I'm going to be honest here - wreaths have been pretty difficult for me, this season.
I have some amazing, beautiful material to work with, perfect white Christmas vibes, music and conditions to work in ... Everything is really lovely.
But to anyone that spends a lot of time inside your mind, the perfect outside conditions do not equal a great overall experience. And no, you cannot work yourself to happiness, or just work harder to accomplish your dreams. So when the time comes (ahem, now), when there are many, many things to do all at once, and orders to fill, it's a sink or swim moment.
This time of wintry weather, frozen grounds, and inside work, is necessary. For some, it seems like the work is always internal, always mental and always spiritual. But I'm confident that's why God gave us Spring.
I want to be real about this business, and the inner workings of it. The flowers and the products are the face of it all, but I am the human that works it all (of course, by the doing of our Creator), and sometimes it gets really ..... Heavy.
We often forget about those seeds that need to be sown in the winter, as they need that cold period. There are many seeds that are being sown in my life right now, and though the toil in the ground is strenuous, the spring yield is always beautiful.
So, for all you reading this, I hope that whatever season of life you are in, you know that there is a reason for it all.
Forget the front that people put up, and don't feel pressured to perform over your means, this holiday season. The outside conditions may be idyllic, but without a heart of peace, it's really difficult to navigate seasons when everything is expected to be one way.
Happy holidays, friends! I wish you all the best, today, and throughout this season 💗
❤️🐦 Esther
P.s, I wanted to share these lovely wreaths. Preorders from yesterday's deliveries 🥰