7

“He’s more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”Emily BronteWhat can a decade ho...

“He’s more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”

Emily Bronte
What can a decade hold? Much grace, deep joy, resplendent glory & goodness...with hope for all that is ahead.

@ Loudoun County, Virginia

Celebrating all of life’s golden hours in 2019. As memories fade into twilight, may they continue to reflect much joy th...

Celebrating all of life’s golden hours in 2019. As memories fade into twilight, may they continue to reflect much joy through 2020. With gratitude for the dear friends who invited me to share these beautiful days with them, and every hope & prayer for abundant blessing in their lives.

1.20.19 Jay & Hallie
9.1.19 Steve & Amanda
11.30.19 Matthew & Kara

"Let us find our rest in TheeIsrael's strength and consolationHope of all the earth Thou artDear desire of every nationJ...

"Let us find our rest in Thee
Israel's strength and consolation
Hope of all the earth Thou art
Dear desire of every nation
Joy of every longing heart"

As we ready our spirits to ring in the new year, and effort to finish this one well - in these between days of expectant, hopeful waiting - we are celebrating the gift of our Savior's nearness to earth, and all the promise He provides to answer our desire for abundant life in the days ahead.

This Christmas, my family and I visited the Biltmore Estate, and enjoyed the quiet away from our normal hustle and bustle of preparations. Wandering through these great halls of noble gentility and grandeur, I realized the Vanderbilt's Christmases' of years past were not so very different from ours. Though extravagant, the light of those fireplaces was far from austere, and spoke rather of warmth, welcome, and generosity. A lovely meal gracing the table, cheery gifts under the many, many beautiful trees, family gathered round - all the same. The where & when for -abiding- was not so crucial as with Whom we were resting. Though far from home, our rest & joy was in the gift of His Spirit, and the sweet, tangible knowing of His presence through being together.

How did you mark the occasion of Christ's birth? What traditions do you value? Not every event must be elaborate. It is first a matter of what love fills your longing heart.

“Christmas is built upon a beautiful and intentional paradox; that the birth of the homeless should be celebrated in every home.”
― G.K. Chesterton

The purpose of Abide Occasions is to work alongside one another to design and create beautiful events for every season. ...

The purpose of Abide Occasions is to work alongside one another to design and create beautiful events for every season. My hope is to share in preserving the holiness of communion – be it among strangers who become friends, entrepreneurs working towards a purpose, or two hearts becoming one…to ensure your memories remain long after the glow of the sparklers fades.

Event planning is two-fold. There are those moments of greatest value to you, which will be thoughtfully planned and reverently preserved. Then there will be the serendipitous happenings which catch you by surprise. When planning with you, my vision is to ensure there is both time & grace for both to take place in their turn, with deep hope for your happiness & joy to be abiding.

“And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.”

I Corinthians 13:13

{Photo Credit: Rebekah J. Murray Photography & Florals: DenbydesignCo.}



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