Thank you to the Sri Lanka Community 🇱🇰...
Our experts at Valentino Visual Events always ready to help you, contact us at 818-421-6333/ 818-419-3399
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Thank you to a Sri Lanka Benefit 🇱🇰 Event (Dinner Gala) at the Sheraton Hotel Universal. Our team... always ready to help you with your Special Events.
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#worship #churchevents #productlaunch #galaevents #desfiledemodas #lgbtevents #corporatepresentations #eventcordinator #exhibición #desfiledemodas #pageant
We want to thank ...all our clients for their continued support.
A list below of some of our services: Giant LED Screen(s), Light Dance Floor, Dancing on the Clouds, Cold Spark Fountains, Uplighting, Event Planning and Coordinating Services, and more...
Book Your Event... 818-421-6333
#quinceexpo #quinceanera #ledvideowallrentals #ledvideoscreen #leddancefloors #coldsparklers
#weddingdj #misquince
#quincedj #mysuper15
#mysuper16 #ledvideowalls
#partyplanner #eventcoordinator
#uplightingrentals #18birthdayparty
#dancingontheclouds #18birthday
Customized LED Dancefloors for your Special Events... Call & Reserve your LED Dancefloors, Uplighting, LED Video Panels, Special Fx Rental Equipment, EventPlanning, & more. 818-421-6333
#mysuper16 #quinceexpo #quincedj #quinceanera #18birthdayparty
#sweet15 #18birthday #debutant
#quinceaneraexpo #leddancefloor #leddancefloorrental#uplighting
#dancefloor #uplighting #uplight #masoniclodgesanfernando
#dancefloorrental #eventplanning
#marqueeletters #eventcordinator #cordinadoradeeventos #Cordinadora #birthday