Right, so in just 2 days MWTG will be dropping my podcast full of all kinds of footwork. 👀👀
From experimental tracks with syncopated footwork patterns to more OG Chicago footwork classics.
I love me some Teklife, so I had to drop some DJ Manny and Rashad. You know how it is... TEKLIFE TILL THE NEXT LIFE... ❤️🔥❤️🔥
I'll keep u posted and drop a link when it's up.
And on the last note - I've got some backlog recs from more proper bass gigs, so I'll try my best to put them on in the next couple of days.
Peace out, PHEN 🌚
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PHEN to anonimowy (zamaskowany) akt; bassowe alter ego pewnego DJ-a grającego aktywnie na lokalnej scenie. Nie mogąc pomieścić w jednej osobie zajawy na breakbeat, szeroko pojętą muzykę bassową i nieszablonowe techno, powstał właśnie PHEN, skupiony tylko i wyłącznie na eksploracji bogatego w niskie częstotliwości soundu.
Jako cel obrał sobie popularyzację niszowych; czasem wręcz obskurnych utworów, podgatunków i brzmień - Footwork, post-club, czy egzotycznie brzmiące eksperymentalne bassy na pograniczu hard-drumu, dancehallu i baile funku - you name it.
PHEN is an anonymous (masked) act; bass alter ego of a DJ actively playing on the local scene. Unable to contain his passion for breakbeat, broadly defined bass music, and unconventional techno under one persona - he created PHEN - an act focused exclusively on exploring the sound rich in low frequencies.
His goal is to popularize niche, sometimes even obscure tracks, subgenres, and sounds - footwork, post-club, or exotically sounding experimental bass on the edge of hard-drum, dancehall, and baile funk - you name it.
• www.facebook.com/phen.bass
• www.instagram.com/phen_bass
• www.soundcloud.com/phen_bass