The Women’s Joy Project

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The Women’s Joy Project This event is for women from all backgrounds to find belonging in diversity through amazing music and insights on finding joy in our messiness.

If you are a parent...slow down today and be in the moment with your children. (Understand that this advice is coming fr...

If you are a parent...slow down today and be in the moment with your children. (Understand that this advice is coming from the most not-in-the moment parent in town.)

Let’s slow down and feel their skin, kiss their cheeks, smell their necks, look in their eyes, hear their voices, and tell them that we love them.

If you have teenagers or adult children, don’t smell their necks. That would be weird.😂
•This quote helped me slow down this week:

“The biggest mistake I made [as a parent] is the one that most of us make...I did not live in the moment enough...I wish I had not been in such a hurry to get on to the next thing: dinner, bath, book, bed. I wish I had treasured the doing a little more and the getting it done a little less.”- Anna Quindlen

Slowing down and being in the moment helps us just as much as it helps our children.

I used to have all of the answers. Then life happened and now I hardly have any answers.•At first, living in this space ...

I used to have all of the answers. Then life happened and now I hardly have any answers.

At first, living in this space of not having any answers was super uncomfortable. But I have slowly learned to soften into this place. It know it sounds weird, but I have actually found a lot of peace in not knowing anything.

It’s a natural human instinct to need to have all of the answers. It makes us feel safe.

But from my experience, when we have all of the answers we stop listening. When we have all of the answers we stop learning. When we have all of the answers we create distance between us and others. When we have all of the answers it is hard for us to find joy in the moment.

If you are freaking out about not knowing something, see what would happen if you could learn to sit in that place of not knowing.


Since I can remember I have always worn shorts over my swimsuit while swimming.•I wore shorts to cover the things that I...

Since I can remember I have always worn shorts over my swimsuit while swimming.

I wore shorts to cover the things that I thought were shameful: cellulite, stretch marks, saggy skin, white skin, saddlebags, un-smallness, and bootiliciousness.

Now I am learning that those things are not shameful. Just beautiful.

I’m not going to wear shorts while swimming anymore.

I’m no longer in the business of covering up or wanting to be smaller.

I am now in the business of taking up my space in the world.

I am now in the business of enjoying my life and not letting my preoccupation with my body get in my way.

3 questions:

❤️What are some things that you compulsively hide about yourself because you feel shame?

❤️What are some ways you could stop
wanting to be smaller and take up your space in the world?

❤️What if you could stop the body obsession and simply enjoy your life?

Has anyone else noticed the Target models lately?•SO MUCH diversity in body type, age, and race!!•Bravo Target!•All bodi...

Has anyone else noticed the Target models lately?

SO MUCH diversity in body type, age, and race!!

Bravo Target!

All bodies are beautiful.

I hope other retailers join the club and keep pushing the envelope.

Do you know of any other retailer or business that is a part of the body and diversity positive movement?

Stop scrolling.•Breathe in slowly.•Breathe out slowly.•This moment is enough.•What you have is enough.•Who you are is en...

Stop scrolling.

Breathe in slowly.

Breathe out slowly.

This moment is enough.

What you have is enough.

Who you are is enough.

Leave a ❤️ in the response box if feel grateful today.

Even if life sucks right now, simply surrendering to what is can be the portal to peace.•Surrender does not imply apathy...

Even if life sucks right now, simply surrendering to what is can be the portal to peace.

Surrender does not imply apathy. Surrender is a mental and emotional state of letting go of preconceived ideas, thoughts, or beliefs of how life should be. It is releasing the grip that over-controlling, fear, anger, and worry, have on us internally.

For a control freak like me, surrendering is TOUGH!! But I’m so happy to experience that glimpse of peace every once and a while when I remember to surrender.

Breathe. Everything is as it should be.


Go check out my very honest and vulnerable interview done by the awesome !

In this interview we talk about my journey with mental illness, shame, being an LDS women, singing, mindfulness, and it seems like every other thing you would ever want to know (or not know) about me!

Go to (or where ever your get your podcasts) for the full interview.

I am going to challenge you all to count how many times I say “100 percent”.💯

Thank you Richie for the awesome conversation and for bringing awareness to many issues in this podcasts!


How is everyone doing today?


If an ex-convict ex-drug dealer wanted to be part of your church congregation, would they feel comfortable among you?•I ...

If an ex-convict ex-drug dealer wanted to be part of your church congregation, would they feel comfortable among you?

I recently watched an episode of “The Last OG” where this awesome scripture about love was quoted in a church over the pulpit to a congregation filled with regular church goers and an ex-convict ex-drug dealer that was returning to church for the first time since he was a kid.

It got me asking some hard questions of myself and those of us who belong to a religious congregation...

Do our friends on the margins of society feel comfortable among us in the pews of our churches (back before the apocalypse when we actually went to a church building)?

If the answer is “yes”, we as pew-sitters are doing something right.

If the answer is “no”, or “ I don’t know”, we may have some work to do as pew-sitters.

Let’s get something straight, we pew-sitters are ALL on the margins of society in one way or another. But most of us are just masters at covering up our marginalized parts.

What if we stopped covering up so well? What if we started letting our weaknesses, pain, truths, and imperfection show a bit more?

Now, not everyone wants to belong to a religious congregation. But for anyone who desires to be with us, let’s give them a soft place to land in our churches.

Let our religious communities be filled with real people who have real problems simply trying to figure out how to live the greatest law of

(Anyone else watching “The Last OG” on TBS with Tracy Morgan? I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone who is sensitive to language, but I’ve been SUPER impressed with the difficult topics they choose to tackle in such a smart and funny way.)

Hello my name is Andrea and I’m a phone addict.•This is a picture of me TRYING to live in the moment.•I was on a beautif...

Hello my name is Andrea and I’m a phone addict.

This is a picture of me TRYING to live in the moment.

I was on a beautiful hike, on a beautiful day, with my beautiful children, with every intention of being present.

Welp, the entire hike I compulsively took pictures of my children and myself to get that perfect pic for an upcoming Instagram post.

The topic for the upcoming post you ask?

The joy of living in the moment. 😩😂

My phone is such a beautiful tool to help me connect with others and express all of the things that stir my soul.

But my phone is also the very thing that prevents me from connecting with the people right IN FRONT OF ME and prevents me from experiencing the life right IN FRONT OF ME.

I don’t know how to balance it!!!

I have instituted some things lately that have helped me have a MORE conscious relationship with my phone:

👍🏼A phone free day once a week.
👍🏼Set aside time each day to get work done uninterrupted.
👍🏼Assign an afternoon once in a while to take cool photos with all the lighting and backgrounds that I like.

Even with these implementations, I am still on my phone all day.

My family is tired of it and I’m tired of it.

Anyone else in the same boat?! 🙋🏾‍♀️🙋🏿‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️

What are some things you do to make the time on your phone more conscious and less addictivey?!!


“I am really depressed and my anxiety is out of control. And I think I have ADHD.”•Three years ago I spoke those words o...

“I am really depressed and my anxiety is out of control. And I think I have ADHD.”

Three years ago I spoke those words out loud to another human (my doctor) for the first time ever.

For so long I carried shame about having mental illness (for some reason I thought people like me shouldn’t have debilitating mental illness. The stigma was REAL). The shame was only compounded by the secrecy of it all. But the pretending and the covering up was the most shame inducing part for sure.

Giving voice to my unspeakable truths caused my shame to die and my healing process to be born.

Since then, there have been many more unspeakable truths I’ve given voice to. Pretty huge unspeakable truths.

I’m on a journey to no longer carry the shame and burden of any of my unspeakable truths.

(someone awesome I follow on instagram) recently had a Q&A. Someone asked her if she was worried if her truths would have a negative affect on her relationships or ruin her children.

She wrote, “Truth is on the side of good and right things. It is not to be dismissed, suffocated, or shoved down. If truth can break a relationship, system, doctrine, or identity...that thing was built on a lie. It only had the illusion of stability. Truth can and should be trusted to do what it does, which is to set us free.”

Speak your unspeakable truths to someone you can trust: A therapist, a non judgmental friend or family member, a doctor, or you can maybe you could just write it down for now.

There is nothing too shameful about what you have done, about who you are, or what has happened to you that is unspeakable.

Once you speak it, you’ll own it. Once you own it you can inspire others to speak their unspeakable truths.

Type in a ❤️ to give support to anyone who knows they have to give voice to an unspeakable truth but are too afraid.

We are all in this together.

Gather your family and join!! •

Gather your family and join!!

If you are doing homeschool, consider this one of your children’s elective courses. 😂•

If you are doing homeschool, consider this one of your children’s elective courses. 😂

Lately I’ve been trying out this new thing called trusting myself and trusting God.•It’s pretty uncomfortable because it...

Lately I’ve been trying out this new thing called trusting myself and trusting God.

It’s pretty uncomfortable because it’s still a fairly new thing I’m doing. But it has been very powerful nonetheless.

For years, I’ve trusted everyone else BUT God and me for all of the answers to my life’s question.

Little did I know I have had all of the answers to my life’s questions already inside of me. I just had to sit, relax, and breathe.

The more I sit, relax, and breathe, the more I get to know my “deepest wisdom self”. (Not to be confused with my “ego self”, “control self”, “fear self”, or “addiction self”, that have gotten me into trouble a time or two).

Our deepest wisdom self is the self that is in partnership with God. She is that soft, calm, strong, vulnerable, courageous, wise, and filled with compassion self.

If you haven’t already, I would highly recommend getting to know this “deepest wisdom” self inside of you.

Give me some emojis representing your deepest wisdom self (or what you think she is).❤️😍😭😘💋🌺🤸🏼😇🤩🥳🤓🧐🙏💃🏼👯‍♂️🤰🏽🤱🏿💆🏽‍♀️🧗🏿‍♀️💪🏻👂🏾✍🏾👸🏽🧑🏼‍🎨🧜🏽‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🦄🌝🌏🌹🍕🍱🧘🏼‍♀️🏄🏾🚵🏾‍♀️🎭🚀🛸🌋⛺️💒

This quote makes me have to come clean with some stuff.•’s easier to say I believe in patience rather than to b...

This quote makes me have to come clean with some stuff.’s easier to say I believe in patience rather than to be patient. It’s less painful to say that I believe in not judging others than to actually stop judging others. It’s no big deal to say I believe that self-compassion is important, but to actually stop criticizing myself is impossible. It requires less of me to say that relationships come first in my life than to actually make them a priority. I don’t have to do any real inner work if I say that I believe in God rather than actually have a relationship with God. It requires no introspection to say I believe in treating the earth with kindness rather than changing any of my bad habits. It is simpler for me to say that I believe in forgiveness rather than actually forgiving others.

Everyone is invited!!•If this is your first time meditating, yay! Come join!•If you’ve been meditating forever, come joi...

Everyone is invited!!

If this is your first time meditating, yay! Come join!

If you’ve been meditating forever, come join!

Here is the link to join our meditation:

Password: Joyproject

Do I have any perfectionists, overachievers, exhaustion badge wearers, people pleasers, workaholics, martyrs,and control...

Do I have any perfectionists, overachievers, exhaustion badge wearers, people pleasers, workaholics, martyrs,and control freaks in the house?!!!

Woo woo! Represent by replying with an exhausted face emoji 😩. Heehee.

For a week I want to challenge all of us exhaustion addicts to some underachieving. How ‘bout it?

Throughout this challenge, be curious about how you feel as you underachieve in certain areas. This quarantine time is a PERFECT time to become aware of why we do what we do.

Here are some underachieving ideas (choose one that applies to you):

1. If there is a household chore that is a trigger if it’s gone undone, try not doing it for a time.
2. Let your children go without changing their clothes or doing their hair.
3. Stop the saving and fixing people at home or work.
4. Stop going above and beyond at work and at home to get others’ accolades and approval. Simply do your job.
5. Go confidently without makeup or hair done(should be easy these days haha).
6. Take a nap or sleep in without guilt.
7. Stop yourself mid-project to snuggle with a child, read a book, play a game, do a puzzle.
8. Do everything slowly for an hour.
9. Sift through all of things on your plate right now and eliminate something.
10. Say no to things that you don’t want to do and are energy suckers.
11. Let things slip that you normally don’t let slip.

For some reason there is a connection between the cleanliness of my kitchen and my worth. If my kitchen goes too long without it being clean, my self-esteem suffers. Weird right?

During this weeks challenge, when I’m home during the day, I am going to purposely NOT clean the kitchen for longer than I’m usually comfortable and simply notice how I am feeling, without judging myself.

I wonder what will come up for me? 🤷🏼‍♀️

Cleaning the kitchen is not a value of mine. (When I am 90 years old I will not wish I would have spent more time cleaning my kitchen).

So why is some of my worth attached to it?

BTW- Cleaning the kitchen is just the tip of the iceberg with this whole worth being attached to how much I achieve thing.


Feeling crappy? I challenge you to meditate everyday this week.

Meditating daily has changed my life.

When I first started meditating several years ago it was torture for me. I could only meditate for a couple of minutes a day.

Now it is where I find the most peace.

Try it today. Then see if you can’t do it everyday this week.

To find lots of meditations, download the Insight Timer app. It has everything you need. If you’ve never meditated, try the 7 day beginner course available on Insight Timer. YouTube has a ton of meditations too.

My goal in life is to heal what I need to heal so that my heart and soul can be soft.•TAO TE CHING 76Men are born soft a...

My goal in life is to heal what I need to heal so that my heart and soul can be soft.


Men are born soft and supple;
dead, they are stiff and hard.
Plants are born tender and pliant;
dead, they are brittle and dry.

Thus whoever is stiff and inflexible
is a disciple of death.
Whoever is soft and yielding
is a disciple of life.

The hard and stiff will be broken.
The soft and supple will prevail.”

Feeling content with what I have can be a very elusive way of existing for me.•It’s seems I prefer the drama and the hig...

Feeling content with what I have can be a very elusive way of existing for me.

It’s seems I prefer the drama and the high from running on the hamster wheel of keeping up with the Joneses.

But I’ve realized lately that the addiction to the hamster wheel doesn’t lead me to happiness. It just makes me tired.

Once in a while I get a glimpse of feeling content. Contentment is energizing! It’s freeing!

How would our lives be different if we truly felt content?

What if we truly felt our homes were enough, our cars were enough, our family situation was enough, our clothing were enough, our relationships were enough, our children were enough, how much money we made was enough, our jobs were enough, our home decor and was enough, and our gadgets and gizmos were enough etc.

No matter what our circumstances. We can feel content with what we have.


It has been hard for me to feel enough throughout my life.•But now I’m slowly learning how to feel enough. •There is suc...

It has been hard for me to feel enough throughout my life.

But now I’m slowly learning how to feel enough.

There is such freedom in this place of enoughness.

We are enough just as we are: our body, our personality, our quirks, our talents, our looks, our accomplishments, our life choices, our height, our weight, our skin, our hair, our feelings, our productivity, our thoughts, our creativity, our values, our education, our career, our job, the money we make, our interests, our wisdom, our relationship status, our strengths, our weaknesses, our status, and who we are as a mom, friend, spouse, daughter, coworker, neighbor, and woman.

Contentment, joy, and peace are found in feeling enough.

Let’s go and live today from a place of enoughness (pretty sure that is not a word).

I’ve gained enough LB’s during the quarantine that I have exceeded that arbitrary “should be” weight zone that I have fo...

I’ve gained enough LB’s during the quarantine that I have exceeded that arbitrary “should be” weight zone that I have for myself.

Anyone else have an arbitrary “should be” weight zone that you have placed upon yourself? 🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏿‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️

I always know when I have exceed that “should be” weight zone because I have to start fighting my inner weight demons that crawl out from the dark places in my body.

I’ve been fighting these weight demons for too long!!!! I’m so tired!!!

Self-Acceptance Challenge: Let’s get curious about the relationship with the size of our bodies.

What size do we feel we “should be”? Why?

Where do our inner weight demons come from?

If we truly had no “should be” size and we could accept ourselves whatever size we are, how would our lives be different?

We HAVE to start challenging our beliefs about what size our bodies “should be”!

Here is the link: joyprojectEveryone is invited!! If this is your first time meditat...

Here is the link:

Password: joyproject

Everyone is invited!!

If this is your first time meditating, yay! Come join!

Your life is exactly the way it’s supposed to be right this very moment.•Breathe.•Everything is going to be ok.•        ...

Your life is exactly the way it’s supposed to be right this very moment.


Everything is going to be ok.

One day I want to be a cool person and live my life from a place of power, love, and a sound mind.•For now, I’ll probabl...

One day I want to be a cool person and live my life from a place of power, love, and a sound mind.

For now, I’ll probably live my life from a place of fear and simply be grateful for glimpses of power, love, and a sound mind.


Feeling like you are being stretched to your limit?•You are.•Be kind and patient with yourself.•Be kind and patient with...

Feeling like you are being stretched to your limit?

You are.

Be kind and patient with yourself.

Be kind and patient with others too.

(Just noticed the sign in my picture-I’m a total spaz😂)

Prescription for fight, flight, freeze-itis• Being present in your life, meditation, prayer, slowing down, enjoying natu...

Prescription for fight, flight, freeze-itis

Being present in your life, meditation, prayer, slowing down, enjoying nature, soft heartedness, honesty, trust, living in the moment, faith, feeling things, empathy, embracing imperfection as a part of life, acknowledging and healing our demons, surrender, acceptance, joy, connection, living authentically from your values, trusting yourself and God in decision making, creativity, feeling worthy as you are, laughter, vulnerability, gratitude, feeling of abundance, self-compassion, and compassion for others (just to name a few)

Just so you know... fight, flight, freeze-itis is a made up condition but I hope you got the message in the spirit it was meant.😘

@ Denver, Colorado



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