It’s been a few weeks and I’m overflowing with gratitude to God and my tight-knit crew of friends. After a year and a half grappling with a rare tumor, my doctors delivered the fantastic news: I’m off the meds! Being 5460 km away from my family hasn’t been a breeze without their comforting presence. Huge shoutout to my amazing village of friends who made sure I never felt alone – they were my ride or die crew, always there for hospital trips, treatments, and even just a chat to calm my medical fears. I owe them big time for their rock-solid support – I wouldn’t be here without them! Here’s to living life to the fullest, staying on top of those check-ups, and giving major props to my docs who never gave up on me. Cheers to life!
And hey, don’t forget to check in on those friends who are always there with a smile and a helping hand. Sometimes, they’re fighting silent battles of their own. It’s all about being there for each other, no matter what.