Anachron Circle

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Anachron Circle Anachron Circle creates dark ceremonies...a melting pot for the darker side of electronic music.

Lieber Circle, mit einem Lächeln blicken wir zurück auf die Parvati Night 👣 Zu allererst möchten wir euch allen für euer...

Lieber Circle,

mit einem Lächeln blicken wir zurück auf die Parvati Night 👣 Zu allererst möchten wir euch allen für euer Kommen danken! Wir waren überglücklich, dass die Deco so detailverliebt, die Projektionen so hypnotisch und das LED-Mapping so energetisch und warm waren. Auch die Kerzen dürfen ab jetzt nicht mehr fehlen 🕯️

Ein ganz besonderer Dank gilt diesmal auch unserem Expertenteam samt dem Tontechnikteam des Metropol: In mehreren Treffen haben wir gemeinsam das d&b Soundsystem ideal an das Klangbild unserer Dark Ceremony angepasst und waren sehr zufrieden mit dem Resultat. Um eine mehrfach gestellte Frage zu beantworten: Nein, es existieren keine Audio-Aufzeichnung der einzelnen Sets, außer derjenigen, die wir alle in unseren Herzen tragen 🖤

Euer Feedback bedeutet uns viel! Wir versuchen eure konstruktive Kritik bestmöglich zu berücksichtigen und werden ab der nächsten Dark Ceremony am 3. Februar wieder für mehr Sitzgelegenheiten sorgen. Unser Traum ist es, den dritten Floor samt Psychedelic Cinema im zweiten Stock mit eröffnen zu können. Diesen Plan können wir jedoch nur umsetzen, wenn genügend Menschen kommen und auch Eintritt bezahlen.

Wir arbeiten hart daran, dass die Dark Ceremony sich gemeinsam mit Euch weiterentwickelt und wächst und sind deshalb natürlich sehr auf die Eintrittsgelder angewiesen. Dennoch ist uns bewusst, dass wir in schwierigen Zeiten leben. Wenn Eure Teilnahme wirklich am Geld scheitern sollte, dann schreibt uns mindestens 10 Tage vor Beginn der nächsten Veranstaltung an und wir versuchen eine Lösung zu finden - ABER: Jede*r der beim nächsten Mal den Versuch unternimmt, ein gefälschtes oder kopiertes Ticket vorzuzeigen oder einfach am Einlass vorbeizulaufen, bekommt Hausverbot bei allen unseren Veranstaltungen!

Wir freuen uns auf ein Wiedersehen am 03. Februar 2024 zur nächsten Dark Ceremony! Weitere Infos in Kürze...

Dear Circle,

With a smile, we look back on the Parvati Night 👣 First of all, we want to thank each and every one of you for coming! We were excited to see that the stage deco was so full of details, that the projections were so hypnotic and the LED-Mapping was so energetic and warm. Candles are also a must from now on 🕯️

A special thanks goes also to our experts and the sound engineering team at the Metropol: In several meetings, we collectively fine-tuned the d&b sound system to perfectly match the sound of our Dark Ceremony and we were very satisfied with the result! To answer a frequently asked question: No, there is no audio recording of the sets, except for the ones we all share in our hearts 🖤

Your feedback is important to us! We strive to consider your constructive criticism as best as possible and will provide more seating from the next Dark Ceremony on February 3rd. Our dream is to open the third dancefloor, including the psychedelic cinema on the second level. However, we can only realize this plan if enough people come and pay the entrance fee.

We are working hard to ensure that the Dark Ceremony continues to evolve and grow with all of you. However, we understand that we are living in difficult times. If your participation is genuinely hindered by finances, please write to us at least 10 days before the next event and we will try to find a solution - BUT: However, anyone presenting a fake or copied ticket, or attempting to simly bypass the entrance, will face a permanent ban from our events!

We're looking forward to our next reunion on 03rd Feb 2024, when we celebrate the next Dark Ceremony. Stay tuned for more information...

Parvati Records
Free Optics
Funky Freaks Records
Quadrivium Records
Erebos Records
VJ Infante
Dark Zenith
Metropol Berlin

Dark Ceremony | Parvati Night 👣🏛 Tonight at Metropol Berlin!🎟️ Tickets available at the door! Only Cash and Bitcoin acce...

Dark Ceremony | Parvati Night 👣
🏛 Tonight at Metropol Berlin!

🎟️ Tickets available at the door! Only Cash and Bitcoin accepted. See you all in a bit 🛸


Check out this lovely announce video by Parvati Records founder Giuseppe 👣🙏🖤

Dark Ceremony | Parvati Night
24 Nov at Metropol Berlin 🏛

🎟️ Presale available via:

Lieber Circle,Durch die Ereignisse der vergangenen Wochen war es schwierig für uns freudig auf die Karacus Marakus Tease...

Lieber Circle,

Durch die Ereignisse der vergangenen Wochen war es schwierig für uns freudig auf die Karacus Marakus Teaser Party zurück zu blicken. Das wollen wir an dieser Stelle nachholen. Wir danken allen vor und hinter den Kulissen, die diese Nacht zu dem gemacht haben, was sie war. Es war uns eine Freude 🖤

Wir nehmen unsere Erfahrungen mit für die nächste Dark Ceremony: Am 24.11. kehren wir zurück ins Metropol Berlin mit einer Parvati Night 👣

VVK-Tickets sind erhältlich via:

Weitere Infos in Kürze!

Dear Circle,

Due to the events of the past weeks, it has been difficult for us to joyfully look back on the Karacus Marakus Teaser Party. We want to make up for that now and would to thank everyone in front of and behind the scenes who made this night what it was. It was a pleasure 🖤

We take the experiences with us for our upcoming Dark Ceremony: On November 24th, we return to Metropol Berlin with a Parvati Night 👣

Presale tickets are available via:

Stay tuned! More info soon...

Anachron Circle
Pralayah Records
Metropol Berlin
Sonic Loom
Parvati Records
Quintessence Records
Hans Dunkelkammer
Soupherb Records
Plazmalab Berlin
Ash Roy
SRP Media
Free Optics
FAIA Graphic Studio
VJ Infante

Angesichts der jüngsten Ereignisse sind wir sprachlos aufgrund der Nachrichten, die wir aus Israel erhalten: Der Angriff...

Angesichts der jüngsten Ereignisse sind wir sprachlos aufgrund der Nachrichten, die wir aus Israel erhalten: Der Angriff auf das Universo Parallelo Festival Israel Edition ist ein wahrgewordener Albtraum. Dieser Anschlag trifft unsere gesamte Subkultur.

Für uns alle ist der Dancefloor der Ort, an dem wir unserer inneren Utopie einer friedlichen und gerechten Welt am nächsten kommen. "We Are One" ist einer der Slogans, den die Psytrance-Community schon immer verkörpert hat. Freiheit, Gleichheit und Respekt gegenüber anderen und gegenüber der Natur sind die Werte, die uns sowohl auf als auch abseits des Dancefloors miteinander verbinden.

Diese Werte wurden in ihren Grundfesten erschüttert.

In tiefer Anteilnahme trauern wir mit all den Überlebenden und Hinterbliebenen des Anschlages.

Möge Frieden einkehren und das Blutvergießen ein Ende finden. In Israel, in Palästina und weltweit.

In light of recent events, we are left speechless by the news coming from Israel: The assault on the Universo Parallelo Festival Israel Edition is a harrowing nightmare turned into reality. This assault strikes at the heart of our entire subculture.

For all of us, the dancefloor is the place where we come closest to our inner utopia of a peaceful and just world. "We are one" is one of the slogans that the Psytrance community has always embodied. Freedom, equality, and respect for others and for nature are the values that connect us both on and off the dancefloor.

These values have been deeply shaken to their core.

With heartfelt condolences, we mourn with all the survivors and families affected by this attack.

May peace prevail, and may the bloodshed come to an end. In Israel, in Palestine, and worldwide.

Karacus Marakus Berlin Teaser | Timetable+ Hier ist der Timetable für heute Nacht. Zum zweiten Mal werden die Hallen des...

Karacus Marakus Berlin Teaser | Timetable+

Hier ist der Timetable für heute Nacht. Zum zweiten Mal werden die Hallen des Metropol Berlin von Darkpsy-Klängen erzittern und wir können es kaum erwarten mit euch zu feiern 🚀

Der Gewinner des Gewinnspiels ist Johannes Röckelein. Dein Name steht auf der Gästeliste, inkl. +2. Herzlichen Glückwunsch und vielen Dank an alle für die Teilnahme 🖤

Der VVK ist nun beendet. Der Preis an der Abendkasse beträgt 25€.

Bis gleich!

Here's the timetable for tonight. For the second time, the Metropol Berlin is gonna be shaken by Darkpsy tunes and we couldn't be more excited 🚀

The winner of the ticket giveaway is Johannes Röckelein. Your name will be on the guestlist +2. Congrats and thanks everybody for joining 🖤

The presale is now finished. The Price at the door is 25€.

See you all in a few hours!

24 Nov 2023 | Dark Ceremony | Parvati Night 👣Der Anachron Circle öffnet sich wieder: Mit einem Lächeln auf den Lippen pr...

24 Nov 2023 | Dark Ceremony | Parvati Night 👣

Der Anachron Circle öffnet sich wieder: Mit einem Lächeln auf den Lippen präsentieren wir euch die Parvati Night Berlin! In dieser Nacht wird die majestätische Main Hall des Metropol von sattem Dark & Forest Psytrance durchdrungen. Das Free Optics Deco Team wird die Bühne in eine spektakuläre Projektionsfläche verwandeln, auf der INFIMENSIONS und Primordial Vision ihre neuesten Visuals präsentieren.

Einige der Headliner der Festivalsaison erwarten euch an diesem Abend: Arjuna, Confo und Nobot werden ihre Live-Sets zum Besten geben, abgerundet von einem DJ-Set des Parvati Label Gründers Giuseppe. Das Opening gestalten Rudras Anathema, Azrael wird das Closing übernehmen.

Wer das Metropol noch nicht von innen gesehen hat, sollte sich diese besondere Chance nicht entgehen lassen und wer bereits auf unseren letzten Veranstaltungen war, weiß warum sich ein Wiederkommen lohnt.

Falls Du eine Auszeit von der energiegeladenen Main Hall brauchst, kannst Du Dich im Rhythmic Retreat zurückziehen. Begleitet von den Sets von Akkor, Ayjo und XuluX die sich zwischen Experimental, Downtempo und Dark Prog bewegen, kannst Du einen Chai trinken oder Dir einen leckeren Snack gönnen. Für ausreichend bequeme Sitzgelegenheiten ist gesorgt.

Auch das Team von eclipse e.V. ist wieder mit ihrem Infotisch vor Ort und zusätzlich mit einem Psycare Team im Einsatz. Fresh Fruits gibt es natürlich kostenlos, ab und an sogar mit Direktzustellung auf den Floor!

Schließ dich dem Anachron Circle an und werde ein Teil der nächsten Dark Ceremony.

🎟️ Sicher Dir Dein VVK-Ticket hier:

The Anachron Circle opens once again: With a smile on our lips, we are excited to present to you the Parvati Night Berlin! For this Dark Ceremony, the majestic Main Hall of Metropol will be filled with deep Dark & Forest Psytrance.

The Free Optics Deco Team will transform the stage into a spectacular projection surface, showcasing the latest visuals by INFIMENSIONS and Primordial Vision.

This night will feature a selection of festival season headliners: Arjuna, Confo, and Nobot will present their Live-Sets, complemented by a DJ-Set from Parvati label founder Giuseppe. The opening will be crafted by Rudras Anathema, while Azrael will take care of the closing.

If you haven't seen the inside of Metropol yet, this is a special opportunity not to be missed! And if you've attended our previous events, you know why coming back is worth it.

If you need a break from the energy-filled Main Hall, you can head over to our Rhythmic Retreat area. Accompanied by sets from Akkor, Ayjo, and XuluX, which traverse Experimental, Downtempo, and Dark Prog, you can drink a chai or enjoy a delicious snack. Enough comfortable seating will be provided.

The eclipse e.V. team is once again present with their information desk and a Psycare team. Fresh fruits are, of course, available for free, occasionally even with direct delivery to the dance floor!

Join the Anachron Circle and become part of our next Dark Ceremony.

🎟️ Save your presale ticket via:

Here's a set of photos from our last Dark Ceremony at Metropol Berlin 🏛Upcoming Events:30 Sep 2023 · Karacus Marakus Ber...

Here's a set of photos from our last Dark Ceremony at Metropol Berlin 🏛

Upcoming Events:
30 Sep 2023 · Karacus Marakus Berlin Teaser
24 Nov 2023 · Dark Ceremony | Parvati Night

📷 Dark Zenith

30 Sept 2023 | Karacus Marakus Berlin TeaserAnachron Circle trat in Erscheinung, um den düsteren Frequenzen der psychede...

30 Sept 2023 | Karacus Marakus Berlin Teaser

Anachron Circle trat in Erscheinung, um den düsteren Frequenzen der psychedelischen elektronischen Musik einen angemessenen Raum zu schaffen. Wir durchbrechen die ausgetretenen Pfade der Berliner Clubkultur und nehmen euch mit in eine Welt der düsteren Klänge, pulsierenden Rhythmen und hypnotisierenden Visuals, die eure Sinne bis an ihre Grenzen führen werden.

Daher freuen wir uns sehr, eine ganz besondere Kooperation mit euch zu teilen: Anachron Circle und Pralayah Records bündeln ihre Kräfte, um euch das Berliner Teaser Event für das indische Karacus Marakus Festival zu präsentieren. Jährlich stattfindend, an den Stränden von Goa, feiert das Underground Gathering 2024 bereits seine 9. Edition. Unser Teaser Event wird im Metropol stattfinden, einem legendären Veranstaltungsort im Herzen Berlins, in dem immer wieder Musikgeschichte geschrieben wurde. Die über 110 Jahre alten Mauern dieses monumentalen Gebäudes am Nollendorfplatz erzählen eine faszinierende und facettenreiche Geschichte, und wir freuen uns, gemeinsam mit euch ein weiteres fesselndes Kapitel hinzuzufügen.

🎟️ Limitierter Vorverkauf! Sichert euer Ticket via:

Anachron Circle came into existence to create an appropriate space for the dark frequencies of psychedelic electronic music. We break through the well-trodden paths of Berlin club culture and take you into a world of dark sounds, pulsating rhythms and hypnotizing visuals that will take your senses to their limits.

Therefore, we're excited to announce an extraordinary collaboration! Anachron Circle and Pralayah Records are joining forces to bring you the Berlin Teaser Event for the Indian Karacus Marakus Festival. Annually taking place on the shores of Goa, this beautiful underground gathering is already approaching its 9th edition in 2024. This celebration will take place at the Metropol, an iconic venue in the heart of Berlin where music history has been made time and time again. The over 110 year old walls of this monumental building on Nollendorfplatz tell a fascinating and multi-faceted story, and we look forward to adding another captivating chapter together with you.

🎟️ Presale is limited! Save your ticket via:


ANTONYMOUS | Sonic Loom | GR

DARKELF | Pralayah Records | GR

JAHBO | Parvati Records | DK

YONS | Quintessence Records | DE

BIOMEKANIK | Quintessence Records | DE

MANVANTRA | Pralayah Records | IN

RUDRAS ANATHEMA | Anachron Circle | DE/SU


ASH ROY | Soupherb Records | IN

HANS DUNKELKAMMER | Quintessence Records | DE

DORON | Plazmalab Berlin | IS



🎨 Artwork by FAIA Graphic Studio

More info soon! Stay tuned...

𝗗𝗔𝗥𝗞 𝗖𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗠𝗢𝗡𝗬 | Thank you!Our first Dark Ceremony at Metropol Berlin lies behind us. We took great pleasure in observing...

𝗗𝗔𝗥𝗞 𝗖𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗠𝗢𝗡𝗬 | Thank you!

Our first Dark Ceremony at Metropol Berlin lies behind us. We took great pleasure in observing an abundance of joyful countenances and vibrant individuals dancing in its historical halls and we are truly grateful for each and every person who took the decision of attending our first event in such a legendary location.

We look forward to continue giving the Darkpsy genre the stage it deserves in Berlin. Since yesterday we got the green light from Metropol: More events from Anachron Circle will follow. We brainstormed about several ideas to further enhance our future gatherings at Metropol. Feel free to contact us if you would like to contribute a creative idea. We value your feedback and are deeply committed to keep improving our events.

Last but not least, we want to express our sincere gratitude to the artists and individuals that helped making this event a reality.

𝗡𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝗗𝗮𝗿𝗸 𝗖𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘆: 𝟯𝟬 𝗦𝗲𝗽𝘁 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯

Unsere erste gemeinsame Dark Ceremony im Metropol Berlin liegt hinter uns. Wir sind glücklich darüber, dass wir so viele lächelnde Gesichter und ausgelassen tanzende Menschen um uns hatten. Wir sind für jede einzelne Person dankbar, die den Entschluss getroffen hat, unserer ersten Veranstaltung in dieser geschichtsträchtigen Location beizuwohnen. Wir freuen uns, dem Darkpsy Genre in Berlin auch in Zukunft die Bühne zu geben, die es verdient. Seit gestern haben wir grünes Licht vom Metropol bekommen: Es wird weitere Veranstaltungen von Anachron Circle im Metropol geben.

Es kamen uns zahlreiche Ideen, wie wir unsere gemeinsamen Nächte im Metropol in Zukunft noch besser gestalten können. Schreibt uns gerne an, wenn ihr eine kreative Idee beisteuern möchtet. Wir freuen uns über Feedback und sind hoch motiviert, uns weiterzuentwickeln.

Zu guter Letzt möchten wir uns sowohl bei den Artists für ihre grandiosen Performances bedanken, sowie bei all den helfenden Händen, die unermüdlich hinter den Kulissen gearbeitet haben, um diese Veranstaltung wahr werden zu lassen.

𝗡𝗮̈𝗰𝗵𝘀𝘁𝗲 𝗗𝗮𝗿𝗸 𝗖𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘆: 𝟯𝟬 𝗦𝗲𝗽𝘁 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯

📷 Dark Zenith // Foto&Video Produktionen

𝗟𝗢𝗖𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 | Dark Ceremony🏛️ Metropol BerlinNollendorfplatz 510777 Berlin-Schöneberg🚇 U-Bahnhof ...

𝗟𝗢𝗖𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 | Dark Ceremony

🏛️ Metropol Berlin
Nollendorfplatz 5
10777 Berlin-Schöneberg

🚇 U-Bahnhof Nollendorfplatz

The event will take place in none other than the legendary Metropol, a stunning venue in the heart of Berlin where the pages of national and international music history were written. Located in the Schöneberg district, directly at Nollendorfplatz, which was once celebrated as one of the most beautiful squares in Berlin, Metropol represents more than 110 years of exciting cultural history. The most striking reminder of those "good old days" is undoubtedly the former "new playhouse on Nollendorfplatz", today's Metropol.

In the late 1980s, the Metropol, with its unique laser show, was one of the most famous discotheques in Berlin. Concerts were often held during the week with many famous artists performing there over the decades, for example David Bowie, Depeche Mode, Kraftwerk, The Cure, The Ramones, Iggy Pop, Beastie Boys, Peter Tosh and many more. It was locations in Schöneberg or Steglitz where also the first techno parties took place, at that time still mostly called acid house parties. Especially the Metropol paved the way for the Berlin techno scene, with DJ Westbam spinning records here in his early days. After many changes in the administration, since fall 2019, the house at Nollendorfplatz 5 again bears its traditional name "METROPOL" and is used as an event location, concert venue and for selected parties. Now, for the very first time, its walls will be shaken by dark psy tunes and we couldn’t be more excited about it!

The dance floor, the 300m² large main hall radiates a very special charm. It captivates with its organic shapes, the warm, dark wood, the beige nappa leather on the walls and the twelve stately columns. The soft indirect light from ultra-modern Leds, which can create any lighting mood imaginable, creates a pleasant atmosphere and will complement the sophisticated Video Mapping installation by FRY Visuals, accompanied by the dazzling radiance of lasers to open your doors of perception. We feel very honored for having the chance of holding this event in such an incomparable, historical location and are looking forward to celebrating with you!

𝗔𝗥𝗧𝗜𝗦𝗧 𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 | Dark Ceremony⚙️ SΛSHΛ | Quintessence Records | DE


⚙️ SΛSHΛ | Quintessence Records | DE

🎧 DJ-Set | 29 April | Metropol Berlin

Sasha was born and raised in East-Germany and can be described as a general music enthusiast. Growing up mostly on Grunge and Sixties Psychedelia, he got into Psychedelic Trance around 2005 and started playing DJ-sets and organizing events in 2007/2008.

After moving to the Berlin area around 2010, he has been working and playing for several major European Festivals (e.g. Freqs of Nature, Space Safari, Lost Theory, MoDem), became a Label-DJ for Kamino Records & Lost Theory Records and organized various Indoor-events in Berlin.

2017 saw the foundation of his own label Quintessence Records, together with aspiring Berlin-producer Yons. Since the beginning, their philosophy is to publish all music for free, while delivering high quality releases regarding artist selection, production, mastering, artwork and promotion. Besides his work for the label, Sasha is an integral part of Space Safari in Belgium.

Being a dedicated seeker of deep psychedelic tunes, his sets are known to be precisely conceived stories, always adapted to the timetable slot. His favorite styles to play are Forest and Darkpsy within the range of 148-160 bpm.

𝗔𝗥𝗧𝗜𝗦𝗧 𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 | Dark Ceremony⚙️ ΛBRΛLΛBIM | Fractal Nebula Records | DE


⚙️ ΛBRΛLΛBIM | Fractal Nebula Records | DE

🎧 DJ-Set | 29 April | Metropol Berlin

Robert alias Abralabim was born in Northern Germany, in a creepy smalltown. He got into Psychedelic Music around 2001 and since then, started to create his extensive music collection. In 2003, inspired by attending some great events, he decided to become a DJ for the music he fell in love with and "DJ Abralabim" was born.

Together with some friends, he started to organize the "Amnesietheater" events in 2006, which were paving the ground for the North German Darkpsy & Hitech Psytrance Parties of nowadays. One year later, Robert became a Label-DJ for the Greek Label Discovalley Records and finally moved to Berlin in 2009. Since then, he has become one of the most established DJ's within the realms of Dark Psytrance and played in countless events, including legendary festivals like Psycrowdelica and Freqs of Nature Festival. While the idea of starting an own label was already growing over the years, in 2017, it eventually became reality with the release of "Traversable Wormholes", the first compilation of Abralabim's brainchild Fractal Nebula Records.

A set by Abralabim can't be predicted, as it's always a fusion between the vibe at the dancefloor, merging with the approach of presenting the fresh gems in his collection, but always a deep, trippy voyage through the world of dark psychedelic sounds.

𝗔𝗥𝗧𝗜𝗦𝗧 𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 | Dark Ceremony⚙️ LURKΣR | Parvati Records | PT


⚙️ LURKΣR | Parvati Records | PT

🎛 Live-Set | 29 April | Metropol Berlin

Lurker is a musical project by Hélder Amaral from Portugal, born and raised in Porto. He created it in 2016 as a counterweight to the heavy sounds of his main project RaWaR. Further exploring the depths of Dark Forest Psytrance, a first EP was released in 2017 via Parvati Records, followed by a 2nd one a year later, and track releases on various well-known labels. Lurker’s sound is fully dancefloor orientated and characterized by organic textures with driving, rolling basslines, powerful leads and a clear, sophisticated production.

𝗔𝗥𝗧𝗜𝗦𝗧 𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 | Dark Ceremony⚙️ CRΛCKΣD NΘZΣS | Sangoma Records | DE/PT


⚙️ CRΛCKΣD NΘZΣS | Sangoma Records | DE/PT

🎛 Live-Set | 29 April | Metropol Berlin

Cracked Nozes emerged in 2007 when the minds of Helder and Dominik, also known as RaWaR and Sator Arepo collided, blending each others style to create an intense, yet trippy sound experience. The result is a fully dancefloor orientated fusion which is driven by intergalactic atmospheres, futuristic lead combinations and a mixture of deep and pumping basses that bring you into a energetic journey of your body and soul. The Austrian/German based duo is well-established in the global trance scene and presented their work on many renowned parties and festivals around the world, such as Psycrowdelica, Pulsar, Atman, Indian Spirit, Kali Mela and Haunted Future. Be prepared for a powerful ride on the dance-floor!

🔥 Dark Ceremony | 29 April | Metropol Berlin 🏛️RaWaR | Sator Arepo | Cracked Nozes | Lurker | Medhorinum | Abralabim | S...

🔥 Dark Ceremony | 29 April | Metropol Berlin 🏛️

RaWaR | Sator Arepo | Cracked Nozes | Lurker | Medhorinum | Abralabim | Sasha | FRY Visuals


🎟️ Capacity is limited! Save your presale ticket!



⚙️ RΛWΛR | Osom Music | PT

🎛 Live-Set | 29 April | Metropol Berlin

RaWaR is the main musical project of Hélder Amaral from Portugal, born and raised in Porto. After being a vivid music lover of different styles, he became interested in the production of psychedelic music and created the RaWar project in 2006.

His first album was released a year after via US-based Black Magick Records, while a second one followed in 2009 via Wild Seven Recordz based in Japan. Both releases became milestones of the early Dark Psytrance movement, accompanied by constant track releases on countless pioneering labels. In 2013, Hélder teamed up with Munich-based Deviant Force Records and released his groundbreaking album "To The Gods" in 2014. During the following years, he was busy manifesting his place in the international scene and became a regular part of big festival lineups, with performances at Boom Festival, Ozora Festival and Universo Paralello.

When the covid madness flattened, Hélder decided to set out for new horizons and joined forces with KinDzaDza's Osom Music, while also becoming a part of newborn Beyond Management. His latest album "Natural Simbiotic Equlibrium", released in 2022, is the perfect manifest of his musical vision and a cutting-edge piece of modern Dark Psytrance.

Deep atmospheres, groovy, powerful basslines and dark, driving soundscapes are the essence of RaWar’s musical approach. Hélder truly managed to create his very own unique version of Dark Psytrance, making him a real pioneer of this musical genre. As an integral part of the scene, he continues to push the boundaries of Psychedelic Trance, while inspiring new generations of electronic music producers and fans around the world.

Anachron Circle creates dark ceremonies...a melting pot for the darker side of electronic music.




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