* Reserve your FREE TREES NOW for pickup in September/October.
Have you noticed how HOT & DRY Columbus has been this summer? I've watched time and again as rain clouds approach our city only to dissipate when they hit the western edge. Our city has so much pavement and other impermeable, unshaded surface area that absorbs heat and DOESN'T LET IT GO easily! And this is very effective at keeping rain clouds outta town. One partial solution to this problem is to plant trees. Big trees. Lots and lots of trees, especially if they can provide shade to pavement. The more trees, the better!
From Green Columbus: "Visit greencbus.org/freetrees2024 to sign up and learn more about the six tree species we have available. (Choices: Black Cherry, Hackberry, Red Oak, River Birch, Sycamore, and Tulip Poplar.)
"The tree giveaways are driven by Green Columbus' mission to improve tree canopy equity in the city. As one of the fastest growing urban heat islands in the country, Columbus' temperatures can vary by up to 13℉ in different areas on the same day. The tree giveaways are one way to lower the cost barrier to planting trees and increase tree canopy in communities that are impacted the most by the heat."
SAY YES TO FREE TREES! The Columbus Garden School has planted one of each species offered by Green Columbus over the past few years; come visit and see how well they're doing. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.