Blessings, Beautiful Souls, As we step into a new year, our hearts are overflowing with gratitude.
For you, our Family - all listeners, supporters, and kindred spirits who have shared meditation, song and ceremony with us, we thank you all. Your presence, your resonance, and your light inspire us beyond words.
We give thanks to the lands that have welcomed us, sharing wisdom, and reminding us we are all connected through this beautiful web of life, whispering through us, singing their sacred songs through our hearts to yours.
We honour and celebrate the teachers who have appeared, in form and in spirit, guiding us with truth, love, and clarity. Giving thanks also to the minds, hands and hearts that have helped us bring our sound to the world. And above all, we give infinite thanks to the life force that flows through all things. The great breath of creation, the sacred light that connects us all as One, this force that moves us to create, to sing, to serve, and to love.
As we step into this new year, may we all stay guided by our hearts.
Together let’s welcome another year of sacred sound, family, love and connection to the Earth and All Life.�With endless love and blessings,
You are Love, You are Light
We are One.�
Chantress Seba�
Gemini & Finn
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