Vin la Werk

Vin la Werk prezentare de vinuri


Dear Friends,

🍺If you're looking for a great way to experience amazing craft beer and a stunning view, then join us for the upcoming Werk to Beer Boutique Event WERK Hotel & Spa .

prezentare de vinuri

🥂Thank you for your presence and help. Thank you for being part of this unique project!Hărău Eleonora Carmen , WERK Hote...

🥂Thank you for your presence and help. Thank you for being part of this unique project!

Hărău Eleonora Carmen , WERK Hotel & Spa Nicu Tone Crama Takacs Aiud Villa Vinèa Crama Andronic Marrianne Wine Cristian Jugrestan Pivnitele Birauas Crama Feredeu Casa de vinuri Zaig, Teaca, Bistrita-Nasaud Valea Ascunsă - vin de Teaca
Tiberiu Onuțu Atlasul Vinului Românesc

We also thank all those who crossed our doorstep.
We will definitely see each other again in September, but until then you will have some more surprises.🥂



A successful afternoon full of stories and good wines.Cin-Cin!

A successful afternoon full of stories and good wines.

About yesterday...We spent a wonderful afternoon with wonderful people and learned the stories behind some special winer...

About yesterday...
We spent a wonderful afternoon with wonderful people and learned the stories behind some special wineries in Romania.
Today will be a day full of symposiums and workshops. Learn about wines and become a connoisseur. We look forward to welcoming you to the Werk Hotel.
Come to Werk!
Cin-Cin!🥂 WERK Hotel & Spa

Argilla it’s here  …..                  WERK Hotel & SpaVilla Vinèa

Argilla it’s here …..
WERK Hotel & SpaVilla Vinèa

We are here and we are starting the first edition of Vin la Werk. Snow, snow, go away...We are waiting for you to taste ...

We are here and we are starting the first edition of Vin la Werk.
Snow, snow, go away...
We are waiting for you to taste exceptional wines, starting at 2 p.m.
Free entrance.
WERK Hotel & Spa

INTRARE LIBERA|FREE ENTRANCEWERK HOTEL AND SPACIN-CIN!🥂🍾Uncork the ultimate wine tasting experience.Join us for a free w...


🍾Uncork the ultimate wine tasting experience.
Join us for a free wine tasting event in an amazing location.
Unwind and sample some of the finest wines from around the country.
Come taste the finest wines and make unforgettable memories Friday Saturday and Sunday! WERK Hotel & Spa

Pivnitele Birăuaș is a winery where tradition makes the best melange with the passion of a dedicated team. We are locate...

Pivnitele Birăuaș is a winery where tradition makes the best melange with the passion of a dedicated team. We are located in the middle of the wine-growing Transylvania, where we enjoy the rich history of the land, the fantastic area of ​​Miniș known for its special properties, attested since 1798.
Let’s honor this area…
WERK Hotel & Spa

“Wine, like food, is so emotional. If you think about it, so much of the courting ritual is surrounded by wine and food....

“Wine, like food, is so emotional. If you think about it, so much of the courting ritual is surrounded by wine and food. There's a built-in romance to wine.”
WERK Hotel & Spa

În cadrul evenimentului de wine tasting de la  WERK Hotel & Spa aveți ocazia să participati la un simpozion unic prezent...

În cadrul evenimentului de wine tasting de la WERK Hotel & Spa aveți ocazia să participati la un simpozion unic prezentat de Tiberiu Onuțu.
“Sâmbătă 8 aprilie ne vedem la Hotel Werk. Discutăm despre spumante, în general, și despre cele românești, în special. Spumante obținute prin metoda tradițională, Charmat și ancestrală. Spumante obținute, în special, din soiuri românești. Am pentru participanți informații inedite”
🥂Vreți sa degustați și sa învățați spumantele?

Simpozionul se va desfășura în sala de conferințe a hotelului începând cu ora 13, tariful este de 80 de lei de persoana . Pentru cei interesați de aceasta experiența așteptam un DM.

⏳There is little time left🏰You cannot miss this wonderful place, it will take your breath away🥂Wine tasting with free en...

⏳There is little time left
🏰You cannot miss this wonderful place, it will take your breath away
🥂Wine tasting with free entry, what could be nicer on a holiday weekend…
🍷I greet you Werk even from Timisoara
Thank you Marrianne Wine for this picture
WERK Hotel & Spa

You only live once—so drink great wine.Cin-Cin!🥂              WERK Hotel & Spa

You only live once—so drink great wine.
WERK Hotel & Spa

📚A bottle of wine contains more philosophy than all the books in the world. – Louis PasteurLet's read a bottle together…...

📚A bottle of wine contains more philosophy than all the books in the world. – Louis Pasteur

Let's read a bottle together…Cin-Cin!🥂

WERK Hotel & Spa

“One should always be drunk. That's all that matters...But with what? With wine, with poetry, or with virtue, as you cho...

“One should always be drunk. That's all that matters...But with what? With wine, with poetry, or with virtue, as you chose. But get drunk.”
WERK Hotel & Spa

🍇The Feredeu Winery - with only 3 hectares continues the tradition of winemaking from the Ciurdariu family - from the to...

🍇The Feredeu Winery - with only 3 hectares continues the tradition of winemaking from the Ciurdariu family - from the town of Șiria Arad - represents the return to an ancient taste, before technology, from the time when craft was more important than the safety of standardization.
It's exactly the kind of wine you can turn to with confidence, regardless of the consumption occasion.

WERK Hotel & Spa

It's like a love story…💐Bouquet, " dragoste la prima vedere".    Povestea începe în septembrie 2020, în localitatea Ceha...

It's like a love story…

💐Bouquet, " dragoste la prima vedere".
Povestea începe în septembrie 2020, în localitatea Cehal, cam la 40 de km de Vinăria Jugrestan.
Aflându-mă pe domeniul domnului Mureșan Vasile pentru achiziții, am observat câteva rânduri de Viță de Vie cu struguri de o culoare extraordinară. În acel moment am fost cuprins de un sentiment pătrunzător, dar în același timp și grăitor. Și uite așa, mă plimbam în sus și-n jos printre rânduri admirând minunatele poame. M-au convins, astfel încât am luat cu mine o cantitate mică pentru a vinifica în premieră "Traminer Roz".
În aprilie 2021 am îmbuteliat cele 215 sticle, pe care le consideram pe fiecare în parte câte un buchet de trandafiri. Normal că și eticheta trebuia să fie ceva aparte.
De îndată ce au înflorit măceșii, am purces la drum spre Hunedoara, iar de pe dealurile Clujului am cules petalele de roze împreună cu o prietenă bună pe nume Mea. Ziua următoare, dis de dimineață am pornit către Ribicioara la meșterul hârtier Razvan Supuran . A doua zi s-a făurit hârtia, mai apoi sculptarea în lemn a matriței și pregătirea tiparniței.

"Bouquet" este o experiență unică și eternă.

Photo by: Lucienne Buga Photography

🌿Valea Ascunsa is a secluded, even wild place, surrounded by forested hills." Ascunsa" as we like to call it popularly i...

🌿Valea Ascunsa is a secluded, even wild place, surrounded by forested hills." Ascunsa" as we like to call it popularly is the perfect place to disconnect from everyday life, from the media, the place where nature expresses itself through all its powers .

🥂 Cin-Cin!

WERK Hotel & Spa

“Accept what life offers you and try to drink from every cup. All wines should be tasted; some should only be sipped, bu...

“Accept what life offers you and try to drink from every cup. All wines should be tasted; some should only be sipped, but with others, drink the whole bottle.”


WERK Hotel & Spa

“Give me books, Romanian wine, fruit, fine weather and a little music played out of doors by somebody I do not know.”   ...

“Give me books, Romanian wine, fruit, fine weather and a little music played out of doors by somebody I do not know.”

WERK Hotel & Spa

📜Our story began in 2010, out of passion and love for wine and the Romanian lands.The hills of Șiria are the hills that ...

📜Our story began in 2010, out of passion and love for wine and the Romanian lands.The hills of Șiria are the hills that protect us.

☀️In Podrumu lu' Gurban, wine becomes poetry when the sun enters the vineyard!

WERK Hotel & Spa
Podrumu' lu' Gurban

Specially selected lots that are not only with aging potential, but also with family value. Very limited series...Let’s ...

Specially selected lots that are not only with aging potential, but also with family value. Very limited series...
Let’s play a game: Have you ever!
Have you ever tasted

We’ll be there,in a Prosecco!  🥂Vin la Werk | 7-9 Aprilie🍾Merotto

We’ll be there,in a Prosecco!

🥂Vin la Werk | 7-9 Aprilie





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