What made last year extra special for me personally was that all and all MUSIC (and singing) had for years been just a vague and distant mirage that somehow "just wasn't meant to be for me". I had always dreamt about music but caused by different life situations AND disbelief for my own abilities I kept my dreams hidden and negleted. How silly I was, since now I know that music is for everyone! Anyone can develop one's skills in any area and we all are gifted in our special little ways, so forth entitled to express our inner worlds to the WORLD!
So here is a list that explains why last year was "the year of dreams" for me!
1. Jan 2018 I discovered my songwriting skills by writing songs "Anything Special", "She's Gonna Leave" and "Fly Away" which catapulted me to..
2. Find the courage to pursue my music dreams by moving back to my home town Helsinki and..
3. Starting my very first music studies! (songwriting program at HEO) https://www.heo.fi/opintotarjonta/kulttuuriopinnot/lauluntekija
4. To fund my studies I created a crowdfunding campaign and succeeded to raise 1100€ with the help of my supporters https://mesenaatti.me/campaign/?id=1005 /view
5. Due to the campaign I gave a public promise to create a concert of my own at the end of my music studies at Heo (Jump in at the deep end right away, huh? 😅)
6. Started this page to promote my dream project and concert "TaruKoo - Spread Your Wings"
7. Related to the campaign and project I developed a logo and merchandise under the name "Freebird"
8. Thanks to my studies I got to hone, create new and perform my songs, some alone and some with friends from school
9. Learned a great deal new things about music, music industry, being an artist and so much more
10. Made some great new friends!
11. Had my first song collaboration https://soundcloud.com/tarukoo_music/fly-away-new
12. Participated on a band contest "Louhela Jam" for which..
13. Made my first ever music video, based on one of my demos https://youtu.be/utqJ1fPPj_s
14. Made visual art collaboration to illustrate my music for the upcoming concert https://youtu.be/Hz5mqb-x5tY and https://youtu.be/sud-AxIbGaA
15. Applied and got an internship at Music Theather Kapsäkki https://kapsakki.fi which also became the location for my concert https://kapsakki.fi/taru-koo-spread-your-wings/
16. Therefore gathered, directed and organized my very first band project ^ ^
17. Finally carried out and performed with the help of many sweet and talented people the concert "TaruKoo - Spread Your Wings" on the 28th of May 2019
18. Gratuated from HEO songwriting program on May 2019
Hope you can find some inspiration from this list of "accomplishments" and be couraged to find and make your hopes and dreams come true too! 💜 Comment below what you would like to make happen in your life if nothing would stop you 👑
Photos: Terese Kühl