I absolutely love that feeling on the dance floor when the energy is flowing, and the community that’s created around that. The friendships and the fun, the colour and expression, means so much to me.
As I’m heading into one of my favourite boutique festivals , prepping to play some music to a crowd of super sparkly humans - I’ve been thinking about how the party totally fills me up. I love this anticipation. I love the high vibes. I love playing for this crew.
And when the car is packed to go home, and the whole weekend’s collection of moments drift into our memory like dreams - and as is appropriate in other intense and beautiful connecting times - I’ve been thinking about what aftercare looks like.
With this all swirling in my mind, I put together a mix last night for sweet and tender aftercare. I thought you might like it for the drive home. It’s my offering, like a warm blanket for your soul.
Just a little love note. Think of it as a warm blanket for your soul. Clair De Lune (Original Mix) - Double Touch Woodland Oracle (Original Mix) - Fulltone Honey (Original Mix) - Roy Rosenfeld Spring