To all our followers, friends, and fellow Instagram-wanderers, we have been quiet on this account as we've been sharing and learning on our personal accounts and in our lives. With no if's, and's, or but's- Black Lives Matter. ALL Black lives; trans, women, children, men, LQBTQIA, cis, no matter. Your voice, opinions, health, education, history, culture, rights, and all should be valued and equal, but we know they are not. Our business has no place for intolerance and I wanted to share these words to make our stance known. While we welcome all events, couples, individuals, families, and businesses with open arms, intolerance has no place here and we will not be the right partners for you if you do not share these values.
I will be posting our regular content following this post, but please know what we are doing in our lives to not just add to the voices, but show our commitment through actions:
📥 Voting in every election open- local, state, and national- here in Alexandria, VA for me. 👋🏼
📖 Reading White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo to understand ways through my life where I may have perpetuated racism or prejudice and not been aware. Doing something racist and being A Racist are different, and understanding and educating ourselves allows us to be better for our communities and country. You can always learn more, and this was a good place for us to start. My list of books, movies, articles and shows keeps growing, and if you have suggestions, send them my way! 📚
🛍 Actively supporting Black-owned small businesses. We are a women-led team and always made it a priority to shop women-owned. I never put an emphasis on supporting other minority-owned businesses and that is a fault I did not realize until recently.
🗓 Continuously educating ourselves and staying considerate, informed, and engaged. It would be so easy to read one book and feel like we "checked the box" but this movement will not take one day, week, or month. It will be a life-long commitment to being anti-racist. It will not always be filled with simple choices or easy actions, and we are committed to doing the work, day in and day out.