Left Bank you absolutely stole my heart yesterday!🤍🤍🤍 Massive thanks to Georgian Rave Community for trusting me and inviting🙏🤍 And biggest thank to lovely crew and staff🤍
That was the day to remember 🙏🤍
შაბათს, 12 აგვისტოს Left Bank იწყებს ახალ წვეულებების სერიას — Community Gathering, რომელის მიზანია აღმოაჩინოს და ადგილობრივ ელექტრონული მუსიკის სცენაზე წარადგინოს დამწყები არტისტები. ეს წამოწყება Georgian Rave Community-ს გუნდთან თანამშრომლობით შეიქმნა და თავისი შინაარსით მთლიანად სოციალურ ხასიათს ატარებს, რაც გულისხმობს ახალბედა პროდიუსერებისა თუ დიჯეებისვის პროფესიონალური პლატფორმის მიცემას მათი მუსიკალური შესაძლებლობების გამოსავლენად.
Entry: 20 Gel.
Doors Open: 22:00
Tickets at the door only.
All night long.
No Photo, No Video.
On Saturday, August 12, Left Bank is launching a new party series — Community Gathering, dedicated to discovering and promoting emerging artists in the local electronic music scene. For this initiative, we've teamed up with Rave Community Georgia to create a platform for DJs and producers to showcase their skills. It's all about supporting growing artists and connecting with the local electronic music community.
✦ Levan Jimsheleishvili, also known as LVN, has been exploring the music world since 2012. Drawing heavy influence from Minimal and trance-infused sounds, he will translate his experiences through the DJ booth of Space Two.
✦ Joining her will be Magda Vibliani - Inspired by the city's top-notch selectors and prominent figures in the global techno scene, artist has now embarked on sharing her musical explorations on the DJ stage under the moniker VIBLIANI. Her grasp of the moment lets her deftly shift the dance floor's ambiance, adapting to the mood while staying true to groovy sides of Techno.
✦ Adding to the lineup at Outdoor stage is Punk Attack, an up-and-coming electronic music producer and DJ from Georgia. Having various releases under his name, his unconventional and gritty sound reflects the social and cultural turmoil of his home city - Rustavi.