Clean Plates Eatery & Catering, Inc. was blessed to cater for 300+ people at the Winter Extravaganza & Fashion Show, given by An Awesome Learning Academy, Inc. This event was SOLD OUT!!! The families showed so much love & support. 🔊🔊Shout out to Head Chef Anita for, as many have said, "Putting her foot, knee, & elbows in the food"😂 and to Sabrina, Briddie, & Kayla for helping with the food, decor, planning, coordinating, etc. We are so grateful to be able to work as a team. Chef Kayla is also the Cheer Coach for a local private school. Coach Brean & Coach Deon are her assistants. They did an amazing job allowing their cheer team to perform. Thank you again to EVERYONE❤️❤️ Here are some of the pics!!