Time lapse video of our very first community art project! This piece will be displayed around Oregon City. Thank you everyone who helped put it together.
Oregon City Pride Community Art Project
“The Hanky Code”
The Rainbow Connection Mural
The Hanky Code, also known as flagging or the bandana code, is a long-standing tradition in the LGBT community that uses color coded handkerchiefs or bandanas to communicate.
The Hanky Code has evolved over its 40-year history from a covert signifier to a declaration of queer identity, visibility, and representation for queer people navigating a climate where they cannot always live openly or be out safely.
Our First Ever Pride Art piece needs your touch. Let’s unite our queer community and allies to create a stunning work of art that celebrates our uniqueness and strength. Help personify through art a diverse and accepting culture and create a vibrant rainbow bridge of connection. So - Pick a color and tie one on!
Thank you for participating!
I've experienced a long, emotional journey with numerous ups and downs. September holds significance for me as National Recovery Month and Mental Health & Suicide Awareness Month, as I've struggled with both. Reaching out for help can be challenging, and sometimes it's too late. I recently experienced this firsthand…:Mental health, suicide, and addiction are intertwined. Today, I focused on self-care by starting and attending my therapy appointment with a new therapist. I'm a recovering addict and survivor of suicide attempts. I created Oregon City Pride in 2023 in hopes that no child, kid , teen or adult has to go through what I went through as a child and even now here in Oregon City and to be able to create a community that is only stronger when we’re together, but most of all to support the LGBTQ youth, who face seriously high rates of addiction, bullying & suicide attempts while being stricken with deep depression and mental health and body issues. “LGBTQ+ young people are not inherently prone to suicide risk because of their sexual orientation or gender identity but rather placed at higher risk because of how they are mistreated and stigmatized in society.” Our festival fundraises for local nonprofits like the living room , Oregon City children’s Theatre & love one… Please join us this weekend at Oregon City Pride 2024Below you’ll see a message from me and some of my close friends and family all dealt with all these things at some point and somehow in their life..Followed by a Quick have you seen me message about our missing trans sister Níqola De Calderón….I hope you enjoy this message as well as I hope to see you this weekend ..Please share this video and post Remember, check in on your loved ones, before your loved ones aren’t there anymore….RESOURCES:Suicide prevention hotlinePick up any phone and dial or text 988Trevor projecthttps://www.thetrevorproject.orgThe living roomhttps://newavenues.org/thelivingroomyouth/Central city co
Oregon City Porch Fest 2024 with Oregon City Children's Theatre
Mizz Ecstacy Inferno an Jessi La Main getting ready for Oregon City Porchfest
Oregon City Pride at Oregon City Porchfest!!!!