I'll be clear:
If you lack the discernment to recognize blatant narcissism and empathy beyond your own doorstep,
Thanks. I appreciate your red flags. If there's one privilege I get to wield in this world, it's control over whom I choose for partnership and collaboration. There are plenty of megacorporations who will take your money. Bye.
"Why must I make it political?"
Because law governs whom we let love and live, very certainly including marriage. Renegade supports VOW for Girls with every purchase, because I'm not making widgets. We're empowering authentic expression, celebrating that authenticity, as these badasses present themselves to their partners who celebrate them. When a wedding dress is a symbol of oppression, I'd rather see it burn.
Not everyone gets it, but maybe repeating it will hit new ears and hearts every time we do. Every time you share our mission and our pretties with a Renegade you know, it touches real lives, not the least of which is my own. Thank you.