New England Wood Firing Conference

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New England Wood Firing Conference A 10 day pottery tour of New England's woodkilns and centralized conference in the New Haven, CT are

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Hey Folks, I'd like to encourage any and all practicing wood-fire potters to seriously consider applying to the "Will of the Kiln" show, hosted by Chris Gustin of . There's been a fantastic group of work submitted thus far. Your work will be in good company!
Application Protocol:
Go to's "Ticket" page and purchase a "Ticket".
Submit your work's information.
You'll be sent a follow up email containing a Google Folder for submitting your images.
Entry Deadline: May 1
Images here are of my own work,, from the recent firing of the . We'll be firing the Beluga as one of 9 Host Kilns for the New England Wood Firing Conference, late June/early July 2023.
The gallery opening reception is going to be a good time! We'll connect as a regional community; celebrating our passion for wood firing and all the good our special creative practice brings to our lives. I hope you'll join us and have a great weekend folks.

Hey Folks, Wishing you all a good day as Spring sets in here in Woodbridge, CT. I'm happy to present our 10th and final ...

Hey Folks, Wishing you all a good day as Spring sets in here in Woodbridge, CT. I'm happy to present our 10th and final Scholarship Ticket Recipient for the New England Wood Firing Conference, 2023. Huge thanks to the A.J. DiMasi Foundation for their generous grant of $3000. These monies have been applied to 9 out of 10 scholarship ticket recipients as well as supporting the travel expenses of Lillann Ulverud of , she's our keynote and will be addressing conference participants at our gallery reception on July 1, 2023. Can't wait to hear her presentation on community wood-firing in Norway!
Today, Maira Wickert of .l.u.e.ceramica is our featured scholarship award winner. Maira started exploring her creativity through ceramics about two years ago, back at home in South Brazil where she comes from. She took her first pottery classes after moving to New Haven and since then she's been a member of Wet Clay Works, a place where she found all the tools and support to keep learning and improving her skills. Maira signs her pots as Blue. Inspired by the blue sea and sky, and all living creatures, her goal is to bring people and nature closer together. Participating in the NEWFC is an opportunity for her to meet artists and acquire knowledge that she can later bring to her home country and share with others. Maira has experience firing at the Youngberg Host Kiln and will be joining the firing crew with again this summer during Firing Week.
Think about: joining a Host Kiln of your choice all throughout New England and/or applying to the Will of the Kiln show hosted by Chris Gustin of . You are welcome here ;) Join us to Gather-Fire-Bond. Have a great week, Trev

Hi Folks,I'm delighted to announce that the next A.J. DiMasi Foundation scholarship ticket recipient is Erika M. Saracho...

Hi Folks,
I'm delighted to announce that the next A.J. DiMasi Foundation scholarship ticket recipient is Erika M. Saracho. Thank you to A.J.'s family for your support ;) works in New Haven, Connecticut and has joined us here in Woodbridge for a firing shift just this past Fall. Erika writes, "I am a non-binary Chicanx ceramicist. I was born and raised in Los Angeles, and moved to the east coast for college in 2010. I never got to explore art in college apart from the drawings I did in a plant biology class, but a few years after graduating, I enrolled in a beginner’s pottery class with my partner. I fell in love with pottery right away, and kept taking a class every term at the local community studio." I know Erika will enjoy Erika's experience at .
There's about a month left for registration for the New England Wood Firing Conference. I hope you feel welcome to join us! "The Will of the Kiln" show, juried by Chris Gustin of will be a main feature of our Conference Weekend activities. Opening reception on Saturday July 1. Take care folks, Trevor

Hey Folks! Thanks for the generous support of the A.J. DiMasi Foundation, I introduce the next New England Wood Firing C...

Hey Folks! Thanks for the generous support of the A.J. DiMasi Foundation, I introduce the next New England Wood Firing Conference Scholarship Ticket recipient. Katy McNamara is a potter who will be joining the Host Kiln Crew for Firing Week in June. Katy writes:
I took my first pottery class in January 2021 in my hometown of Chapel Hill, NC, and have remained hooked on wheel throwing since then. I moved to Brookline MA in September 2021 and joined Feet of Clay, a local co-op studio, where I now teach introductory wheel-throwing classes on Friday nights. I gravitate towards functional ware such as mugs and bowls, but I'm excited to branch out as I continue to experiment. I enjoy adding surface texture to my pots, striving to make pots that are both visually engaging and a joy to hold.
I was first exposed to atmospheric soda & wood firing through a visit to Mark Hewitt’s pottery in Pittsboro, NC in 2021. Through talking to other potters in MA, I learned about Canton Clay Works and signed up to participate in their December 2022 Train kiln firing. It was my first ever wood firing and I knew very little going into it. Participating in this firing was a great experience and an amazing learning opportunity. I also participated in a soda firing with Mudflat in Somerville, MA in December 2022. These past few months have been a crash course, but my experiences so far confirmed that I want to continue to explore atmospheric firing techniques as I develop as a potter. The New England Wood Firing Conference is the ideal opportunity for me to continue learning from the incredible wood-firing community in NE."
I know Katy will have a blast firing and I look forward to sharing in her experience when we gather for Conference Week here in Woodbridge, CT June 30-July 1.
Consider joining us! Plus, the Will of the Kiln show, juried by Chris Gustin of is sure to be a great place to showcase your work.
All my Best, Trevor

Hey Folks, I'm pleased to  introduce Kayla Noble as the New  England Wood Firing Conference's next Scholarship Ticket re...

Hey Folks, I'm pleased to introduce Kayla Noble as the New England Wood Firing Conference's next Scholarship Ticket recipient. Special thanks to the A.J. DiMasi Foundation for supporting this worthy cause.
is a practicing wood-fire potter and teacher. Kayla is currently enrolled in a Post-Bacc program, co-managing the wood-firing program at SUNY New Paltz. In addition to teaching at various clay centers throughout the New York Hudson Valley, Kayla interviews and writes for The Studio Potter. She visits and fires with an array of wood-fire potters: including a residency at Taos Clay.
Kayla writes, "My interest in woodfiring began with people and process. The first time I saw a woodkiln in action something clicked and I have not been able to stop seeking out this experience again and again. In New Mexico I was exposed to the immensity of the process. I love how much work, preparation, organization, and collaboration must go into a successful firing. The more I learn technically the more I am fascinated by the surfaces. My work loves a woodkiln. I have tried other firing methods, but nothing feels quite as good. I believe the atmosphere of a woodkiln allows clay to sing in ways I have not seen elsewhere. I am most interested in vessels of containment and service, speaking to communal action and rituals involved in food cultivation and subsequent abundance- unapologetic femininity reveals raw, emotive displays of longing. I explore my fired work through self-portrait/ performance based documentation."
-Consider joining the Conference, all levels of ceramics experience are welcome.
-Apply to the Will of the Kiln, juried by , all selected works will be on display during the Conference Weekend activities. Accepted makers receive a reception pass for the opening on July 1 at the Painted Path Gallery.

Hey Folks! "The Will of the Kiln", juried by Chris Gustin of , is an exhibition of wood-fired ceramics o fall sorts. Sel...

Hey Folks! "The Will of the Kiln", juried by Chris Gustin of , is an exhibition of wood-fired ceramics o fall sorts. Selected works will be on display in the Painted Path Gallery, Woodbridge, CT as a main feature of the New England Wood Firing Conference. Along with featured wood-fired works, there'll be large format images of various Host Kilns in action. It's sure be a fantastic show! Feel free to apply. Go to the Link in Bio and select the "Will of the Kiln" tab. Looking forward to seeing this show come together ;)
Shown here, pre-heat shot of the from this morning.
It's on! Firing social this Friday night for any interested parties (6-9pm). Feel free to reach out if you'd like to pay a visit.

Good morning Folks ;)Thanks to the generosity of the A.J. DiMasi Foundation, Amelia Lee is being presented here as our n...

Good morning Folks ;)
Thanks to the generosity of the A.J. DiMasi Foundation, Amelia Lee is being presented here as our next Scholarship Ticket recipient. Amelia is a practicing wood fire potter and will be joining us here in Woodbridge, CT for the New England Wood Firing Conference's Firing Week . I can't wait to meet Amelia and work with her in the kiln-yard!
Amelia writes, "My practice in the studio always starts with trying to capture certain emotions. I've experimented with various mediums all through school and I'm always looking to translate feeling into everything I do. When I first discovered clay I immediately discovered how difficult it was to mold it exactly how I imagined. This challenge intrigued me and I wanted to learn more. I was accepted into Cub Creek Foundation in 2021, this is when I was fully able to explore native clay and fire using wood. After spending time with these elements, I strive to evoke feelings of nostalgia, empathy, and reciprocity. Everything involved in this process is alive, from the local clay dug up, to the wood being prepared for a 3-6 day firing. I want to preserve this beautiful and ancient art of wood firing by showing off the wide variety of surfaces that can be achieved, along with more organic and universal forms. Blending these two ideas of aged surfaces and living form is my way of letting the materials speak for themselves and arouse a variety of emotions for the viewer. "
I encourage anyone interested in exploring the practice of wood firing to think about joining us. All experience and skill levels are welcome. Plenty of spots left although we are a nearing max capacity at a few Host Kilns. Sign up cut-off date, May 15. Firing Week and Conference Weekend are sure to be experiences we all enjoy!
Link in Bio.

Hey Folks!A Huge thanks to the A.J. DiMasi Foundation for sponsoring an incredible line up of Scholarship Tickiet recipi...

Hey Folks!
A Huge thanks to the A.J. DiMasi Foundation for sponsoring an incredible line up of Scholarship Tickiet recipients. Featured today, Jacklyn Scott. She earned a degree in Studio Arts at the Tyler School of Art where she explored her many interests in painting, printmaking, sculpture and ceramics. From 2014-2018 she worked at Hood College as the Studio Manager for the Art Department where she earned her M.A. in Ceramic Arts. During her time at Hood she helped build 3 kilns including a train kiln with Robert Sanderson. Jacklyn has been woodfiring with her mother since the age of 8 and continued to explore woodfiring with various artists such as Shiro Otani, Jack Troy, Doug Jeppesen, Joseph Delphia, Ben Owen III and more. Jacklyn launched her own community studio, Craft Into Art, a pottery studio in Dingmans Ferry, PA where she teaches and sells her work in addition to Peters Valley School of Craft.
Jacklyn will be joining the crew during Firing Week in late June. I know they'll have a blast together! Consider joining in on the fun, all are welcome ;)

Hey Folks, introducing Jess Komaromy. Jess is an experienced wood-fire potter and will be joining the New England Wood F...

Hey Folks, introducing Jess Komaromy. Jess is an experienced wood-fire potter and will be joining the New England Wood Firing Conference as both a participant, she'll be firing with the Youngberg Host Kiln crew, and a presenter.
Jess has spent the last twenty years combining my two biggest passions, wood fired ceramics and international travel. She will talk about her experiences in New Zealand, Australia, England, Japan and Norway. She is currently part of the core firing crew at East Creek Art Center in Williamina, Oregon.
As an aside, she'll be reuniting with Lillann Ulverud, our keynote, during Firing Week here in Woodbridge, CT.
I can't wait to meet her in person!
Consider joining a Host Kiln of your choice, most sites have spaces left, you are welcome....the value is real: $325 gets you 2c.f kiln space, dinner on the farm, firing social at the , catered gallery reception at the Painted Path gallery and a presentation at . You are welcome to Gather-Fire-Bond.

Happy Monday Folks,The spirit of the New England Wood  Firing Conference  juried show,"The Will of the Kiln", juried by ...

Happy Monday Folks,
The spirit of the New England Wood Firing Conference juried show,"The Will of the Kiln", juried by Chris Gustin, is to showcase an array of qualities that are imparted upon ceramic works by the use of wood as fuel. Not all wood-firing methods emphasize natural ash development; some favor the effects of the flame's interaction with raw clay and glaze surfaces, flashing...and some wood-firing methods protect the work from flame and ash, saggars. There are as many approaches to wood-firing as there are potters. All of them unique and beautiful in their own way ;) We look forward to showcasing a broad range of wood-fired ceramic works in the show!
Shared here are a few images of a globe series that was fired in the February 2023 firing of the . These pieces are an example of the variation found within the atmosphere of a wood kiln. Each piece was placed in a different area of the kiln. (they serve to guide the flame as it passes through the chamber) The pieces displaying natural ash drips were positioned at the front wall of the direct contact with the firbox....they received a build up of fly-ash which in turn melts and forms the varied colorations and ash glaze. The gold and dark metallic piece was positioned at the tail of the chamber...receiving a light coat of fine fly-ash; the monochromatic rusty piece was in a quiet section of the kiln on the floor (the surface was laden with condensation at the time of the photo).

If you wood-fire, consider submitting your work for Chris' review. The makers of selected works are welcome to join us for the opening reception at the Painted Path Gallery in Woodbridge, CT on July 1.
1. Follow this link:
2. Click the "About" tab.
3. Apply!
Thanks so much for connsidering joining the show, Trevor

I'm thrilled to announce that, thanks to the A.J. DiMasi Foundation's generous donation,  is the next New England Wood F...

I'm thrilled to announce that, thanks to the A.J. DiMasi Foundation's generous donation, is the next New England Wood Firing Conference Scholarship Ticket recipient to be announced.
Gloria has overcome a traumatic brain injury while spending the last four years studying Ceramics at the University of Southern Maine.
Gloria will be firing with 's Host Kiln in late June.
Gloria writes: "Ceramics, CLAY, is important to me. The physicality of it, the messiness, the magic of digging up clay in your own back yard and allowing your body’s memory and posture to form things that sometimes you had no idea you were able to make—it has become a crucial part of my life. It can be done purely with muscle memory and knowledge that resides in our fingers, in our skin, in the palms of the hands. For me, it reminds me daily that my intellect is not ME. My brain cells are not my identity. Who I am is much deeper. The clay I was given to me while recovering from my injury showed me that I am who I am and I am not gone."
Gloria is a gracious, thoughtful and dedicated ceramicist. Her experience with Jody and the rest of her firing crew is sure to be one to remember! Please consider joining us, all experience levels are welcome.

I am both humbled and honored to announce that our Scholarship Ticket Program has been fully funded by the family of a c...

I am both humbled and honored to announce that our Scholarship Ticket Program has been fully funded by the family of a close friend and former student, A.J. DiMasi. A.J. was a kind, talented, intelligent as well as skilled, enthusiastic and loved member of our wood-firing community here in Woodbridge, CT.
In the words of his sister, Alisha: "These scholarship funds are being offered in memory of A.J. DiMasi. His passion for pottery began at Trumbull High under Trevor's leadership and he went on to learn the craft of creating wood fired pottery. A.J. found the connection, learning and sharing of the firings very rewarding. He would leap at any opportunity to teach family or friends about throwing and firing pottery.
It is the great pleasure of the A.J. DiMasi Foundation to offer scholarships to this year's Conference. We extend our gratitude to Trevor and the organizing team along with all of the participants who are co-creating the wood fired pottery culture that was at the very heart of A.J.'s love for pottery."
Featured here: The works of Krystal Yavicoli, our first recipient of the A.J. Damasi Foundation:
Krystal is in her final semester at the University of Southern Maine and looks forward to a career in the ceramics field. She is bright, enthusiastic and is excited to join our community!
All awards for the Scholarship Ticket Program have been granted for this year's Conference 😉

Hey Folks, here's a link to the "Will of the Kiln", a Wood Fired Ceramics Show, juried by Chris Gustin of Gustin Ceramic...

Hey Folks, here's a link to the "Will of the Kiln", a Wood Fired Ceramics Show, juried by Chris Gustin of Gustin Ceramics.
Chris' work pictured here.
Check it out! It's going to be a fantastic array of wood fired ceramics of all sorts.
I am excited to see this show come together and hope you'll both consider applying to the show and joining the New England Wood Firing Conference crew.
New England Wood Firing Conference:
During Firing Week, fire your work in one of 9 New England wood fire Host Kilns.
Conference Weekend's festivities.: Will of the Kiln Gallery Reception included...along with dinner at Massaro Farm and peak firing night social at the hybrid-anagama kiln.
You are Welcome 😉 Trev

Hey Folks, another New England Wood Firing Conference pitch for you all! We've 4 Scholarship Ticket Program applicants a...

Hey Folks, another New England Wood Firing Conference pitch for you all! We've 4 Scholarship Ticket Program applicants at this time. My intention is to provide Full Conference Passes to qualifying applicants. The sales of Merch from the website is dedicated to funding these up and coming potters. Wheel Tool sales are a big part of this campaign. Since I make them, they go a lot further towards funding the Scholarship Ticket Program. Wheel Threads like hats, T's and Hoodies are a great way to support our cause here as well...we're creating an environment where potters and clay artists of all levels feel welcome to engage in our special process with a fantastic line up of Host Kilns! Consider joining us 😉 Gather-Fire-Bond. Best, Trev
Merch and info at:

hey Folks, Aside from encouraging wood-fire potters and collectors to seriously consider joining up  for the New England...

hey Folks, Aside from encouraging wood-fire potters and collectors to seriously consider joining up for the New England Wood Firing Conference 😉 here are a few pix from the recent firing of the . Thanks to the crew for your generous spirits. As we fire together year after year, one of the best outcomes, for me, is seeing friendships form through our practice. If it weren't for the people that come together to make these events happen, I'm not sure the pots alone can justify the time, resources and energy that goes into this magnificient process. This time around, we held an even medium to heavy reduction at top temps. Cone 11/12 all around. We'll go a little hotter next time, test new clay and adjust the ones we're working with now. For the potters out there,; here's the clay body recipes shown here.
Troy Dirty Porcelain
55 Grolleg
30 Minspar
20 Fine Silica 325 mesh
1 Bentonite
10 Redart
Nice with Manganese Sand wedged in
Troy Porcelain
55 Grolleg
30 Minspar Feldspar
20 Fine Silica 325 mesh
1 Bentonite
Flashes Orange like crazy in Reduced atmosphere, picks up and shows natural ash.
TY New Stone
50 EPK
50 Goldart
50 Custer
30 Fine Silica
Blues to Reds in Oxidation….iridescent, ok, in reduction.
TY Fireclay
200 Hawthorn Fireclay 50 mesh
100 OM4
100 Goldart
125 Custer Feldspar
25 Grog (28 mesh)
15 Flint Flour (190 mesh)
15 Silica Sand (75 mesh)
A special thanks to:

James Birks
You guys are the best, can't wait to do it all over again, Trev

It's official Folks, we've got Merch in the house! Thanks to my eldest for showcasing the fashion. All Merch, clothing a...

It's official Folks, we've got Merch in the house! Thanks to my eldest for showcasing the fashion. All Merch, clothing and also including Wheel Tools, are available through the NEWFC website (link in bio).
Merch sales fund Scholarship Tickets. We've awarded one so far, 9 to go! Reach out through the Contact Page if you are interested in becoming a part of the Wood Firing Community and are interested in a Scholarship Ticket. Hope to see you kilnside this June!

Hey Folks, my freind and fellow potter Lillann Ulverud will be joing us to present as the keynote speaker for the New En...

Hey Folks, my freind and fellow potter Lillann Ulverud will be joing us to present as the keynote speaker for the New England Wood Firing Conference
Lillann writes,"I am a MA- student from the University of Southeast Norway, campus Notodden. My MA research is focused on pedagogic practices in woodfiring and how knowledge is shared and learned in the woodfiring community. I will absolutely talk about the results of my MA when I come to the greatest conference ever! New England Wood Firing Conference 2023!
While doing my Master studies, I have been working as an art educator in a middle school. I am a part of the woodfiring community in Larvik, Norway. For the past seven years I have fired the Northern hemispheres’ largest anagama, “Kjærrahvalen”. The anagama stands as a functional sculpture in Kjærra Fossepark, in Larvik Norway. Once a year we fill the anagama with more than a thousand objects. Firing it up to cone twelve or thirteen with about forty cubic meters of firewood. This woodfiring has been the engine to my creative work since I graduated from “Clay, Art and Design1” at Notodden in 2017. I get inspired by the woodfiring community, the flames, and the learning experiences I get through the social interactions between the artists in the woodfiring community which I am a part of.
My pieces are all woodfired together with other artists. I see the process of firing a kiln as a learning experience. The kiln craves attention and communication between itself and the ones who fire it. It needs all our attention to create objects with the qualities that we hope to achieve. When firing my work with other artists' pots and sculptures, my vessels capture the shadows of other pots, flashing from other artists' firing techniques, and colors, glazes and engobes, leaving a trace of the other artists. Therefore transferring my way of working in a social creative community of artists on to my vessels. I love woodfiring! See you all in June =)"
I hope you'll join us to fire in June! All my Best, Trevor


Hey Folks, here's an upbeat video that was produced by Kiichi Takeuchi of . Kiichi is a key member of our stoke crew as well as our New England Wood Firing Conference Tech. We finished up this firing last Friday and plan to unload this coming Saturday. Can't wait. If you are interested in wood firing with a stoke crew, the conference is a cost effective way to connect with one of New England's most unique creative practices. Check out the website (link in bio). I hope you'll join us.
Pictured in this vid: .birks
Best, Trev

Hey Folks,We're continuing to spread the word about the New England Wood Firing Conference.  Coming up this  late June a...

Hey Folks,We're continuing to spread the word about the New England Wood Firing Conference. Coming up this late June and early July, we'll be firing 9 Host Kilns throughout New England and gathering for Conference activities in the New Haven area. One of our prosenters is Loren Scherbak. Loren solo-fires and has a wealth of information to share with us all.
Loren explains, "I built a Bourry Box kiln in 2005 to fit my postage stamp house and yard. I wanted to minimize my impact on the environment by using wood from my neighborhood that would otherwise be taken to the landfill. I limit the smoke emissions from the kiln with an eye toward my neighbors who are 5 feet from my chimney, and the Elementary School that is half a block away. I have learned how to use all my senses to assess the process. I have been firing my kiln solo for almost five years now. I figured out how to do this and not abuse my middle aged body. I am experiencing the blossoming of my own voice in clay through this totally immersive art practice."
You are welcome to join us as the Conference is for everyone, first timers and experienced stokers are welcome! Check out the site, link in bio. Have a splendid day!


Hey folks, is now live! Feel free to check out the site and consider joining us June/July 2023. We have nine participating host kilns for the conference week a-la-carte tour and a weekend of wood-firing related festivities planned for the New Haven area of connecticut. All the juicy details are at



Woodbridge, Court


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