Hello Everyone!! Here's a short message from our exceptional artist's for tomorrow as they prepare to light up ziro with their music.
We hope you are ready as we finally begin our month long celebration tomorrow with a bang.
Let's Celebrate Arunachal!!
Glimpse of the Ziro Valley
IPR, Lower Subansiri chapter
Press Briefing By Er.Tage Taki, Minister Agriculture and allied Departments -cum- Chairman ,Golden Jubilee Inaugural Committee,Ziro on the Golden Jubilee ( 50 years) of Arunachal Pradesh Inaugural Ceremony to be held in Padi Yubbe Outdoor Stadium, Ziro on 20th January,2022.
#50yearsofap #GoAP #ArunachalPradesh #ziro #goldenjubileearunachalpradesh
Gearing up for the Golden Jubilee ( 50 years) Celebration of Arunachal Pradesh.
Cleanliness drive cm tree replantation, organized by Bamin Michi Welfare association(BMWA) in collaboration with Bamin Michi youth association(BMYA) at Bamin Michi village, Ziro.
#50yearsofap #GoAP #ArunachalPradesh #ziro #cleanzirogreenziro #goldenjubileearunachalpradesh
Interaction with Mr. Mudo Nyikang who witnessed the renaming ceremony of NEFA to Arunachal Pradesh on 20th January, 1972.
#50yearsofap #ArunachalPradesh #ziro #IPRlowersubansirichapter #DIPROlowersubansiri