Chef Charles J Drayton shows airs every Tuesday at 530pm on 103.9fm LI News Radio. Today's show is how to cook the perfect turkey? How to brine your turkey and other great Thanksgiving giving ideas. Recipe of the week is Whole Roasted Turkey. Let me know how this great recipe came out in the comments.
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This week's recipe is Butternut Squash and Apple Bisque. Let me know how this great recipe came out in the comments.
Give me a follow on Instagram, Spotify, SoundCloud, and Tik Tok where you can listen to or watch past shows.
Chef Charles J Drayton shows airs every Tuesday at 530pm on 103.9fm LI News Radio. This week's recipe is Butternut Squash and Apple Bisque. Let me know how this great recipe came out in the comments.
Give me a follow on Instagram, Spotify, SoundCloud, and Tik Tok where you can listen to or watch past shows.
Chef Charles J Drayton shows airs every Tuesday at 530pm on 103.9fm LI News Radio. Tonight's show is all about sweer potato and pumpkin pie with special guest Tom Shriliro from the radio show Your Island aires Wednesday from 12:15pm to 2pm. We speak about the history and difference between sweet potato and pumpkin pie. Then we provide some dessert ideas for the holidays. This week's recipe is Honey Ginger Pumpkin Pie. Let me know how this great recipe came out in the comments.
Give me a follow on Instagram, Spotify, SoundCloud, and Tik Tok where you can listen to or watch past shows.
Chef Charles J Drayton shows airs every Tuesday at 530pm on 103.9fm LI News Radio. Tonight's show is all about sauces. We speak about thickeners for sauces, soups, and stews. The different types of Roux, what a slurry is, and tips on how to fix that lumpy sauce. This week's recipe is the 4 different types of Roux. Let me know how this great recipe helped your amazing sauce.
Give me a follow on Instagram, Spotify, SoundCloud, and Tik Tok where you can listen to or watch past shows.
Stocks, broths, and bouillon. What is the difference? Find out the answer by listening to the Chef Charles Show on 103.9FM LINews Radio and past shows on SoundCloud under Chef Charles J Drayton..
What else would you like to learn about food? Leave me a comment.
Chef Charles J Drayton show airs every Tuesday at 530pm on 103.9fm LI News Radio. Tonight's show is all about sauces. We explain what the mother sauces are, history of saucea, tip of the week, and unique sauce ideas. This week's recipe is a traditional Bechemel sauce. Let me know how this great recipe tasted in the comments.
Give me a follow on Instagram, Spotify, SoundCloud, and Tik Tok where you can listen to or watch past shows.
Some humor and truth. Enjoy your day and give Chef Charles J Drayton (Don't forget the "J") a follow on all platforms. Follow on Instagram, Facebook, SoundCloud, Spotify, and YouTube. Tiktok under Chef_Charles_J_Drayton.
Some humor and truth. Enjoy your day and give Chef Charles J Drayton (Don't forget the "J") a follow on all platforms. Follow on Instagram, Facebook, SoundCloud, Spotify, and YouTube. Tiktok under Chef_Charles_J_Drayton.
Chef Charles J Drayton show airs every Tuesday at 530pm on 103.9fm LI News Radio. Tonight's show is all about soup. I talk about how soup was created, tip of the week, and unique soup ideas. This week's recipe is Cheeseburger soup. Let me know how this great recipe tasted in the comments.
Give me a follow on Instagram, Spotify, SoundCloud, and Tik Tok where you can listen to or watch past shows.