LDV7 Executive Chauffeurs Limited

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LDV7 Executive Chauffeurs Limited Punctual, attentive, safe and professional chauffeur service in London and England. You will get to

Bridge  #2 London Bridge 🚗✨ Rolling through London’s streets and couldn’t pass up the chance to chat about the famous Lo...

Bridge #2 London Bridge 

🚗✨ Rolling through London’s streets and couldn’t pass up the chance to chat about the famous London Bridge! 🌉

Now, here's a fun fact to dazzle your passengers: the current London Bridge was built in 1973, but did you know its predecessor was sold and shipped off to the USA? That’s right, the 1831 version of London Bridge is now chilling in Lake Havasu City, Arizona. Talk about a bridge with a passport! 🛫🌎

Rumor has it, the buyer thought he was getting Tower Bridge instead. Oops! 😂 But hey, who wouldn’t want a piece of London history, right?

So, next time you cruise over London Bridge, remember it’s not just a river crossing – it’s a globe-trotting legend! 🚖🔔

Why Do Pubs Have So Many Flowers? 🌸🍻Ever wonder why pubs are blooming with flowers? The answer is rooted in history, cen...

Why Do Pubs Have So Many Flowers? 🌸🍻

Ever wonder why pubs are blooming with flowers? The answer is rooted in history, centuries deep! 🌿

Back in the day, people loved a good drink (some things never change, right? 😉), but not everyone was literate enough to read signs. So, how did you know where to grab a pint? Simple! Pub owners would deck out their establishments with juniper branches. Spot a building with juniper? You knew there was booze inside! 🍸

Fast forward to today—while we’re all a bit more literate now, the tradition of decorating pubs lives on. The juniper has been swapped out for all sorts of lovely flowers, but the message remains the same: If you see a building bursting with blooms, there’s a good chance you can grab a drink inside! 🌺🍺

Cheers to history and a good drink! 🥂

Bridge  #1: Tower Bridge 🌉I’m excited to kick off a new series where I introduce you to the bridges of London, starting ...

Bridge #1: Tower Bridge 🌉

I’m excited to kick off a new series where I introduce you to the bridges of London, starting with one of the most iconic: Tower Bridge!

Taking a detour from chauffeuring through London’s bustling streets to give a shoutout to this stunning landmark.

Did you know this beauty isn’t just for looks? Built between 1886 and 1894, Tower Bridge is a working drawbridge that opens about 1,000 times a year. That's right—this Victorian marvel lifts to let tall ships pass through and is still going strong!

Legend has it, if you look closely at the bridge’s towers, you might just see a Victorian-era engineer waving back at you. Or maybe it’s just a pigeon with an attitude—who knows? 😂

Next time you’re cruising across it, take a moment to appreciate this architectural gem... and maybe honk twice for history! 🚖🔔

Happy moments of my customers are the magic points in my day-to-day work. Recently, I received a special request to meet...

Happy moments of my customers are the magic points in my day-to-day work. Recently, I received a special request to meet a customer at the airport with flowers, and I organized it with joy. 🌸✈️

🇷🇺 RU BELOWIn the span of one week, I had two occasions when customers with spare time asked me to take them around Lond...


In the span of one week, I had two occasions when customers with spare time asked me to take them around London for a small tour. I'm not a professional guide, but I showed them Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, Downing Street, and Trafalgar Square. 🏰🏛️

I told them stories about why London was created, why we have two taps in the sink, and why pubs are decorated with flowers. They learned about the Blackwall Tunnel, the history before Admiral Nelson's statue, and which church inspired wedding cakes. They were thrilled with my stories! 😊
Always happy to share info about our amazing city. Do you think it's worth being a chauffeur with touristic knowledge of London? 🚗✨

С   разницей в неделю в моей машине оказались 2 пары туристов, которые располагали временем и попросили меня немного познакомить их с городом. Я показал им стандартный набор достопримечательностей - Букингемский дворец, здание парламента, забор резиденции премьер министра, Трафальгарскую площадь, Тауэрский мост. Кроме того я поведал кто и зачем основал Лондон, почему здесь 2 крана в раковинах, пабы увешаны цветами и старый туннель под Темзой изогнут как змея. Рассказал историю Тауэра и как один из мостов через Темзу переехал на другой континент , показал церковь, подарившую свою форму свадебным тортам по всему миру. Пассажиры были довольны, ведь я всегда рад рассказать что-то интересное, а как вам кажется должен ли шофёр обладать знаниями гида и быть интересным для туристов?

Shoutout to Fawkham tyres for not just keeping my wheels rolling smoothly, but also for doubling as a kids' museum and p...

Shoutout to Fawkham tyres for not just keeping my wheels rolling smoothly, but also for doubling as a kids' museum and playground! Where else can you get a history lesson while your tires get changed?

Central London offers a myriad of intriguing sights. From the iconic, shimmering Elizabeth Tower to the unique architect...

Central London offers a myriad of intriguing sights. From the iconic, shimmering Elizabeth Tower to the unique architectural marvel of the 'melted building,' and the thought-provoking depiction of a Kalashnikov on the flag of Mozambique, there's always something fascinating to discover.

London, like any lively city, has its beauty, soul, and sense of humor. Recently, I spotted a few proofs of how London c...

London, like any lively city, has its beauty, soul, and sense of humor. Recently, I spotted a few proofs of how London can be funny in its jokes:

The wind can be so strong that it bends street lamps.

When I was a child and read books, I thought parrots in trees were a sign of a tropical forest. London can showcase this as well.

Fortnum and Mason's shop tries to explain to the wider society that the thinking of men and women differs.

Just an advert on the London streets and funny dog

Experience seamless chauffeuring for every occasion! Whether it's an airport transfer, a crucial business meeting, or ex...

Experience seamless chauffeuring for every occasion! Whether it's an airport transfer, a crucial business meeting, or exploring the beauty of London and the UK, I am dedicated to providing you with unparalleled comfort, smooth drives, and a friendly, polite attitude. Your needs are my priority. Feel free to reach out directly – let's elevate your journey together!

#таксивлондоне #такси

🇷🇺 RU BELOWAs 2023 comes to an end, I'm savoring its last moments with my family. I've sent warm wishes to my dear custo...

As 2023 comes to an end, I'm savoring its last moments with my family. I've sent warm wishes to my dear customers who supported me throughout the year and motivated me to move forward. I wish you and your loved ones strong health, love, peace, and the achievement of all goals, no matter how amusing they may be. The best gift from you would be a recommendation of my services to your friends, and I'd be more than happy to assist. Happy New Year!!!!! Yours truly, Alex.

2023 подходит к концу и провожая его в кругу близких, я с благодарностью вспоминаю моих дорогих клиентов, которые поддерживали меня и мотивировали двигаться вперёд. Желаю вам и вашим близким крепкого здоровья, любви, мира в семье и вокруг вас, а так же исполнения любых мечт какими бы безумными они ни казались. Благодарю вас за поддержку, а лучшим подарком от вас может быть рекомендация моих услуг вашим друзьям и близким, вы знаете всегда рад помочь! С Наступающим 2024 , искренне ваш Александр! 🥳

December always brings the rush of New Year celebrations and our traditional family photo session. Kids grow up fast, an...

December always brings the rush of New Year celebrations and our traditional family photo session. Kids grow up fast, and it's always delightful to cherish heart-touching moments when I'm not wearing the tie and work suit. Being together with my amazing kids and gorgeous wife is a joy. As I look at myself, I realize how much work needs to be done to take up less space in next year's photos.

Yesterday, my job took me to the area of Coventry Airport when I accidentally found the Midland Air Museum. Thank you fo...

Yesterday, my job took me to the area of Coventry Airport when I accidentally found the Midland Air Museum. Thank you for the interesting stories from Roger, who knows the history of every aircraft in the exhibition. It was a breathtaking experience sitting inside a nuclear bomb carrier aircraft, thankfully never used for its intended purpose. If you're not far from Coventry, I would recommend visiting such an interesting museum.

Somewhere near Heathrow airport....

Somewhere near Heathrow airport....

Escape from non-seasonal London for a winter getaway in Latvia. #безфильтров  #зима    #таксивлондоне

Escape from non-seasonal London for a winter getaway in Latvia.
#безфильтров #зима #таксивлондоне

So many small things can be seen day by day: an autumn maple leaf on the windscreen of my car, bear signs on the lorry's...

So many small things can be seen day by day: an autumn maple leaf on the windscreen of my car, bear signs on the lorry's door, and the miracle of a blue sky in London.

#безфильтров #таксивлондоне #такси #вечер

Sunshine always nice

Sunshine always nice

You can see in London cars with different engines. Diesel, petrol, electric and something nee pokemonengine

You can see in London cars with different engines. Diesel, petrol, electric and something nee pokemonengine

Touch of American dinner on A303

Touch of American dinner on A303

Today, I strolled around the Sevenoaks area to distribute my leaflets to the mailboxes of local residents. Along the way...

Today, I strolled around the Sevenoaks area to distribute my leaflets to the mailboxes of local residents. Along the way, I spotted a few hilarious house decorations. Which one tickled your funny bone the most? (Please note, strong language has been used!)

After many years as a taxi driver, I've categorized my airport customers into three distinct groups:The "Dancing Testost...

After many years as a taxi driver, I've categorized my airport customers into three distinct groups:

The "Dancing Testosterone" Folks: These individuals are so caught up in their fast-paced lives that they arrive at the airport just a few minutes before check-in closes. Their flights always teeter on the edge of "to be or not to be."

The "Balanced" Travelers: These people plan their airport journey meticulously, arriving well in advance to avoid any airport or road-related stress or delays. They typically show up even before the check-in counter opens.

The "Wisdom Age" Explorers: This group, mostly composed of pensioners, is the epitome of calm and preparation. They book a hotel near the airport the night before their flight and, on the following day, arrive at the terminal without a hint of stress.

But today, amidst the bustling streets of London, I encountered a passenger who seemed to be the most prepared person on the planet, transporting a Christmas tree on a beautiful, sunny day in September. It was a delightful and unexpected twist in my long career as a taxi driver!

this positive dog brings an autumn to London

this positive dog brings an autumn to London

Another day, another

Another day, another


Today, 16 years ago, we embarked on a journey of eternal love and commitment, exchanging vows that forever united our so...

Today, 16 years ago, we embarked on a journey of eternal love and commitment, exchanging vows that forever united our souls as husband and wife. Reflecting upon that moment, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for your youthful spirit, boundless optimism, and daring courage that led you to embrace my proposal and join me on this wondrous path of life. Our marriage, akin to a treasured ancient vase, has grown more delicate over time, and in its fragility lies a profound and priceless beauty. Like a fine wine, our bond has matured, gaining depth and richness with each passing year. In the tapestry of our everyday existence, I am endlessly enchanted by your grace, your enchanting allure, and the wellspring of wisdom that you bring into our shared world. With a heart brimming with love, I celebrate this anniversary, cherishing the remarkable journey we've undertaken together. Here's to us, to our enduring love, and to the countless chapters that lie ahead. Happy anniversary, my beloved!

16лет назад мы ответила Да на главнейший вопрос и стали мужем и женой. Я безумно счастлив, что ты была столь молода, оптимистична и легкомысленна ответив согласием на моё предложение идти вместе по дороге жизни. Замужество как античная ваза с годами становится более хрупкой и от этого бесценной. Оно как вино с годами становится насыщенней и вкуснее. Я безумно счастлив, что кажый день могу наслаждаться твоей красотой, чувстом юмора и мудростью. С каждым годом я люблю тебя всё больше и больше, с годовщиной!!!

#годовщина #свадьба #Лондон

Unfortunately, the reason for my visit wasn't bright. However, it's always nice to visit a garage that looks like a muse...

Unfortunately, the reason for my visit wasn't bright. However, it's always nice to visit a garage that looks like a museum and is ready to help with a puncture. Thank you, Falkham Tyres, for your assistance.

Our lives are full of different unpredictable coincidences. When we witness two events unexpectedly far from each other,...

Our lives are full of different unpredictable coincidences. When we witness two events unexpectedly far from each other, we are always amazed when life constructs a small bridge between them, creating a complete picture from odd puzzle pieces.

Later in the morning, everyone who should be at their workplace is already there, and the job of a taxi driver becomes quiet. I received a job from a peaceful and prestigious part of historical Victoria: a tall flat house made of red brick with large windows. I met my customer—an elderly English lady. She was elegantly dressed, had a well-maintained figure, and her grey haircut accentuated the magical beauty of her age. She requested a trip to Wimbledon. I am not an expert in every woman's secret, especially when it comes to their age, but I believe the lady was in her 70s. As we started conversing, she asked the standard questions about where I am from and how long I have been living in the UK. I don't put enough effort, and my Russian accent always accompanies me (I don't even want to think about how strange I may sound to native English speakers). Afterward, she told me about the purpose of her trip. We were headed to the oncology clinic. The lady was undergoing cancer treatment for the third time. I was amazed by her moral strength and her confidence that everything would be okay. I had mixed emotions due to the situation, but for her, it was just a part of life. I dropped her off outside the clinic, we bid farewell, and she gave me some coins as a tip. When she disappeared behind the door, I examined the coins she had given me and was astonished. Among the coins, I spotted the 50 pence coin commemorating "The Battle of Britain." I still keep this coin as a symbol of unwavering determination, reminding me that everyone has their own battles to be won. I hope she emerged victorious for the third time as well.

Thank you  , for amazing cake for celebration of our son's birthday! Everything was very tasty apart from the plate. Nic...

Thank you , for amazing cake for celebration of our son's birthday! Everything was very tasty apart from the plate. Nice cake, natural ingridients, customer friendly packaging and of course magical macaroons.

End of WWII - 9th of May. Great day we must remember that heroic people who took fight and who gave their lives for us.🇷...

End of WWII - 9th of May. Great day we must remember that heroic people who took fight and who gave their lives for us.

🇷🇺 Великий день победы - 9 мая. Мы всегда будем помнить подвиг тех, кто воевал чтобы уничтожить бесчеловечный нацистский режим. Вечная память героям!!!

Ма-ла-дец! Дец как мало....Спустя всего 19 лет, снова встретился с  . Другая страна, иначе выглядим, но так же молоды в ...

Ма-ла-дец! Дец как мало....

Спустя всего 19 лет, снова встретился с . Другая страна, иначе выглядим, но так же молоды в душе!

#слепаков #квн #такси #таксивлондоне

Some places in London and around.

Some places in London and around.




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