FYI: Little-known facts about the outdoor recreation economy:
Did you know the outdoor recreation economy employs twice as many people, or 5.2 million jobs, as are employed in agriculture in the United States? Not only this, but outdoor recreation contributed $459.8 billion to the economy in 2019, or 2.1% of GDP, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. For context, this is 2.4x bigger than oil and gas, 2.8x bigger than the auto industry, 3x bigger than the airline industry, and 5x bigger than the film industry.
As you can see, the outdoor recreation economy is an important contributor to the economy. It is also an area that’s been historically difficult for marginalized communities to access. The Ithaca Canoe Fest is addressing this inequity by working with partners from marginalized communities to improve access to outdoor recreation. We will post more info about this soon!