Backstreet’s back and February calendars are here! Check out what’s happening at yr friendly local anarchist living room this month.
This month we’re looking forward to disaster preparedness, garden planning and so many art skill-shares. Plus all our usuals like LGBTQ+ check in, gossip night, film screenings and more:) Stay tuned for all that good stuff!
Grab physical copies of the calendar at the space to distribute in your community (or
DM us and we’ll send you a printable PDF ®). Find an up to date, text compatible version on our website: https:|/
rhizomehouse.org/event-calendar/ or add our Google Calendar to yours at bit.ly/ RZHCal.
If you too hate this wretched app, consider signing up for our email list and get all the primo s**t delivered directly to your inbox at the very reasonable rate of twice a month:
This all only works with your support!
Become a sustaining donor at https:// opencollective.com/ therhizomehousesolidarityfund