If I continue to write like this, I seem to be practicing Morning Pages introduced by Julia Cameron. Sure enough, the insights of ♠K of Spades is growing on me!
Today, I didn’t expect to draw any special card, and I got a Ace of Heart♥, which is also a significant card, because it is the first card of all cards, meaning full of courage but also somewhat naive and emotional, but the book still emphasizes that it is courageous! Normally, I don’t pay special attention to this card, but at this moment I want to shout, Ace of Heart♥ is so me!
For the first time, I feel that the myriads of research subjects I fanaticized can become the ingredients of my creation, not just nutrients, without ever putting the seeds in.
As the Chinese saying goes, “The newborn calf does not fear the tiger.” Why say more?Enjoy the tiger coming your way little calf!
Ace of Heart♥ are often restless souls, and their fickle character is one of the biggest crosses they carry."
——Quotes from 《Love Cards》 by Robert Lee Camp
如果繼續這樣寫下去,好像跟之前練習過的Julia Cameron的「晨間隨筆」有異曲同工之妙。果然黑桃♠K的遠見有灌注給我。
可愛的初生之犢,何必多說,Enjoy the tiger coming your way!
——引用自Robert Lee Camp《撲克命牌,我的愛情》 (橡實文化)
#書 #撲克命牌我的愛情 #橡實文化 #神聖 #撲克牌 #靈數 #秘傳 #祕傳 #數字 #靈數9 #紅心 #直覺 #占卜 #解讀 #身心靈 #靈性