While we enjoy our Christmas remember that Christmas is canceled in Bethlehem! The birth place of Jesus, the West Bank of Palestine. Remember That the blood that ran in Jesus veins came from Mary and she was Jewish Palestinian woman from Galilee The descendants of Mary (mother of Jesus) and Joseph are being in doubtly run through the veins of the palistinian people. The government of Isreal is attempting to wipe out, as they fight for thier freedom and lives. But we are a Christian nation. How laughable is that. The Pope as called the action of Isreal terrorist. Yet our leader genocide Joe Biden calls him self a Zionist. We Americas with our money and Isreal’s fingers are bombing and wiping out the descendants of mother Mary, all as we celebrate the life and death of her son. We celebrate her son not by standing strong with his people but instead By spending money. Spending money…… As you pay those taxes and spend that money realize your elected officials are paying for genocide with your tax dollars. Remember that 20 million Congolese died at the hands of king Leopold, for the resources that allow you to have a cellphone in your about to buy and that the taxes on that smart divide will go to genocide or to pay for Isreal’s free Heath care, free education for all that migrate to isreal and take more Palestinian land.. Remember America by way of Isreal is dropping bombs on children and your paying for it. Please Remember all this and when elections come back around don’t forget. Joe Biden is now genocide Joe. Not the representative of the people but the prodnon Jewish Zionist as he called himself. Don’t Blaine the government of Isreal no go look in the mirror. They did it with our money. They are smart. They put thier money away and used ours. We are the complacent, The fools. We paid for it all, every bomb. while your taxes go up, student bills go up, cost of food goes up all to pay for genocide! Remember that and I hope you can still say with a clean conscience, as we all look in the mirror this Christmas, Merry Christmas Jesus. We are wiping out your earthly family. Destroying your home land. And making a world wide mockery of your teachings. . .
As people around the world prepare to celebrate Christmas, the place where it all began will have no lights or festivities this year.Bethlehem is believed to...