After a fun two weeks of getting the tar beaten out of me by Covid I was finally able to get back in the shop and wrap up Freya's sword before Dragoncon.
The original plan was to silver nitrate the gold bits on the sword to establish a very high shine base. Unfortunately my kit is a good six months out of date and the plating was splotchy and didn't take. As an alternative I used Createx Quicksilver gold over a SMS chrome base and then weathered the whole thing using wet washes of acrylics. The next sword with gold accenting might be better suited with a candy02 blend over chrome but we'll cross that rainbow bridge when we come to it.
If you're headed to Dragoncon this week keep an eye out for Freya!
#propmaking #props #swords #godofwar #freya #3dprinting #3dprops #cnc #createx #chrome #truemetal
Skyrim Dawnguard Axe Kit paint