Hello everyone! My name is Liberty and I’m an 18 year old entrepreneur, who calls the Oregon valley home. I really love bringing the community together for some family fun, and I wanted to put together a valley wide Trunk or Treat event this year.
I’m thinking of a 2-3 hour event. Where, anyone who wants to be involved can come park and decorate their car, open up their trunk and hand out goodies and candy to the kids! There will also be activity stations, games, costume contests, decorating contests and hopefully a few cars available to vend handmade items.
What I need:
- An event space. A parking lot from a school, a church or a community center to host the event in. I would like to block off the parking lot or space for the event.
- Volunteers
* Check in/Check out
* Set up/Clean up
* Activity Stations
* Candy Passers
* Contest Judges
* First Aid
- Sponsors
- Potential Vendors
- Community Trunks! Come down and decorate your car, get set up to pass out candy through the event to the kids that come by!
I am open to multiple dates, multiple locations ect. If you have any leads, ideas or contact information for somewhere I can HOST a trunk or treat event please leave it in the comments below.
If you are interested in participating, volunteering or sponsoring send me a message or comment below. Sign up sheets and forms will go out as soon as a location is secured.