Thank you to the Sri Lanka Community 🇱🇰...
Our experts at Valentino Visual Events always ready to help you, contact us at 818-421-6333/ 818-419-3399
#ledvideoscreen #outdoorvenue #ledvideo #corporateevents #ledvideowall #churchevents #SriLanka #communityevent #communityengagement #eventos #eventplanner #plannercommunity #eventossociales #ledpanel #eventosespeciales #galaeventplanner
Thank you to a Sri Lanka Benefit 🇱🇰 Event (Dinner Gala) at the Sheraton Hotel Universal. Our team... always ready to help you with your Special Events.
#venue #banquethall #outdoorvenue #weddingvenue #eventos #corporateevents #celebration #partyplanner #weddingvenue #weddingbanquet #eventplanner #dinnerparty #galaevents #srilanka #galaevents #presentacionescorporativas #concertnight #ledscreens #ledpanels #ledvideoscreen #ledvideowall #ledvideowallrentals #dancefloorrental
#worship #churchevents #productlaunch #galaevents #desfiledemodas #lgbtevents #corporatepresentations #eventcordinator #exhibición #desfiledemodas #pageant
We want to thank ...all our clients for their continued support.
A list below of some of our services: Giant LED Screen(s), Light Dance Floor, Dancing on the Clouds, Cold Spark Fountains, Uplighting, Event Planning and Coordinating Services, and more...
Book Your Event... 818-421-6333
#quinceexpo #quinceanera #ledvideowallrentals #ledvideoscreen #leddancefloors #coldsparklers
#weddingdj #misquince
#quincedj #mysuper15
#mysuper16 #ledvideowalls
#partyplanner #eventcoordinator
#uplightingrentals #18birthdayparty
#dancingontheclouds #18birthday
Customized LED Dancefloors for your Special Events... Call & Reserve your LED Dancefloors, Uplighting, LED Video Panels, Special Fx Rental Equipment, EventPlanning, & more. 818-421-6333
#mysuper16 #quinceexpo #quincedj #quinceanera #18birthdayparty
#sweet15 #18birthday #debutant
#quinceaneraexpo #leddancefloor #leddancefloorrental#uplighting
#dancefloor #uplighting #uplight #masoniclodgesanfernando
#dancefloorrental #eventplanning
#marqueeletters #eventcordinator #cordinadoradeeventos #Cordinadora #birthday
Elegant GOLD LED Dancefloors, call now...and one of our experts are ready to help.
#eventos #corporateevents #bodas #celebration #eventosempresariales #eventoselsalvador #eventosmexico #eventplanner #uplightingrentals #presentacionescorporativas #quinceañeras #weddings #ledpanels #ledvideoscreen #weddingbanquet #leddancefloors #dancefloorrental #worship #churchevents #productlaunch #galaevents #desfiledemodas #lgbtevents #corporatepresentations #eventcordinator #exhibición #desfiledemodas #pageant #eventoscorporativos #godisgood #anniversarygift
LED Dancefloors & LED Video Wall Rentals
Call & Book your Special Event... 818-421-6333
#leddancefloor #ledvideowallrentals #ledvideowalls #partytime #eventplanner #Quinceaneras #coldsparklers #eventos #outdoorevents #eventoscorporativos #eventcordinator
Spectacular Events with LED Dancefloors & LED Video Wall Panels...Call and Book your Special Events 818-421-6333/818-419-3399
#leddancefloor #ledvideowallrentals #ledvideowalls #partytime #eventplanner #Quinceaneras #coldsparklers #eventos #outdoorevents
Dancefloor Rentals
Our Production Team is Ready to Help you on your Next Special Event...LED Dancefloors, LED Video Wall Panels, Cold Fountain Sparklers, Dancing on the Clouds, Uplighting...
Cold Sparklers
Cold Fountain Sparklers, LED Dancefloors, LED Video Wall Panels & more! Our Production Rental Team is ready to help you, call us and book your date.
Our AVL Production Rental Team is ready to help you with LED Dancefloors, LED Video Wall Panels, Cold Fountain Sparklers, Stage & Lighting on your next event.
#eventos #corporateevents #celebration #eventosempresariales #EventosElSalvador #eventplanner #uplightingrentals #presentacionescorporativas #quinceexpo #ledscreens #ledpanels #ledvideoscreen #ledvideowall #ledvideowallrentals #dancefloorrental #worship #churchevents #productlaunch #galaevents #desfiledemodas #lgbtevents #corporatepresentations #eventcordinator #exhibición #desfiledemodas #pageant #eventoscorporativos #godisgood #blushbanquethall #avantibanquet
LED Dancefloor Rentals
Our AVL Production Rental Team is ready to help you with LED Dancefloors, LED Video Wall Panels, Cold Fountain Sparklers, Stage & Lighting on your next event.
#eventos #corporateevents #celebration #eventosempresariales #EventosElSalvador #eventplanner #uplightingrentals #presentacionescorporativas #quinceexpo #ledscreens #ledpanels #ledvideoscreen #ledvideowall #ledvideowallrentals #dancefloorrental #worship #churchevents #productlaunch #galaevents #desfiledemodas #lgbtevents #corporatepresentations #eventcordinator #exhibición #desfiledemodas #pageant #eventoscorporativos #godisgood
LED Dancefloors, LED Video Wall Panels, Cold Sparklers, and more...Our team members are ready to help you with your Special Events.
#leddancefloor #dancefloorrentals
#ledvideowall #ledvideowalls
#coldsparklers #coldsparkmachine
#avantibanquethall #blushbanquethall