🤩Newton Longville Village Show🤩
The day is finally here!
Entries are being put on display from 8am - 10.30am in the hall ready for judging and for display at 12.30pm.
Stalls and pictches are being set up for a 12.30pm start to the fete. The weather looks kind so come along and enjoy all the stalls, food and entertainment on offer. Don't forget to bring cash and change for some stalls too.
Come and compete in the Grand Welly Wanging Contest. Some great fun to be had for the pride of winning a Golden Welly trophy!
Scarecrows are being placed outside homes with pride. Try and find them and share pictures.
And don't forget to come along to the Crooked Billet where the fun continues from 5pm at our After Show Party. Filled with live music, in house food, bar and food stalls, Paul and Ness are ready to be the hosts with the most!
Thank you again to our sponsors, the Parish Council and to all involved in the organisation, set up and management of the whole day. The show really couldn't go on without you. We hope you all have a fantastic day enjoying all that our wonderful village has to offer!
The Crooked Billet Newton Longville
The Engineering Quest
DebbieDuz Dog Boarding
BC Building & Renovations