Today I am 40 years old. I am so ready for 40.
I am comfortable enough in my own skin. I'm just as fine getting fancied and dressed up, as I am in baggy, comfortable, dirty work clothes. I rarely put makeup on my face, but suncreen is a must. My hair is probably up and off my face, but dyed at home rose-gold once in a while. I might paint my short nails a bright color, but they probably will always have dirt underneath.
My day to day is our kids and their needs, hopes, and hugs. Our garden, the flowers, the plants, the dirt, the water, the bugs, the snakes, the life. A partner in life, work, and play who is fiercely loyal and great at teaching kids to wrestle. I teach them lightsaber forms. My baby boy doggo. Pax, who somehow fills the role of protector, spoiled last child, snuggle buddy, and killer of plants all at one quantum second. A home that I have recurring nightmares I have to leave and move away from. While maybe older, smaller, messier because I was in the garden instead; every square foot is appreciated. My minivan has seat warmers, cold air conditioning, and loud speakers.
I am reading, listening, learning, and changing every day. I know nothing and am thrilled to finally realize what life is really about, and have it all figured out/s. I have causes, passions, hobbies, friends, beliefs, purpose, mistakes, with no end in sight.
I am grateful for a body, even when I don't take great care of it and supply it with Dr. Pepper endlessly instead of water.
I am privileged, lucky, loved, happy, restless, hopeful, and excited for the new Dragon Age video game. I know who I am, where I am flawed, where I am trying, and where I am content being me.
See you in another 40!