Nth Degree Trivia

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Nth Degree Trivia Trivia host. I host a weekly Trivia night.


Taco is the Spanglish word for Love. Trivia is the international word for useless facts and data. Come learn some more useless facts and data, tonight 7pm at the Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest

Non-Christmas Christmas Movies
Christmas – Part 1
Christmas – Part 2

Esperanto is a constructed or artificial language created by L. L. Zamenhof, a Warsaw eye doctor in 1887. While not an official language of any recognized nation, it is in several educational systems, including China who has used it since 2001 on its state-run news site china.org.cn. When the League of Nations was formed after WW I there was proposal to use it as the main language for all international relations. France used its single veto vote to block adoption as way to protect French from losing its status as the default international language or Lingua Franca.


Score big this Christmas, leave Tacos out for Santa. Don’t need to leave out the tacos, tonight at Trivia at Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest, 7pm

Common Theme
Dear John
X Factor

Produced by the Institute for Economics and Peace, the Global Peace Index is a measure of global peacefulness. The Global Peace Index is calculated using 23 qualitative and quantitative indicators from highly respected sources and measures the state of peace across three domains: the level of Societal Safety and Security, the extent of Ongoing Domestic and International Conflict, and the degree of Militarization. According to the index for 2023, Iceland is the most peaceful country in the world and Afghanistan is the least peaceful.


Taco bout some awesome Trivia, come find out tonight at 7pm at Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest

I’m on a Boat

Traditional Didgeridoos are made from eucalyptus trees. Eucalyptus trees have a natural chemical in the sap wood that repels termites. Which helps in making them perfect for didgeridoos. If a termite can get into a branch, they will eat the heartwood and not the sapwood leaving a hollow tube.


Is it cheating on your diet to eat a taco or is it cheating on the taco to diet. Special Thanksgiving edition of Taco Tuesday Trivia tonight 7pm at Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest

Thanksgiving TV & Films
General Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving dinner


In 1926, a Mississippi farmer sent President Calvin Coolidge a live racoon intending it to be eaten for Thanksgiving. Coolidge had no desire to eat racoon, so him and his wife kept it as a pet. She was named Rebecca. The racoon was allowed free reign of the White House and was known to unscrew lightbulbs, open cabinets and unpot houseplants. They built her a house in one of the trees on the White House Lawn, and even took Rebecca along with their two dogs and a canary on an 1800-mile train trip for a vacation to the Black hills of South Dakota. Sadly, when Coolidge left office in 1929, Rebecca was given to the Rock Creek Park Zoo (Now the National Zoo) but she never adapted to zoo life and died shortly after.


Told a joke to a taco, cracked it up, now it’s a salad. Trivia is no joke, come show your mastery of the useless tonight 7pm at Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest

Pairs that don’t match
Big Brother
1968 – the summer of love?

Colombian Drug Lord, Pablo Escobar built a zoo in the early 90s before his death, among the many rare and exotic animals he brought to the Hacienda Nápoles were 4 Hippos. Sometime in the early 2000’s they escaped or broke through fencing and began living in the nearby lakes and rivers. By 2011, they had grown to around 50 hippos, and by 2023 it is estimated their numbers are well over 100 and could be as high as 200. Deemed an invasive species, they have developed a plan to export at least 70 animals to India and Mexico and began sterilization of 40 hippos a year. The Colombian press refers to them as Co***ne Hippos.


Taco emergency? Dial Nine Juan Juan. But no emergency to get the best trivia and some good tacos – Tonight, 7pm at Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest

That Washington
This Washington

Dr. Vincent Bryan and his wife started Champs de Brionne Winery in Grant County, Washington in 1984 and after noticing a part of their property that overlooked the Columbia had great acoustics, opened the Champ de Brionne Summer Music Theater in 1986 with room for about 3000 people. Within a few years it expanded to a capacity of over 24,000 and was renamed “The Gorge Amphitheater”. They sold the venue in 1993 but continue to operate Cave B winery a few miles south of I-90. Dr. Bryan also created the first artificial spinal disk.


Happy Halloween! NO Trivia Tonight. See you next week


Tacos – all treat no trick. It’s a Halloween edition of trivia, tonight 7pm – Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest

Get in the Spirit
Taking Candy from a Baby
Halloween Spell

In 2022, leading in pumpkin acreage harvested and yield, Illinois produced 634 million pounds of pumpkins, more than the other 5 most productive States combined.


Be a taco in a burger world. Come play Trivia and enjoy some tacos, 7pm tonight at Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest

Falling Down
Roy G Biv
Pulp Fiction

Quentin Tarantino is a successful director, screenwriter, producer, actor, and author. He stated in 2009 that most directors have horrible last movies, and that as a means of ensuring an overall high quality within his filmography he plans to make a total of ten films (He considers Kill Bill 1&2 to be a single film). Earlier in 2023 he completed the script to “The Movie Critic”. Filming is set to begin this fall, but as of yet, no one has been cast. When completed this will be his tenth film counting Kill Bill as a single film.


Would a taco eat a taco if it wasn’t a taco??? Why worry about it when you can enjoy tacos and trivia tonight 7pm at the Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest

Indigenous People
First Ladies Rhyme Time

Actor Al Lewis starred as Grandpa in The Musters with Fred Gwynne. He also was in “Car 54, Where are you?” with Gwynne. In 1998 he ran for Governor of New York as “Grandpa” Al Lewis. When the NY Board of Elections denied him the use of the moniker “Grandpa” he filed suit, but sadly the judge sided with the Election Board. He lost the election but did get enough votes for an automatic ballot line for the next four years, which he lost again. He admitted the likelihood of winning the governorship would be "like climbing Mount Everest barefooted".


If you hold a taco shell up to your ear you can hear a mariachi band. No mariachi band, just great trivia, tonight, 7pm at Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest.

The Twilight Zone
Life after Sports
Title Math


Shirley Temple began performing at 4 years old, and formally announced her retirement from acting at the age of 22 in 1950. After a failed run for a congressional seat in 1967, Henry Kissinger got Nixon to appoint her as a delegate to the 24th UN General Assembly. In 1974, President Ford appointed her as the US Ambassador to Ghana. She was then appointed as the Chief of Protocol of the United States. She was the first woman to hold this office which serves as an advisor to the Secretary of State. In 1989 she was appointed the US Ambassador to Czechoslovakia, which she held until 1992 when she retired from political life.


Eat too many tacos and you might end up in Tacoma. Get just enough tacos and trivia tonight while remaining in Suncrest, 7pm at Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest.

An Apple a day
Bad Movie Descriptions

Malcom Baldrige was Reagan’s Secretary of Commerce from January 20, 1980 until his death July 25, 1987. He grew up working as a ranch hand, and spent some time on the professional rodeo circuit as a team roper before entering the business world. Baldrige was a very successful businessman before entering public life and continued that success with the Commerce Dept., Conducting trade talks with China, India, and Russia. Throughout his adult life he continued his love of horse riding and roping , and at age 64 while participating in a calf-roping competition sustained fatal injuries when the horse he was riding fell on him. In 1988, a year after his death, Congress creates the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, which recognizes U.S. organizations in the business, health care, education, and nonprofit sectors for performance excellence.


In Queso you forgot, Taco Tuesday Trivia is Back tonight, 7PM at Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest

Do you want Fries with that?
It’s a Number
Redundant Redundancies

In the mid 80’s Hugh Hefner/Pl***oy funded the research to define a rabbit subspecies that lives exclusively in the Florida Keys. The small, roughly 2 pound bunny is commonly called the Lower Keys Marsh Rabbit. It was given the scientific name of Sylvilagus Palustris Hefneri after Hugh Hefner. With a population of approximately 150, it is on the endangered species list with a “Critically Imperiled” classification.


Tacos are horrible poker players, they are always folding. Go all in for Trivia and tacos – tonight 7pm Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest

It’s all Relative
That used to be a Trademark

In 1942, Then New York Mayor LaGuardia got the city council to ban Pinball machines by labeling them as gambling devices. He believed they were tied to organized crime because at the time, the majority of machines were built in Chicago. 35 years later, Roger Sharpe who was at the time an editor for GQ magazine and a Pinball aficionado, staged a demonstration to show that Pinball was a game of skill and not chance, and as such should not be subject to gambling prohibitions. That NY City Council agreed and unanimously agreed to end the ban on Pinball in New York City.


I am a taco guy in a taco world. Skip the Barbie movie and come play trivia tonight, 7pm at Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest

Same Name
Let’s take a walk
Church & State

The town of Coventry in central England is where the myth/story of Lady Godiva comes from. Somewhere around the early 12th century the story appeared of Lady Godiva, the wife of the Earl of Mercia and Lord of Coventry riding through the streets of Coventry n**e after the Earl stated he would only lower taxes if she were to do so. She called his bluff by riding in the buff and he relented and lowered taxes. Some 400 or so years later, the story was added to with the legend of “Peeping Tom” who was struck blind or even killed he couldn’t resist and “peeped”. While there was a Lady Godiva and Earl Leofric of Mercia, the ride sans clothes and her peeper is the stuff of legend. Coventry has long embraced the legend, building a large clock in the city center where every hour, Godiva rides out on her horse with Tom poking his head out from above to Peep on her.


Power is on at Wheel, Trivia is ON!!


What did the pork belly taco say on a hot day? – WHEW, I’m bacon. Too hot to cook? Come to the Wheel and get some tacos and enjoy some trivia – Tonight 7pm Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest

Odds & Evens
Dog Days

Laila Ali finished her career with a perfect 24 – 0 record. Her Dad, Muhammad Ali fought almost 3 times more and ended up 56 – 5. His 5 losses – Joe Frazier in 1971, Ken Norton in 1973, Leon Spinks in 1978, Larry Holmes in 1980, and just shy of his 40th birthday he lost his last fight to a young – 27 – Jamaican boxer named Trevor Berbick. Trevor would lose to Mike Tyson in 1986, Making Tyson the youngest heavyweight champion at 20.


It's ok to eat tacos on the rest of the days, they are just better on Tuesday. Just like trivia. The best trivia is at the Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest tonight at 7pm. Call 509-466-9991 for reservations.


Road Trip at the Movies
Road Trip on the Road
Road Trip Radio - Audio


In 2001, sign artist Richard Ankrom took it on himself in what he called Guerilla Public Service to improve a sign on the 110 freeway in LA. Where the 110 meets I-5, the exit from the 110 North to I-5 North was poorly marked and exited from the left lane, causing confusion on unfamiliar motorists. So, He painstakingly researched the correct size, material and color of the interstate freeway number sign, even getting the correct round reflectors. then hand manufactured an I-5 red, blue and white indicator along with a simple sign with the word North on it, even adding a slight layer of "age" to it. Then in the early morning hours on August 5, 2001 he attached his addition on the much larger 110 Pasadena sign over the left lane to indicate that was the lane needed to take the exit. The sign was so good, it went unnoticed for 9 months, when a friend leaked the story to the press and Richard posted his edited documentary of the entire process on a pre-youtube video site. Caltrans when reached for comment said, while they didn't approve of his methods, they could not deny the quality of his work, even joked they had a job application for him. Caltrans left the addition on the sign for 8 years, until the large sign was replaced, with a similar I-5 North indicator. Unfortunately no one thought to save his original sign and it was mistakenly destroyed. Here is a link to the complete story with Richard's video documentary. Sometimes art has to imitate life.


Trivia at the Wagon Wheel is the taco the town. Tonight, 7pm Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest


Beach Body Diets
Words Before Words

From 1970 until 1985 Pl***oy published aproximately 1000 monthly editions in braille. It had no pictures and was printed on plain white paper. The cost of the printing was funded by the Library of Congress to the tune of $103,000 a year. In 1985 the House of Representatives, led by Ohio's Charlmers Wylie voted 216 to 193 to cease publication. Following the vote, the American Council of the Blind, Blinded Veterans Assc. and the American Library Assc. sued the Library of Congress and the National Library Service on the grounds of censorship and discrimination. In 1986 the ban on the braille publication of Pl***oy was lifted and it was published until 2021 when the magazine stop all printed publications. Turns out some people really did read it for the articles.


Come to Taco Tuesday Trivia, you'll have a shell time. Tonight 7pm - at Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest

Fictional Anchors
Fictional Bosses
Forbes Fictional 15


The California Coastal Records Project photographed the entire California coast line to document coastal erosion. In 2003 Barbara Streisand objected to a photograph that included her Malibu estate and filed a $50 million lawsuit for its removal. The picture had only been viewed 6 times prior to the lawsuit with two of those being Streisand's lawyers. She lost the case and was ordered to pay $177,000 in legal fees to the photographer. The notoriety resulted in the photo being viewed over 500,000 times in the next few months. Two years later A tech-blog writer coined the term "The Streisand Effect" and defined it as an unintended consequence of attempts to hide, remove, or censor information, where the effort instead backfires by increasing awareness of that information.


Taco's are Mexcellent! And Trivia at the Wagon Wheel is EXCELLENT! Tonight 7pm


The show about nothing
Movie Mashups or Before & After

In 1946 Jacques Heim introduced the "Atome" a 2 piece swimsuit. He chose the name "Atome", the French word for atom because it was the smallest swimsuit to date. 2 months later Louis Reard introduced his even smaller version, he named it "Bikini" after the Bikini Atoll N test had just occurred. He said it was going to hit the world like a bomb.


The Taco the town is Back. Trivia is back from the break tonight, 7pm Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest

What's my line - Audio
Um, yeah, you're in a Bar
Get a Job

The last public ex*****on in the United States took place in Owensboro Kentucky on August 14th, 1936. Rainey Bethea was hanged before an estimated 20,000. Originally slated to take place in the courtyard, it was moved to the parking lot so as not to damage the flowers recently planted there.


Reminder, no trivia tonight or next week (July 4th)


No trivia until July 11th.


Don't tell a joke to a taco, you'll crack them up. Trivia is no joke. 7pm Tonight Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest

Have Fun Storming the Castle
As described by the Onion
Ends in a Silent T


The term Vaccination was coin by Edward Jenner after he discovered that exposing a person to the much less lethal cowpox would give them immunities over smallpox. V***a is Latin for cow.


GUESS WHAT?? we are doing it all over. No trivia Last week. so rolled questions over to this week. 7pm Tonight Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest


Taco, Taco man, I want to be a taco man! Trivia and Tacos - tonight 7pm Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest

Trivia Math
On Average
Song is good they named it twice

in 1993 Prince (now King) Charles was the keynote speaker for the Charter Day Ceremony at William & Mary University in Williamsburg, Virginia to celebrate its 300th anniversary. William & Mary was founded in 1693 by a royal charter issued by King William III and Queen Mary II, it is the second-oldest institution of higher education in the United States.


Tacos - The other white meat. Join me for some Tacos and Trivia tonight - 7pm Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest

People of Color
Lethal Weapon(s)
Not just a TLA (Three Letter Acronym)

General George Patton was known to verbally & physical berate soldiers that complained of "Shell Shock." After a speech where Patton said that it took "blood and brains" to win in combat, reporters began calling him "blood and guts." He was widely admired by his men, and according to Patton's Biographer; Alan Axelrod, Patton produced more results in less time with fewer casualties than any other general in any army during World War II.


Come join me for Triva & Tacos tonight 7pm at Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest. It is nacho typical trivia!

Real & Unreal places
Sequels by another name
It's on the Menu

Prudencio Unanue Ortiz started a small store in 1922 in Manhattan as "Unanue and Sons." In 1933 he changed the Goya after the spanish artist Goya. Today it is the largest, Hispanic-owned food company in the United States with annual revenues around $1.5 billion.


Tacos mean love in Spanish, or so I have been told. I know I Taco the Trivia at Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest join me tonight 7pm.

Mom in the Movies


Camels began to be introduced to Australia in the early 1800's. Today Australian camels are exported to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Brunei, and Malaysia, where disease-free wild camels are prized as a delicacy. They are also sought as breeding stock for Arab camel racing stables, and for use in tourist venues.


Tacos can't keep secrets, they always spill the beans. It's no secret, the best Trivia is at Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest, 7pm Tonight.

Top Gun
Mission Impossible
May the fourth be with you

Jerry Springer, who passed away last week was in politics before he was on TV. On the Cincinnati City council in the 70s. He resigned when it was discovered he paid a pr******te with a check. He re-ran openly talking about the check and his personal problems and won in a landside. But that same candor failed to work in 1982 when he ran for Ohio Governor, he came in a distant 3rd.


Taco's are bad poker players, they are always folding. Come join me for some Trivia and Tacos tonight 7pm at Wagon Wheel

Real-ly not an Adverb
Cut the cable
Songs for the Family - Audio


World renowned Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli was born with Congenital glaucoma. When he was 12, he was injured playing soccer which caused a brain hemmorage and permanently blinded him. In 2006, as a gift, he performed at the wedding reception of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes.


Just in “queso” you need it, here are the categories and a hint for Trivia tonight at Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrestl 7pm

Whirled Peas
Noteworthy Acheivements
Spring Break

The 1980 film Long Riders is a western about the James-Younger gang. It featured 3 sets brothers playing 3 sets of brothers. Stacy and James Keach played Frank & Jesse James. David, Keith, and Robert Carradine played Cole, Jim, and Bob Younger. and Randy and Dennis Quaid played Clell and Ed Miller.


I wonder if tacos miss me on the rest of the days of the week? You won't be missing tacos or some great trivia tonight 7pm Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest

Rain Delay


The Avedis Zildjian Company, simply known as Zildjian was Founded in 1623 by the Zildjian family in the Ottoman Empire, they relocated to the US in the 1920s. Today, it is the largest cymbal and drumstick maker, and the oldest manufacturer of musical instruments in the world. the Name Zildjian, means maker of Zils which are the small cymbals belly dancers use.


Join me tonight, 7pm at Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest for Taco Tuesday Trivia. It's nacho average trivia.

Five & Dime
The Goonies
Everybody gets a car

Roy Allela is a 29 year-old engineer from Kenya. 4 years ago he developed a pair of gloves called sign-io so that he could more easily communicate with his 10 year-old neice who was born deaf. Paired via bluetooth with a smart phone app, the gloves turn the neice's sign language in to audible speech.


Taco Cat spelled backwards is still Taco Cat. But I prefer beef, chicken, or pork. Beef tacos are always the special on Taco Tuesday Trivia at Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest at 7pm - Tonight

_____ & _____
Angle of the Dangle

UCLA holds the record for the most NCAA Basketball Championships at 11. 10 of them were coached by John Wooden from 1964 to 1975, with 7 of them in a row. It would be 20 years before they would win again in 1995 for #11. They also hold the record for consecutive Final Four appearances at 10 (1967 - 1976) and show up again tied in 4th place with 3 (2006-2008).


If you don't like tacos, I'm just nacho type. If you like Trivia, you are going to want to come to Trivia Night - Tonight, 7pm Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest

That Book Title is Misleading
TV Nicknames
I Can't Dance - Audio

While a small town in Canada experimented with seasonal clock changes begining in 1908, in 1916 as a way to save coal because of WW I, Germany was the first country to fully adopt "Daylight Savings Time" called Sommerzeit - Summer Time in German. From 1919 to 1940 there was no time change, when for WW II they reinstated Sommerzeit (from 1945 differently in the West and East) until 1949 and again from 1980 through current.


Want to be the Taco the town? Come to Trivia tonight, 7pm at Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest

Special St. Patrick's Day Categories:
Irish I was in the movies
Green with Envy
St. Patrick


Happy Pi day. Pi is the ration of circle's circumfrence to its diameter. It can also be used to calculate the area of an Ellipse, pi x A x B ( where A & B are half of its longest and shortest diameter. In Washington DC the Ellipse, also called President's Park South is a 52-acre park just south of the White House. It was designed in 1791 by Pierre (Peter) Charles L'Enfant as part of his design of the city of Washington DC.


Tacos are just a Mexican sandwich. Tacos and Trivia tonight, 7pm at Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest

Love & Marriage
"Bat"-er up

Construction began in March of 1882 on the Basilica la Sagrada Familia and continues to this day. Work was postponed during COVID, the first time work has stopped since the Spanish Civil War. It was consecrated in November of 2010 by Pope Benedict XVI. at over 50,000 sq ft It is the largest unfinished catherdral in the world. It won't be completed until sometime after 2026.


Tacos have a favorite song, it's "Every now and then I fall apart" by Bonnie Tyler. Enjoy taco and some trivia like that tonight, 7pm Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill Suncrest

Leap Year
Stephen King Movies


Rudolph Hess was the sole occupant of Spandau Prison from 1966 when Albert Speer was released until 1987 when at the age of 93 he hung himself with an electrical cord. After he died the prison was demolished to prevent it from becoming a shrine to neo-Nazis. The 80's new wave group Spandau Ballet took their name from the name given to the death twitch a body would do when hanged as that was the method of ex*****on used at Spandau Prison.




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