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Świętujący swoje 17-lecie na scenie Hellboy dołączył do line-upu Rave Internat OA 🔥 DJ, producent i promotor muzyki elektronicznej z Krakowa zagra dla Was techno/hard techno. W ciągu swojej kariery występował już na takich festiwalach jak Mayday, Nature One, Ruhr in Love czy Soundtropolis. Jako pierwszy P***k dołączył do labelu Hydraulix Records wydając EP "I Hate Modern". Wydawał również m.in. dla Focus Records, Techno Vinyls Recordings, Shout, Dolma, Dolma Red, Neuhain czy Eclipse Recordings.
Celebrating his 17th anniversary on the stage, Hellboy has joined the Rave Internat OA line-up 🔥 DJ, producer and promoter of electronic music from Krakow will play for you techno / hard techno set. During his career, he has already performed at festivals such as Mayday, Nature One, Ruhr in Love and Soundtropolis. He was the first Polish producer to join the Hydraulix Records label, releasing "I Hate Modern" EP. He also published for Focus Records, Techno Vinyls Recordings, Shout, Dolma, Dolma Red, Neuhain and Eclipse Recordings and many more.
Hi there check my set from Kulturhause Killi , Berlin 10.01.2020