🚀 What a Journey it has been!!! 🚀
The 2024 Romanian Community Summit of Chicago was an incredible success, bringing together more than 200 participants who passionately worked on creating new opportunities and building strong relationships within our community. Under one roof, we rekindled hope for a compelling future built on cooperation.
🌟 On behalf of the entire team at the Romanian Community Summit, we extend our deepest gratitude to the 23 Summit sponsors - we couldn’t have done it without you!!! 🌟
Your contribution was instrumental in making the event a success, and we feel privileged to have had you on board. Thank you all for making this event a memorable opportunity to connect, learn, and proudly celebrate our heritage!
🏅 Gold Sponsor - Ladybug Daycare & Friends
🥈 Silver Sponsors - City Habitat, MDL Investments LLC, Home Inspection Star Inc, MAIA Biotechnology, Inc., Taft Law, Codefish, Moovers Chicago Inc, AmpliQore.Agency
🥉 Bronze Sponsors - Golden City Mortgage, Corp. Company, EmpowerLinked, Jasmine's Spa, Leeia Derma Spa, Heil & Heil Insurance Agency, Ana Grecu Realtor Coldwell Banker, International Insurance Group, Inc, Catalin Maticiuc Realtor, Romexterra Restoration, Realty of Chicago, The Federal Savings Bank, Transylvania Kitchen, Preferred Rate
Here's to the Romanian Community Summit of 2025! 🎉
#RomanianCommunitySummit #ThankYou #StrongerTogether #Community #Gratitude
💫💫💫 It is time!!! We're so excited - tomorrow, Saturday May 25th, we're hosting one of the most important events of the year for the Romanian community - the 2nd edition of Chicago Romanian Community Summit!
We're grateful to our 40+ partner organizations and 20+ sponsors who joined in the effort to create a unique event - we couldn't have done it without you! 🔥🔥🔥
We have amazing, inspirational speakers, discussions panels that'll dive deep into hot topics within our community - and a raffle with chances to win surprise prizes! 🎫🎫🎫
Join us for this one-of-a-kind event and let's celebrate our strong, powerful community coming together to build promising and compelling opportunities for next generations!
🗓️ When: Saturday, May 25, starting 8:00 am
📌 Where: Logos Christian Academy
👉Head on over to our website to learn lots more about the impressive community of volunteers who make it all possible: https://www.rosummit.us
We're looking forward to see you there ❤️❤️
Este timpul!!! Suntem atât de entuziasmați - mâine, sâmbătă, 25 mai, găzduim unul dintre cele mai importante evenimente ale anului pentru comunitatea românească - cea de-a doua ediție a Summitului Comunității Românești din Chicago!
Suntem recunoscători celor peste 40 de organizații partenere și celor peste 20 de sponsori care s-au alăturat efortului de a crea un eveniment unic - nu am fi reușit fără voi! 🔥🔥🔥
Avem vorbitori uimitori și inspiraționali, paneluri de discuții care vor aborda subiecte fierbinți din cadrul comunității noastre - și o tombolă cu șanse de a câștiga premii surpriză! 🎫🎫🎫
Alăturați-vă nouă pentru acest eveniment unic și sărbătoriți alături de noi comunitatea noastră puternică și unită, care construiește oportunități promițătoare și captivante pentru generațiile viitoare!
🗓️ Când: Sâmbătă, 25 mai, începând cu ora 8:00
📌 Unde: Logos Christian Ac
✅ Do you want to enjoy exclusive benefits as a Chicago Romanian Community Summit partner?
✅ Do you want to have your brand featured in event materials shared with hundreds of community leaders?
✅ Do you want to be part of a game-changing network?
Our goal is that all community organizations - all nonprofit, religious and ethnic organizations, cultural groups, Facebook groups, and other initiatives - join as partners.
Enjoy exclusive partner benefits:
🎟️ Free / complimentary tickets for partner representatives.
💸 Discounted tickets for partner members and donors.
🔥 Exclusive benefits offered to all partner affiliates.
⚜️ Enhanced visibility for your organization in Summit communication materials.
Register NOW as a partner of the Chicago Romanian Community Summit!
#chicagoromaniancommunitysummit #chicagoromaniancommunitysummit2024
#romanianunited #DiasporaCommunity
#nonprofitorganization #CommunityDevelopment