Last week... long week... in only a few days....
On Friday night, thought I was able to make it to Croft and Associates company party, and was fine until somehow traffic was so locked up, my GPS kept trying to route me onto 75 express lane, but I have no pass... so kept having to try and find a new route... was pretty much a nightmare. I was supposed to just paint but ended up doing both painting and balloons and it was fine when I finally got there and my caricature artists were as usual a big hit.
Was supposed to be a face painter on Saturday, but somehow a painter was already there from another company so I stepped in to do balloons.. that's a new one.
A short time later a Chicken in a thong with balloons at Gate City Brewery... 50000 emails from the husband/client who just couldn't handle doing this in a 10 min phone call. Then when I got there to blow up balloons (challenging while doing it at the car), wouldn't answer his phone or text so I could find them.... ummm.... I was pretty uptight at this point. He took the time to send me a photo of them at a table.. somewhere in the brewery....great... Dear god... why??? Let me also explain that it's hard to see out of that mask ... in the chicken suit... Thanks so much for all your help... So I wandered around and think I found them... and hissed at him... YOu Need TO Pick UP A PHOne!!! Anyway... all went well I suppose but really that was uncalled for... Please help the poor person in the chicken suit who has no idea what you guys look like and needs to drive to yet another gig!!!!
Also had another balloon artist at a neighborhood party in Smyrna that went very well.
And then 25 miles further north on 400... sort of Cu***ng but really some neighborhood in Dawsonville... face painting pretty laid back kids who were creative in their requests.
Next day a fall festival at Marietta Educational Garden Center... I was doing balloons but there were arts and crafts, petting zoo, owl education from Chattahoochee Nature Center, games, etc... was slow but steady.
And I have nothing to do on the big day... I have stiltwalkers at an anti-Halloween event... and then maybe some other entertainers for an event westside... we'll see. But again, nothing fun to do...on Halloween in ATL.. 😕
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