Happy Tip *Thursday*!! Times are crazy, days run together.. so what if Tuesday got postponed this week 🤷🏼♀️ it’ll be okay party people! So lets talk TIPS TO SAVE $$!!
This week is piggy backing onto last week with the lovely topic of saving trees...menu’s. *don’t shoot the opinionated messenger* When you sit down at a wedding and look down at your plate with a napkin all ready for a yummy dinner...are you going to gasp if theres not a paper menu in front of you?? NO. Lets be honest, if its a plated dinner Sally sent in if she wanted chicken or fish a month ago (not your fault she forgot). What about if its a buffet?! Well they will figure it out as they stand up there with that plate (OR have a sign as you go up there!). If you are looking for ways to save a few dollars ladies and gents you don’t HAVE to have a paper menu in front of the guests, it adds up, kills trees and will just get thrown away at the end of the night. Sure it looks so nice on the table but if you have to cut something from the budget a menu isnnot a huge show stopper. Save your $$ and spend it on something fun...like a photo booth!